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Friday 21 March 2025

For Weddings in Ireland.

Victorian Wedding Theme.

Brides Dress.

The Victorians seen white both as a sign of purity and of wealth, showing that you could afford a dress that would be worn only once. It is from this time that we get the tradition of the once worn wedding dress, previously the bride may have had a new dress for her wedding but she would wear it as her good dress after the wedding.

Queen Victoria was the trend setter, her influence can still be seen in weddings today, at this time Battenburg lace became popular, probably Prince Albert's influence here

Hat and gloves were worn as a matter of course at all times in society circles, so these were mandatory for the wedding. The bride would normally wear a long veil held in place by a tiara or more usually a crown of flowers

The standard footwear at the time was high lace or button up shoes for the ladies and shoes with spats for the gentlemen.


The formal invitation cards that are in use today with cooper plate style calligraphy would be exactly what was used in Victorian times.

Victorian Venue.

Finding a venue for a Victorian style wedding shouldn't be a problem as the era has so recently past. In fact many of us live in houses that were built during this time, and many of the larger ones have been converted into hotels. Many of these hotels have retained musch of the original decor and furnishing.

The Victorian Menu.


Victorian Reception.

The Victorian reception was a fairly formal affair particularly so in the higher strata of society, the reception would often take place in the brides family home, and was probably seen as an opportunity to display the family's position and wealth.

Wedding budget spreadsheet.

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