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Irish Place Names

Place Names of Ireland

List of Irish Place Names.

Irish History.

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Racavan   Rath-cabhain, the fort of the hollow.
Rahan Co Offaly In King's County; Raithin, a ferny place.
Rahaniska   Rahanisky; the rath of the water.
Rahard   Rath-ard, high fort.
Raharney Co Westmeath; Rath-Athairne, Aharny's fort.
Raheen   Little rath or fort.
Raheenduff   Black little fort Raheenroe; Raithin-ruadh, red little fort.
Rahelty   Rath-eilte, the fort of the doe (eilit).
Raheny Co Dublin Rath-~Enna, F. M., Enna's fort.
Rahugh Co Westmeath The fort of St. Aedh or Hugh, the son of Brec, who built a church in the old rath in the sixth century.
Raigh   Same as Rath, a fort.
Rakeeragh   The fort of the sheep (caera).
Ramoan Co Antrim Rath-Modhain, Modan's fort.

Co Derry

Rannagh; a ferny place (raithne, a fern). Bracken raithean: Coleraine Co. Antrim, Tullyrain Co. Down “corner, knoll of bracken”, Ranaghan Co. Derry. Raithneachán “bracken place”
Raphoe Co Donegal Rath-bhoth [Ra-voh], F. M., the fort of the boths, tents, or huts.
Rasharkin Co Antrim Ros-Earcain, Erkan's promontory.
Rashee Co Antrim; Rath-sithe [Ra-shee], F. M., the fort of the fairies.
Ratass Co Kerry Rath-teas, southern fort.
Rath   A circular fort.
Rathangan Co Kildare Rath-Iomghain [Rath-Imgan], Imgan's fort.
Rathanny   Rath-eanaighe, the fort of the marsh.
Rathaspick   The fort of the bishop (easpug}
Rathbane   Rathbaun; white rath.
Rathbeg   Little fort
Rathborney Co Clare Rath-boirne, the fort of Burren, from its situation in the old district of Burren.
Rathcormack   Cormac's fort.
Rathdowney   In Queen's County; Rath-tamhnaigh [Rath-towney], F. M., the fort of the green field (tamhnach).
Rathdrum   The fort of the long hill.
Rathduff   Black fort.
Rathfeigh Co Meath The fort of the exercise green. See Faha.
Rathfryland Co Downsee page 4.  
Rathglass   Green fort.
Rathkeale   Rath-Gaela, Gaela's fort.
Rathkenny   Rath-Cheannaigh [Kanny], Ceannach's fort.
Rathkieran Co Kilkenny Kieran's fort; from St. Kieran of Ossory. See Seirkieran.
Rathmore   Great fort.
Rathmoyle   Bald or dilapidated fort.
Rathmullan   Rath-Maelain, F. M., Maelan's rath.
Rathnew   Co Wicklow; Rath-Naoi, F. M., Naoi's fort.
Rathreagh   Rath-riabhach, grey fort.
Rathroe   Red fort.
Rathronan   Ronan's fort.
Rathsallagh   Rath-salach, dirty fort.
Rathvilly Co Carlow Rath-bile, F. M., the fort of the old tree.
Rattoo   Rath-tuaidh [too], northern fort.
Raw   Rath, a fort.
Rea   Reidh, a coarse mountain flat.
Reask   Reisk; Riasg [Reesk], a marsh. Reen; Rinn, a point of land.
Relagh   Reidhleach [Relagh], same meaning as Rea.
Relickmurry   Reilig, a church: the church of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Riesk   A marsh; same as Reask.
Rin   Rine, Rinn; Rinn, a point of land.
Ring   Another form of Rin
Ringabella   Near the mouth of Cork harbour; the point of the old tree (bile).
Ringagonagh   Bear Dungarvan; Rinn-0'gCuana [Ogoona], the point or peninsula of the O'Cooneys.
Ringbane   Ringbaun ; white point
Ringcurran   Near Kinsale; the point of the corran or reaping hook; from its shape.
Ringrone   Near Kinsale; written in the Annals of Innisfallen, Rinn-roin, the point of the seal.
Ringvilla   Ringville; Rinn-bhile [villa], the point of the bile or ancient tree.
Rinneen   Lttle point of land.
Rinville Co Galway Rinn-Mhil [vil], the point of Mil, a Firbolg chieftain.
Risk   Same as Reask.
Roeillaun   Ruadh-oilean [Roo-illaun], red island.
Rooaun   Rooghan, Rooghaun; reddish land (from ruadh, red).
Roosk   Rusg, a marsh. See Reask.
Roosca   Rooskagh, Roosky; Rusgach, marshy, a marshy place.
Roscommon   Ros-Comain, F. M., Coman's wood, from St. Coman, who founded a monastery there in the eighth century.
Roscrea   Written in the Book of Leinster, Ros-cre, Cre's wood.
Roshin   Little ros or promontory.
Roskeen   Ros-caein, beautiful wood.
Ross   In the south generally means a wood; in the north, a peninsula.
Rossbegh   Or Rossbehy west of Killarney ; the peninsula of birches (beith).
Rossbeg   Small wood or promontory.
Ross Carbery Co Cork The latter part from the barony of Carbery in which it is situated: it was anciently called Ros-ailithir [allihir], F. M., the wood of the pilgrims.
Ross Castle   At Killarney; from the little ros or peninsula on which it stands.
Rosses Co Donegal i. e. peninsulas.
Rossinver Co Leitrim Ros-inbhir, the peninsula of the river mouth; from a point of land running into the south part of Lough Melvin.
Rossmore   Great wood or peninsula.
Rossorry   Near Enniskillen; corrupted from Ros-airthir [arher], F. M., the eastern peninsula.
Roughan   Ruan; same as Rooaun.
Rousky   Same as Roosca and Rooskey.
Route   The northern part of Antrim was anciently called Dalriada (F. M.), i. e. Riada's portion or tribe, from Carbery Riada, son of Conary II. (see Corkaguiny); and the latter part (Riada) of this old name, is still preserved in the corrupted form of Route.
Rush Co Dublin Ros-eo [Rush-o], F. M., the peninsula of the yew trees.
Rusheen   Small wood; a growth of underwood.
Russagh   Ros-each, F. M., the wood of the horses.
Rusky   The same as Roosca and Roosky.

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