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Irish Place Names

Place Names of Ireland

List of Irish Place Names.

Irish History.

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Dangan   Daingean [dangan], a fortress.
Dangandargan Co Tipperary Dargan's fortress.
Darragh   A place producing oaks (dair).
Darraragh   Darrery; an oak forest, a place abounding in oaks (Dairbhreach).
Dawros   Damhros, the peninsula of oxen (damh and ros).
Deelis   Deelish; Duibh-lios [Divlis], black lis or fort.
Delvin Co Westmeath There were formerly seven tribes called Dealbh-na [Dalvana], descended and named from Lugh-aidh Dealbhaeth [Lewy Dalway], who was the son of Cas mac Tail (seventh in descent from Olioll Olum : see Connello), the ancestor of the Dalcassians of Thomond: Dealbhna, i. e. Dealbhaeth's descendants. None of these have perpetuated their name except one, viz., Dealbhna mor, or the great Dealbhna, from whom the barony of Delvin in Westmeath received its name.
Dernish   Derinch, Derinish; oak island (dair).
Derrada   Derradd; Doire-fhada, long oak grove.
Derragh   The same as Darragh.
Derreen   Little derry or oak grove or wood.
Derreens   Derries; oak groves.
Derry   Doire [Derry], an oak grove or wood.
Derryad,   Derryadda; Doire-fhada, long oak wood.
Derrybane   Derrybawn ; whitish oak wood.
Derrybeg   Little oak wood.
Derrycreevy   The oak wood of the branchy tree.
Derrydorragh   Derrydorraghy; dark oak wood (dorcha)
Derryduff   Black oak wood.
Derryfadda   Long oak wood.
Derrygarriff   Derrygarve; rough oak wood (garbh).
Derrylahan   Derrylane; broad oak wood (leathan).
Derrylea   Grey oak wood.
Derrylough   Derryloughan; the oak wood of the lake.
Derrymore   Great oak wood.
Derrynahinch   The oak wood of the island or river meadow (inis).
Derrynane Co Kerry Doire-Fhionain [Derry-Eenane: Fh silent], the oak grove of St. Finan Cam, a native of Corkaguiny, who flourished in the sixth century.
Derrynaseer   The oak grove of the saers or carpenters.
Derryvullan Co Fermanagh Doire-Maelain [Derry-Velan: M aspirated], F. M,, Maelan's oak grove.
Desert   Disert, a desert or hermitage.
Desertcreat   Corrupted from Disert-da-Chrioch [Di-sert-a-cree], F. M., the hermitage of the two territories.
Desertegny   Egnagh's hermitage.
Desertmartin;   Martin's hermitage.
Desertmore   Great desert or hermitage.
Desertserges Co Cork Saerghus's hermitage.
Devenish Island Co Fermanagh In Lough Erne; Daimhinis [Davinish], F. M., the island of the oxen (damh).
Diamor   Written in the Dinnseanchus, Diamar, i. e., a solitude.
Dingle Co Kerry From Dingin, another form of Daingean, a fortress, by a change of n to l (see page 3). Called in the annals, Daingean-ui-Chuis, now usually written Dingle-I-Coush, the fortress of O'Cush, the ancient proprietor.
Dinish   Deenish; Duibh-inis [Divinish], black island.
Disert   The same as Desert.
Donabate   Domhnach-a'-bhaid, the church of the boat.
Donagh   Domhnach [Downagh], a church.
Donaghcloney Co Down The church of the cluain or meadow.
Donaghcumper Co Kildare The church of the cummer or confluence.
Donaghedy Co Tyrone Domhnach-Chaeide [Donaheedy], the church of St. Caidoc, a companion of St. Columbanus.
Donaghmore   Great church.
Donaghmoyne Co Monaghan Domhnach-Maighin, the church of the little plain.
Donard   High dun or fort.
Donegal   The Danes had a settlement there before the Anglo-Norman invasion; and hence it was called Dun-na-nGall [Doonagall], the fortress of the Galls or foreigners.
