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Sunday 23 March 2025

Camelot Weddings Theme.

Camelot Theme for your Wedding.

Other Themes.

What could more romantic than idea of Camelot the mythical court of king Arthur and his queen Guinevere surrounded by their knights of the round table, led by Sir Lancelot, who in most peoples minds would be the archetypal knight in shining armour.

You could let your imagination run riot with this royal theme If you rent out some of these videos you will doubtless get a wealth of ideas, Harry Potter, First Knight, Camelot, The Mists of Avalon.


Your invitations would have to be rolled scrolls on parchment type paper, and sealed with traditional sealing wax and stamped with a royal seal.

Talk to your stationer about including a coat of arms or heraldic shields on the invitations, you may have to employ a calligrapher to do these by hand

Wedding Attire.

For this wedding use bright vibrant colours, your dress should be cotehardie's style, with a long train attached to the waist, you could wear a cape in satin or crushed velvet. With a jeweled tiara or crown. Braided or platted hair would have been popular at this time.

Your bouquet should be wild native flowers pansies, primroses, forget-me-not's, violets or sweet peas. It was not unusual for herbs to be included in the bouquet, in fact some herbs were considered as beneficial in warding off evil spirits.

The bridesmaids could be similarly dressed to you but without the train. Their head dresses could be made from wildflowers and ivy, with matching bouquets.

The grooms attire should consist of dark close fitting trousers, or preferably tights, with long leather boots, he could wear a knee length tunic, with a long cape. He should wear a sword and carry a shield decorated preferably with his family crest.

The Best man and ushers would dress similarly to the groom except that they would not wear a crown, and their capes would not be made from as rich a material as the groom's

Venue & Decoration's

To find a venue try our page unusual venues you may find something to suit, Tintagel in Cornwall is the place that is usually associated with Camelot. So assuming you have found a venue you may wish to add some items to make it more authentic. Here are some suggestions. Try the wedding hire page to find props to decorate your venue

If you can borrow or .hire some old tapestries to hang on the wall, along with heraldic flags, these would definately add to the period feel.

Large iron candle holders freestanding and hanging would be another desirable addition.

Tables and Centrepiece's

The top table for this theme would just have to be round. The rest of the tables could be oblong with bench like seats, although you may wish to forego this for the sake of your guests comfort. If you can get tables with plank type tops these would look best.

The bride and groom should drink from silver goblets. Each table could have an iron candelabra decorated with flowers and ivy

The Menu.

The menu could consist of roast venison, beef or pork, vegetables would be potatoes, although strictly speaking the poatoe didn't reach these shores until the 1500's, turnips, carrots, parsnips, and onions, exotic vegetable newly introduced to the country would not be used.

If bread were served it would be basked from unrefined flower, sugar was not available at this time sweetness in the kitchen was achieved by the use of honey, so plan your menu accordingly.

You could serve wines ales and honey mead. Tea and coffee were unknown at this time the everyday drink was beer. You could also serve apple cider and apple juice.


Merlin was a central character at the court of King Arthur, why not consider hiring a magician and getting him to dress up as Merlin and perform his act for your guests.

You could also hire musicians and entertainers who have acts which and play music contemporary with the time. It might also be a good idea to have a herald to play a trumpet and announce the events during the wedding. Try this section of our site for a toastmaster who may be willing to take on this role.

Wedding budget spreadsheet.

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