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(Port an Bhogaigh)
"Harbour of the bog"

Portavogie is the second largest fishing village in Ulster behind Kilkeel, the harbour which is hewn from the rock underwent major reconstruction work in the late 1970's, new boat slips were built as well as a fish market and ice plant.

The people of the Ards peninsula speak with a Ulster Scots accent, this is perhaps more evident in Portavogie, where one is 'yin' night 'nicht' and don't know is 'dinny no'

Portavogie's fortunes are inextricably linked to the now declining fishing industry, declining fish stocks ever increasing fuel and operating costs are combining to reduce the fishing fleet's of Ireland and the UK.

A few miles north of Portavogie is the village of Ballyhalbert which has an interesting history.

Co Down Fishing Villages Network
29 Bridge Street

Co Down
BT34 4AD
Tel +44 (0) 41762525
E Mail
Web Site
From the South replace 028 with 048

The village until quite recently was one of the few in Ireland that did not have a public house.