Doneraile Co Cork Written in the Book of Lismore Dun-air-aill, the fortress on the cliff.
Donnybrook Co Dublin Domhnach-Broc, St. Broc's church.
Donnycarney   Cearnach's or Carney's church.
Donohill   The fortress of the yew wood (eochaill).
Donore   Dun-uabhair [Dunoor], F. M., the fort of pride.
Doogary   Dubhdhoire [Dooary], black derry or oak wood.
Doon   Dun, a fortress.
Doonan   Doonane; little dun or fort.
Doonard   High fort.
Doonass   Near Killaloe; Dun-easa, the fortress of the cataract, i. e. the great rapid on the Shannon.
Doonbeg   Llittle fortress.
Doondonnell   Donall's fortress.
Dooneen   Little fort.
Doonfeeny   The fort of Finna (a woman).
Doonisky   Dunisky; the fort of the water (uisge).
Doonooney   Una's fort.
Douglas   Dubh-ghlaise, black stream.
Down   A form of Dun, a fortress.
Downings   Dooneens or little forts.
Downpatrick   Takes its name from the large entrenched dun near the cathedral. In the first century this fortress was the residence of a warrior of the Red Branch Knights, called Celtchair, or Keltar of the battles, from whom it is called in Irish authorities, Dunkeltar. By ecclesiastical writers it is commonly called Dun-da-leth-glas, the fortress of the two broken locks (glas) or fetters. This long name was afterwards shortened to Dun or Down, which was extended to the county. The name of St. Patrick was added, to commemorate his connexion with the place.
Downs   Duns or forts.
Dreen   Draeighean [dreean], the blackthorn.
Dreenagh   A place producing blackthorns.
Dreenan   Blackthorn, a place of blackthorns.
Drehidtarsna   In Limerick; cross bridge
Dressoge   Dressogagh; a briery or bushy place.
Dresternagh   Dresternan, Dristernan; same as Dressoge.
Drim   A form of druim, a ridge.
Drimeen   Drimmeen; little ridge.
Drimna   Drimnagh; ridges, a place full of ridges or hills.
Drinagh   Drinaghan; a place producing dreens or blackthorns.
Drinan   Drinaun; the same as Dreenan.
Drishaghaun   Drishane, Drishoge; same as Dressoge.
Droghed;   Droichead, a bridge.
Drogheda   Droiched-atha [Drohedaha], F. M., the bridge of the ford; from the ford across the Boyne, used before the erection of a bridge.
Drom   Druim, a ridge or long hill.
Dromada   Dromadda; long drum or ridge.
Drombeg   Drumbeg; small ridge.
Dromcolliher Co Limerick; A corruption of Druim-Coll-choille [Drum-Collohill], the ridge of the hazel wood.
Dromdaleague Co Cork The ridge of the two liags or pillar stones.
Dromgarriff   Rough ridge.
Dromin   Same meaning as Drom.
Dromineer Co Tipperary Druim-inbhir [Druminver], the ridge of the inver or river mouth: because it is situated near where the Nenagh river enters Lough Derg.
Dromkeen   Beautiful ridge.
Dromore   Great ridge or long hill.
Dromtrasna   Cross ridge.
Drum   Druim, a ridge or long hill.
Drumad   Druim-fhada, long ridge.
Dromadoon   The ridge of the dun or fort.
Drumahaire Co Leitrim Druim-da-ethiar [Drum-a-ehir], F. M., the ridge of the two air-demons.
Drumanure   The ridge of the yew tree.
Drumany   Drummany; ridges, ridged land.
Drumard   Hgh ridge or long hill.
Drumatemple   The ridge of the temple or church.
Drumavaddy   The ridge of the dog (madadh).
Drumballyroney   The ridge of O'Roney's town.
Drumbane   Drumbaun; white ridge.
Drumbarnet   the ridge of the gap (bearna}.
