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Saturday 22 March 2025

For Weddings in Ireland.

Traditional Irish Wedding theme.

In America were several million of the population are of Irish ancestry, weddings with an Irish flavor are very popular. If you are thinking of an Irish theme you need to decide on a period, going back to pre Christian times before the early 400's Ireland was almost entirely Pagan, and little is known about this period, the country was divided into many small kingdoms or Tuaths each of which was preside over by a king or clan chief, these providential kings in many cases owed allegiance to over lord or high king. Each of these kings maintained within his court Druids bards and musicians the latter usually being harpers. A wedding themed strictly to this early period would essential be non Christian and as such it would be unlikely you would find a Christian minister who would be willing to participate.



Written invitations were in early times as unnecessary as they were impossible, the majority of ordinary people living out their lives within a few miles of their birth place, the exception being the ruling class and soldiers who would have at times traveled considerable distances. Within communities word of mouth was the only form of communication. This isn't to say they didn't employed some form of symbolism to announce a forthcoming wedding, the fact is we really don't know.

Today of course invitations can't be dispensed with so a good compromise would be to use parchment type paper handwritten these could be posted flat, or for better effect you could have them rolled, sealed with sealing wax and a ribbon, posting them in a cardboard tube, the cost of the latter would naturally be significantly higher.

Wedding Attire.


Venue & Decoration's



Tables and Centerpiece's


The Menu.

If you present your guests with a meal that strictly adheres to the early Irish diet, they will in all possibility not be impressed. Having said that they did have a considerable range of food available to them, the Celts would most likely have introduced many herbs from Europe. What they ate would have been directly linked to the seasons, most of the vegetables we use today were unknown to them, as was the potato and sugar both of which were comparative latecomers, honey would have been used as a sweetener.

The diet would have been cereal based, with meat and poultry both wild and domesticated, together with fish and shellfish. The meat would have in most cases spit roasted, although the Celts are said to have boiled some of their food in clay lined pits, the water being boiled by placing heated stones in the water. A form of cooking apparently used until quite recently (Late 1800's) by itinerant farm workers was to take a hen complete with feathers, roll it in clay and place it in a fire, this process was witnessed by my grandfather in Co Down when a hen was cooked in the fire of a corn drying kiln. Not a process that would rest easy with today's sensibilities.


As we have already said the harp is the instrument most associated with early Ireland, there are significant references to it in early Celtic myths, the harper or harpist were venerated members of society attached to the court of the king or chief, and would have played on special occasions such as banquets.

The harp has experienced a considerable renaissance in recent years, there are several harpist's listed on our musicians page

Wedding budget spreadsheet.

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