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County Down.

Newcastle home page.
An Caisleán Nua
Businesses in Newcastle

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

46 ¾ miles from Belfast by rail.
Charming Seaport and Bathing Resort.
Noted for its Golf Links.


Mrs. M'Coach, postmistress.
Letters arrive at 7-40 and 11-0 a.m. and 6-30 p.m., and are despatched at 9-10 a.m. and 2-10, 5-0, and 6-10 p.m.
Coastguard Station--Lieut. Arnold Kirk divisional officer; William Riddle, chief officer; and five coastguards


BELLEVUE HOTEL--Proprietor, Mr. Saml. Tuft

DONARD BUILDINGS HOTEL (Family and Commercial)--E. Brady, Manager

SLIEVE DONARD HOTEL--Manager, Wm. Francis Collins

TEMPERANCE HOTEL--Miss Curtin, Proprietress

Donard Masonic Lodge, No. 377, meets third Tuesday each month, in Annesley Arms Hotel

Petty Sessions Court and Town Court in Annesley Memorial Hall, third Friday in each month at 11 a.m. Clerk--D. W. H. Hillyard, Castlewellan

Constabulary Station--Sergeant M'Govern, and six men

St. John's National School--Lewis B. Ward, teacher; Miss M'Cormack, assist.

St. Mary's National School--John Brogan, teacher; Miss M'Inerney, assistant

Slieve Donard National School--Jas. Watt, teacher; Miss Watt, assistant

Ladies' Collegiate School, Clare Lodge--Principals, Miss Park and Miss M. Park

Posting Establishment--Norton & Co.'s Car Service, railway station, on the arrival of all trains, cars arrive from and leave for Castlewellan. During the summer months, car service from Kilkeel every week-day, arriving 9-15 a.m. and 6 p.m., leaving for Kilkeel and Rostrevor at 9-30 a.m. and 6-30 p.m. In summer an additional tourist coach arrives from Kilkeel at 1 p.m., returning at 3-30 p.m.

Clerk of Town Court--Daniel Curran


Church of Ireland--Rev. G. Otway Woodward, incumbent
Presbyterian Church--Rev. James Keers, B.A.
Methodist Church--Rev. James Duff
Roman Catholic Church--Rev. John M'Ilvenny, P.P.


