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Irish Place Names

Place Names of Ireland

List of Irish Place Names.

Irish History.

Irish Toasts | Irish History

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Park   Irish Pairc, a field.
Parkmore   Great field.
Phoenix Park Co Dublin Took its name from a beautiful spring well near the Viceregal Lodge, called Fionn-uisg' [feenisk], clear or limpid water.
Poll   A hole, pit, or pool.
Pollacappul   Poll-a'-chapaillt the hole of the horse.
Pollagh   A place full of holes or pits.
Pollanass   At Glendalough; the pool of the waterfall.
Pollans   Holes, pools, or pits.
Pollaphuca   The pooka's or demon's hole.
Pollrone Co Kilkenny Poll-Ruadhain [Ruan], Ruadhan's hole.
Pollsallagh   Pollsillagh; the hole of the sallows.
Portlaw Co Waterford; Port-lagha, the bank or landing place of the hill.
Portmarnock;   St. Mernoc's bank or landing place.
Portnashangan   The port, bank, or landing place of the seangans or pismires.
Portraine ; see Lambay island.  
Portrush Co Antrim; Port-ruis, the landing place of the peninsula.
Portumna Co Galway; Port-omna, F.M., the landing place of the oak.
Pottle Co Cavan A measure of land.
Preban   Prebaun, Pribbaun; Preaban, a patch.
Pubble;   Pobul, people, a congregation.
Pubblebrien Co Limerick O'Brien's people; for it was the patrimony of the O'Briens.
Pullagh   A place full of holes.
Pullans   Pullens; little holes or pits.

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