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Irish Place Names

Place Names of Ireland

List of Irish Place Names.

Irish History.

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Easky Co Sligo From the river:- lascach [Eeska], fishy (from iasg, a fish).
Eden   Eudan [edan], the brow; a hill brow.
Edenderry   The hill brow of the oak wood.
Edenmore   Great hill brow.
Edergole   Edergoole; see Addergoole.
Eglish   A church; same as Aglish.
Eighter   Iochtar [eeter], lower.
Eliogarty Co Tipperary A shortened form of Ely O'Fogarty (shortened by having the `f' aspirated and omitted: see page 2),
O'Fogarty's Ely   So called from its ancient possessors the O'Fogartys. See Ely.
Elphin Co Roscommon St. Patrick founded a church here near a spring, over which stood a large stone; and hence the place was called Aill-finn, which Col-gan interprets the rock (aill) of the clear spring (finn white, clear)
Ely   The different tribes called Eile or Ely were so named from their ancestor Eile, the seventh in descent from Cian, son of Olioll Olum (see Connello).
Emlagh   Imleach [Imlagh], land bordering on a lake; and hence a marshy or swampy place.
Emly Co Tipperary St. Ailbhe founded his establishment here in the fifth century, on the margin of a lake, which has been only lately drained. The place is called in the Irish authorities Imleach-iobhair [yure], the lake-marsh of the yew tree.
Emlygrennan Co Limerick A corruption of the Irish name Bile-Ghroidhnin [Billa-Gryneen], Grynan's ancient tree.
Enagh   The name of twenty townlands. Sometimes Aenach, a fair; sometimes Eanach, a marsh.
Ennereilly Co Wicklow Inbher-Daeile [Invereela], F. M., the inver or mouth of the river formerly called the Deel, now the Pennycomequick.
Ennis   Inis, an island; a meadow along a river.
Enniskeen   Inis-caein [keen], F. M., beautiful island or river meadow.
Enniskerry   Ath-na-scairbhe [Annascarvy], the ford of the scarriff or rough river-crossing; from an ancient stony ford where the old road crosses the river.
Enniskillen Co Fermanagh Inis-Cethlenn [Kehlen], F. M., the island of Kethlenn, wife of Balor, the Fomorian king of Tory Island.
Ennistimon   Inis-Diomain, F. M., Diaman's river meadow.
Errigal Co Donegal Aireagal, a habitation, a small church.
Errigal Keeroge Co Tyrone Aireagal Dachiarog [Da-keeroge], F. M., the church of St. Dachiarog.
Errigal Trough Co Monaghan The church of (the barony of) Trough.
Esker   Eiscir, a sandhill.
Eskeragh   Eskragh; a place full of eskers.
Ess   Essan, Essaun; a waterfall.
Estersnow Co Roscommon A strange corruption from the Irish Disert-Nuadhan (Nooan), F. M., the hermitage of St. Nuadha (Nooa). Disert is often corrupted to ister, ester, tirs,

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