Ager, Alexander, Bryansford road
Alexander, J. W., J.P., Arlington
Alexander, The Misses, Armitage place
Andrews, Miss, Rockland villas (No. 2)
Annesley, The Earl of, Castlewellan Castle
Atkinson, Miss, 3 Arundel terrace
Ball, Mrs., Shirley, Rowallen
Bambrick, Richard, Bellavista cottage
Barry, Mrs. R., Rockland villas (No. 1)
Bate, Miss, King street
Beatty, Edmund, Avoca lodge, family grocer, tea, provision, and wine merchant, stationer and fancy warehouse
Beatty, Wm., 2 Glenada terrace
Bell, Mrs., Ulsterville
Bell, R. L., M.D., J.P., surgeon, Mount Royal
Biagioni, J., ice cream merchant
Bingham, Wm., railway guard, Bryansford road
Blimings, enginedriver G.N.R., Beresford place
Boden, Mrs., 2 Erin villas
Branigan, John, jobbing contractor, 2 Bay view
Brewster, Charles, Seacote
Brown, Miss, Hyland lodge (No. 1)
Brown, Mrs., Bryansford road
Brown, Thomas, coal importer
Brush, George, J.P., Ardaluin
Byrne, John, saddler, 6 Donard buildings
Camlin, Joseph, carpenter and builder
Campbell, William, gardener, Eglintine house
Carson, John, manager Sawmills, Tollymore park
Carson, J., officer Customs and Excise, 5 Lifeboat villas
Carson, Mrs., Victoria place
Carson, Rev. J., 'Methodist minister, Fairview terrace
Chaine, Miss Grace. Ashley
Chichester, Mrs., Shane lodge
Chippindall, Captain John A., River house
Clyde, Miss, milliner and haberdashery
Colverwell, J., assistant engineer, S. D. Hotel
Conn, photographer, Cadogan avenue
Corry, Frederick, posting establishment, Edenville
Coulter, Mrs. J., Brownville
Coyne, Richard, farmer, Tullybranigan
Coyne, William, gardener, Bryansford rd
Craig, Miss, tea rooms, Cadogan avenue
Cundy, Mrs., 5 Glenada terrace
Cunningham, Hugh, Clonallan cottage
CUNNINGHAM, JOHN, Boot Emporium and General Posting Establishment
Curtin, Mary, Temperance hotel
Davidson, John, farmer, Corrigs
Dickson, Mrs., Arlington
Dickson, R. J., B.A., solicitor, 4 Arundel terrace
Dickson, Mrs. R. J., Woodbine cottages
Dickson, Mrs. R. J., Ferran terrace
Dods, Robert, M.A., J.P., St. Leonard's
Dodds, William, farmer, Tullybranigan
Donard Buildings, Ltd.--hotel, spirit dealers, &c.--E. Brady, manager for Patrick F. M'Cartan & Co.
Doran, John, gamekeeper, Donard park
Douglas, George, farmer and dairyman, Marine villa
Douglas, Mrs., grocer, King street
Douglas, N., gardener to Earl Roden, Tullymore park, Bryansford
Doyle, James, coachman, Neill's corner
Duff, Rev. James, Victoria villas
Downey, Miss, Hyland lodge (No. 2)
Elliott, Edward, shipcarpenter and grocer
Elliott, Mrs., Arundel terrace
Ewing, Mrs., Slieve Dhu
Faherty, Daniel, clerk, stationmaster's office
Ferguson, John, 1 Erin villas
Ferguson, Mrs., 5 The Downs
Fisher, Wm., farmer and grocer, Maghera
Foland, James, grocer, tea and coffee rooms, and harbour master
Foster, Miss, manageress Railway Book Stall
Flynn, Alfred, postman, Glenview (No. 2)
Garety, Mrs., Causeway road
Gilmore, Miss, dressmaker, Fuschia terrace
Gilmore, William, agent for Inglis & Co. Ltd., Bank house
Goldfinsh, J. H., retired commander R.N., Tiroun
Greenaway, Francis, stationery, circulating library and fancy goods
Gould, Richard T., agent for East Downshire Steamship Company, Endolane
Gould, The Misses, 4 Glenada terrace
Gracey, D. M., surveyor, 2 Donard buildings
Gray, Mrs., Adelaide place
Gray, Robert, & Sons, merchant tailors
Grew, Mrs., Rockside
Hall, Robert, Marino
Halliday, Miss, grocer, Post Office, Bryansford
Hastings, Robert, Ltd., pharmaceutical chemists
Hastings, Thomas, Somerville
Henry, William, farmer, Corrigs
Higgins, Edward, boot and shoemaker
Hill, R., Fisherwick house
Hogg, John, landsteward for Earl Roden, Bryansford
Holmes, John, farmer, Corrigs
Holmes, Wm., farmer and miller, Tollymore
Howden, John, steward of Royal County Down Golf Club
Hunter, Patrick, farmer
Hunter, Robert, spirit dealer
Hutchinson, Miss L., Bentley lodge
Inglish, Magor, Burendale
Izod, Mrs., Roslyn cottage
Jamison, Mrs., Bellavista
Jocelyn, Hon. Colonel, J.P., estate agent, Bryansford
Jocelyn, Robert Strange, Earl of Roden, Tollymore Park, Bryansford
Johnston, Mrs., Manx view
Johnston, Wm., caretaker Memorial hall
Keers, Rev. James, The Manse, Tollymore
Kendle, James, Tullybranigan
Kennedy, Mrs., refreshments, Apiary cottage
Kerr, Sarah A., grocer
Kidd, Andrew, blacksmith, 4 Valentia place
King, Matthew, J.P., chairman Kilkeel R.D.C., Maryville
Kinnear, Mrs., house agent, Waterfoot cottage
Kirkpatrick, Thomas, grocer
Knox, Mrs., Shimnah
Laird, William, rate collector
