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Irish Place Names

Place Names of Ireland

List of Irish Words and Place Names.

Irish History.

Irish Toasts | Irish History

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Naas Co Kildare The most ancient residence of the kings of Leinster; Nas [Nawce], a fair or meeting place.
Nantinan Co Limerick Neantanan, a place of nettles (neanta).
Nappan Co Antrim Cnapan, a little hill.
Naul Co Dublin In the north of Dublin; 'n-aill [naul], the cliff. The article incorporated: see Nenagh.
Ned   Nead [Nad], a bird's nest.
Nenagh Co Tipperary Irish name Aenach [Enagh], a fair; the N is a contraction for the Irish definite article "an," which has become incorporated with the word:-'n-Aenach [Nenagh], the fair. The full name is Aenach-Urmhumhan [Enagh-urooan] the fair of Ormond or east Munster; and this name is still used by those speaking Irish.
Newrath   'n-Iubhrach [Nuragh], the yew land; by the incorporation of the article.
New Ross   Irish name Ros-mic-Treoin [Rosmictrone], the wood (ros) of the son of Treun.
Newry   Ancient name Iubhar-cinn-tragha [Yure-Kin-traw], the yew tree at the head of the strand. In after ages this was shortened to Iulhar, which, with the article prefixed (see Nenagh), and y added, became changed to the present form Newry.
Nicker Co Limerick Cuinicer [Knickere], a rabbit warren (from coinin).
Nobber Co Meath Obair [obber], work, with the article incorporated (see Nenagh):-Nobber, "the work," a name applied, according to tradition, to the English castle erected there.
Nohoval Co Cork And Kerry; shortened from Nuachong-bhail [Nuhongval], new congbhail or habitation. See Conwal.
Nure   The same formation and meaning as Newry.
Nurney Co Kildare And Carlow; Urnaidhe [urny], F.M., a prayer house or oratory, with the article incorporated. See Nenagh and Urney.

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