Drurnbo   Drumboe; Druimbo, F.M., the cow's ridge.
Drumbrughas   The ridge of the farm-house.
Drumcanon;   The ridge of the white-faced cow: ceann-fhionn [canon], whitehead.
Drumcar Co Louth Druim-caradh [Drumcara], F. M., the ridge of the weir.
Drumcliff Co Sligo Drium-chliabh [Drumcleev], F. M., the ridge of the baskets.
Drumcolumb   St. Columba's ridge.
Drumcondra   Conra's ridge.
Drumcrin   The ridge of the tree (crann).
Drumcrow   The ridge of the cattle sheds (cro).
Drumcullen   Drumcullion; the ridge of holly.
Drumderg   Druim-dearg, red ridge.
Drumduff   Druim-dubh, black ridge.
Drumfad;   Druim-fada, long ridge.
Drumgill   The ridge of the Gall or foreigner.
Drumgoose   Drumgose; the ridge of the caves (cuas].
Drumgowna,   Drumgownagh; Druim-gamhnach, the ridge of the heifers.
Drumharriff   Drumherriff; Druim-thairbh [Drum-har-riv], the ridge of the bull.
Drumhirk   Druim-thuirc, the ridge of the boar.
Drumhome Co Donegal. In O'C. Cal. the name is written Druim-Thuama [Drumhooma], and Adamnan translates it Dorsum Tommae, the ridge of Tomma, a pagan woman's name.
Drumillard   Drummillar; the eagle's ridge (iolar).
Drumkeen   Beautiful ridge.
Drumkeeran   The ridge of the quicken trees.
Drumlane   Druim-leathan [lahan], F. M., broad ridge
Drumlease;   Druim-lias, the ridge of the huts.
Drumlish   The ridge of the lis or fort.
Drumlougher   The ridge of the rushes (luachra).
Drumman   Same meaning as Drum.
Drummeen   Little ridge.
Drummin   Same meaning as Drum.
Drummond;   A corrupt form of Drumman
Drummuck   The ridge of the pigs (muc}.
Drummully   The ridge of the summit (mullach).
Drumnacross   The ridge of the cross.
Drumneen   Little ridge.
Drumquin   Druim-Chuinn, Conn's ridge.
Drumraine,   Drumrainy; ferny ridge (rathain)
Drumreagh   Druim-riabbach, grey ridge.
Drumroe   Druim-ruadh, red ridge.
Drumroosk   The ridge of the roosk or marsh.
Drumshallon;   The ridge of the gallows (sealan).
Drumshanbo   The ridge of the old both or tent (sean, old).
Drumsna   Drumsnauv; Druim-snamha [snawa], the ridge of the swimming. See Lixnaw.
Drumsurn   The ridge of the furnace or kiln (sorn).
Duagh Co Kerry Dubh-ath [Dooah], black ford, from a ford on the river Feale.
Dublin   The name is written in the annals Duibh-linn [Duvlin], which, in some of the Latin Lives of the saints, is translated Nigra therma, black pool; it was originally the name of that part of the Liffey on which the city is built, and is sufficiently descriptive at the present day. In very early ages an artificial ford of hurdles was constructed across the Liffey, where the main road from Tara to Wicklow crossed the river; and the city that subsequently sprung up around it was called from this circumstance Ath-cliath [Ah-clee], F. M., the ford of hurdles, which was the ancient name of Dublin. This name is still used by speakers of Irish in every part of Ireland; but they join it to Bally - Baile-atha-cliath (which they pronounce Blaa-clee), the town of the hurdle ford.
Dufferin Co Down Barony of, in Down; Dubh-thrian [Duv-reen], F. M., the black treen or third part.
Duhallow Co Cork Duthaigh-Ealla [Doohy-alla], F. M., the district of the Allo, from the Black water river, a portion of which was anciently called the Allo.
Dulane Co Meath Tuilen, F. M., little tulach or hill.
Duleek Co Meath Daimhliag [Davleeg], O'C. Cal., stone house or church (daimh, a house, and liag).
