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Sunday 23 March 2025

For Weddings in Ireland.

Medieval Wedding Theme.

.Medieval themes would appear to be the most popular at the present time, within this overall theme there are so many options, you could have A Midsummer Night theme with a forest feast, served by fairies, you could be a medieval princess marrying in a castle. The possibilities are limited only by your imagination.

Invitations for this theme would be rolled scroll on parchment paper sealed with sealing wax, and posted in a cardboard tube.

The Venue.

To find a Medieval venue try our unusual venues page, there are a few hotels based in castles which offer Mediaeval banquets, if you find one of these it will most likely be equipped with period furnishings, wall hangings etc, and the staff may be dressed in period costume.

Many of the customs and traditions contained in today's we

ddings can be traced to medieval times. On our wedding traditions page you can read about many of the traditions rituals and superstitions which have evolved over the centuries.

For ideas on costumes and items to use to decorate the venue why not rent our some videos such as Elizabeth, Harry Potter, and Ever After. For costumes visit the wedding hire page to find a supplier.


Wedding Attire.


Venue & Decoration's

Mediaeval Banquet.

Medieval feasts were grand affairs in the extreme, each course was in reality a meal in its self (If you visit this page you can read in detail about a medieval feast.)

It was at this time that Sotelties (Scenes or sculptures made with food.) And Warners (Disguised food.) During this time food was often served on trenchers which were in fact disposable or eatable bread plates


Tables and Centrepiece's


The Menu.

Mediaeval Banquet.

Medieval feasts were grand affairs in the extreme, each course was in reality a meal in its self (If you visit this page you can read in detail about a medieval feast.)

It was at this time that Sotelties (Scenes or sculptures made with food.) And Warners (Disguised food.) During this time food was often served on trenchers which were in fact disposable or eatable bread plates

Wedding budget spreadsheet.

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