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Roman Theme For Your Wedding.

Brides Dress.

The toga style dress would be the obvious choice for this style of wedding. The colour would usually be white, a colour which was considered a of celebratory colour in Roman culture. Romans were particularly fond of the colour's red, gold and purple so you could choose these colour's to trim the dress. The toga was usually fastened at the waist with a braided cord with the ends hanging down at one side, a gold braided cord would look very good, particularly so if it were matched by a gold laurel wreath tiara Sandals were the universal footwear for most Romans.

The bridesmaids should wear a similar style dress, perhaps off white and with not as much trim as the brides dress, and maybe floral head pieces

The Groom.

The groom could wear a full length tunic again trimmed in red purple or gold, with perhaps boots instead of sandals.

The best man and ushers could wear similar but with less ornamentation. Another possibility would be for the groom to dress as a centurion with the best man and ushers as soldiers, or the groom as the emperor the best man as a centurion and the ushers as soldiers.


Roman invitations would naturally have to be in the form of a scroll, complete with sealing wax, these would have to be posted as parcel's in cardboard tubes to protect them.

Wedding Decorations.

Finding a reception venue that resembles a Roman villa could be a bit of a problem especially in Ireland. You could decorate the venue with Roman columns, large marble or marble effect urns and perhaps a sundial

The Menu.

The Romans enjoyed a extensive choice of food imported from across the empire, we are currently researching the Roman diet and will post our findings here soon.


In Roman times the main musical instruments were the lute, kithara (a forerunner of the guitar) Panpipes, harp, drums and the timpani. During feasts Romans would sometimes have jugglers, acrobats and often poets. Try our music and entertainers page.


A chariot would be appropriate, finding one might be a little difficult.

Wedding budget spreadsheet.

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