Dunamase Co Laois In Queen's County; should have been called Dunmask, for the Irish name is Dun-Masg, F. M., the fortress of Masg, who was one of the ancestors of the Leinster people.
Dunamon Co Galway So called from a castle of the same name on the Suck; but the name, which the annalists write Dun-Iomgain, Imgan's fort, was anciently applied to a dun, which is still partly preserved.
Dunboe Co Derry The fortress of the cow.
Dunboyne   Dun-Baeithin, Baeithin's or Boyne's fort.
Duncannon   Conan's fortress.
Duncormick   Cormac's fortress.
Dundalk   The name was originally applied to the great fortress now called the moat of Castletown, a mile inland, which was the residence of Cuchullin, chief of the Red Branch knights in the first century, Dun-Dealgan [Dalgan], F. M., the fortress of Delga, a Firbolg chief, who built it.
Dunderrow Co Cork Written Dun-dermaigi [Dundar-wah] in the Book of Leinster, the fortress of the oak-plain (see Durrow); and the large dun from which it received the name is still in existence, half a mile south of the village.
Dundonald Co Down Donall's fortress; so called from a fort that stands not far from the church.
Dumdrum   Dun-droma, F. M., the fortress on the ridge or hill.
Duneane Co Antrim Written in the Felire of Aengus, Dun-da-en [Dun-a-ain], the fortress of the two birds.
Dunfanaghy Co Donegal Dun-Fionnchon [Finahan], Finchu's fort.
Dungannon Co Tyrone Dun-Geanainn [Gannin], F. M., Geanan's or Gannon's fortress.
Dungarvan   Dun-Garbhain, F. M., Garvan's fortress.
Dunhill   Dun-aille, the fortress of the cliff.
Dunkineely Co Donegal Dun-mhic-Chionnfhaelaidh [Dunvickaneely], Mackineely's fort.
Dunkit   Ceat's or Keth's fortress.
Dunleer Co Louth Old name Land-leri (Book of Leinster), the church (land or lann) of austerity. Present name formed by substituting dun a fort for lann.
Dunluce castle Co Antrim Near the Giant's Causeway; Dunlios, F. M., strong lios or fort. Dun is here an adjective, meaning strong.
Dunmanway Co Cork Old name Dun-na-mbeann [Dun-aman], F. M., the fortress of the gables or pinnacles. The last syllable way is from buidhe yellow [bwee, or with the b aspirated, wee] :-Dunmanway, the fortress of the yellow pinnacles.
Dunmore   Great fort.
Dunmurry   Dun-Muireadhaigh, Murray's fort.
Dunquin Co Kerry Dun-caein [Dunkeen], F. M,, beautiful fort.
Dunshaughlin Co Meath A church was founded here for bishop Sechnall or Secundinus, St. Patrick's nephew; and hence it was called Domhnach-Seachnaill [Donna-Shaughnill], F. M., the church of St. Sechnall, which has been shortened to the present name.
Duntryleague Co Limerick According to a passage in the Book of Lismore, a dun or palace was built here for Cormac Cas, son of Olioll Olum (see Connello); and his bed was supported by three liagans or pillar stones, from which the place was called Dun-tri-liag, the fortress of the three liags or pillar stones.
Durrow Co Offaly In King's County, a favourite residence of St. Columbkille. Venerable Bede has a short passage in his Eccl. Hist. (lib. iii., cap. iv.), in which the original form and translation of this name are given:- " Before he (Columba) passed over into Britain, he had built a noble monastery in Ireland, which, from the great number of oaks, is in the Scotic (Irish) language called Dearmhagh [Darwah], the field of the oaks" (dair and magh).
Dysart   And Dysert; the same as Desert.
Dysartenos Co Laois In Queen's County. St. Aengus the Culdee, who died in the year 824, built a cell for himself here; and hence the place was called Disert-Aenghusa, Aengus's hermitage.

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