Langtry, Rev. Arthur, The Nest, Bryansford
Langtry, Ross, J.P., sub-agent, The Nest, Bryansford
Law, Daniel, carpenter, Donard view
Law, James, farmer, Murlough
Lawles, Mrs., hardware and fancy goods merchant
Lawlor, dining-rooms
Looney, W., gardener, Brook cottages
Lowery, W., retired sea captain, Wilmar
Lythe, G. W., electrical engineer, 2 Station villas
Le Fanu, Brinsley R., Brook cottage
MacIIwaine, Robert, secretary to County Down Council, Marine villa
Macken, Nicholas J., spirit dealer
Magee, Henry, fruit and poultry dealer
Magill, Robert, M.D., J.P., surgeon, Victoria place
Magill, B., M.D., Victoria place
Magill, Joseph, veterinary surgeon, Victoria place
Martin, Miss, Eden place
Mathews, S. W., 4 Mount Royal
Matthews, Miss, Central Temperance Hotel
Maxwell, William, stone mason, 12 Valentia place
Maxwell & M'Cullough, painters and decorators
Medcraft, The Misses, 4 St. Leonard's
Millis, Robert J., spirit dealer, Parkview hotel
Moore, Alexander, carpenter, Hillside
Moore, James, carpenter, Chapel place
Morrison, Mrs., Neill's cottage, Bryansfordroad
Morrison, Paxton, posting establishment and farmer, Clifton lodge
Morton, Mrs., Armitage place
Mulligan, John, Rockside
Murphy, The Misses, Rockmore
Murray, Daniel Joseph, J.P., Cillen Fort
Murray, Mrs., Enniskeen
Murray, Mrs. T., 6 Erin villas
M'Aleese, Rev. John, C.C., Bryansford
M'Allister, Mrs. John, Harbour buildings
M'Allister, Jas., sexton St. John's Church, Donard lodge
M'Allen, William, plumber, Valentia place
M'Anulty, Miss Mary, spirit dealer
M'Cartan, Daniel, solicitor, Eastern villa
M'Cartan, Miss. 5 Arundel terrace
M'Cauley, Robert, gardener, Donard lodge
M'Clintock, J., stationmaster
M'Cormack, William, 1 Station villas
M'Cracken, James, grocer and hardware
M'Cracken, W. C, grocer and draper, Erin lodge
M'Creight, Miss, Victoria place
M'Gahey, S., photographer, Cadogan av.
M'Ilvenny, Rev. J., P.P., Parochial house
M'Ilvinny, Miss M., Lorettoville
M'Inerney, Miss, teacher's residence, St. Mary's N.S.
M'Kibbin, Mrs., Castle villa
M'Namara, Hampton, 4 Arundle terrace
M'Nulty, Bernard, Burrin villa
M'Spadden, R., foreman for estate office, Murlough
M'Veigh, Henrv, caretaker, The Baths
Neill, Frederick C, builder and contractor, Armitage place
Neill, Frederick G., manager for F. C.
Neill, builder and contractor, The Cottage, Bryansford road
Neill, Miss Mary, dressmaker, Beresford place
Neill, Miss Isabella, dressmaker, Causway villa
Neill, Mrs. John, china merchant
Neill, Mrs. W., refreshments, Bay View lodge
Neill, T., painter and house decorator, Beresford place
Neill, William N., foreman carpenter, Bay view
Newell & Co., drapers and milliners
Newsome, W., post office and grocer, Maghera
Nugent, J., barber and fancy goods store
O'Hare, Mrs., Iveagh terrace
O'Neill, Wm., estate bailiff, Donard lodge
Park, The Misses, Collegiate school, Clara lodge
Pelan, George, notary public, Iveagh terrace
Phillips, Mrs., Bernagh
Porters, family grocers, drapers, and fancy warehouse, Belvidere stores; posting establishment and funeral undertakers
Quinn, Mrs., dressmaker, Causeway villas
Quinn, F., artist, Cadogan avenue
Rea, Major James, 3 The Downs
Richmond, A., plumber, Baden house
Rigby, F., & Co., boot warehouse, Donard buildings
Robinson, Alex., golf professional, Manx view
Robinson, Wm., golf club maker, Clyde's cottages
Rodgers, John, lobster merchant, Forge row
Rooney, Arthur, fish merchant, Kay cottage
Russell, Mrs., The Eyries
Russell, Charles M., 1 Victoria place
Russell, Robert, Baden cottage
Ryan, Thomas, Donard nursery
Scott, James, Bryansford road
Scott, Thomas, 3 Lifeboat villas
Shaw, Mrs., Lifeboat villa (No. 1)
Skillen, Wm., cycle agent, watchmaker and posting establishment
Slacke, W. R., Colonel R.E., Fairleigh
Slieve Donard Hotel--Manager, William F. Collins
Small, Miss. Churchill, Maghera
Smith, F., Corryard lodge
Smith, John, Fuschia terrace
Smyth, Jas., coxswain lifeboat, 11 Widow's row
Soubrey, Lady Mabel, Myrtle
Stevens, J. R., watchmaker and cycle agent
Stevenson, Thomas, dairyman and farmer, Carnicavil
Stewart, Colonel, Greenmount
Stranaghan, Mrs., St. Leonard's
Stratton. Miss, Strand view
Stuart, John, & Co., linen drapers, Bernagh
Teer, John, Eglinton terrace
Thompson, Mrs., Farleigh
Thornton, Joseph, family grocer, spirit, and seed merchant
Thornton, Alexander, posting establishment and farmer, Hyland lodge, No. 1
Trowsdale, painter and decorator, Murlough
Tyndale, C. H. J., land clerk, Point view terrace
Vint, Miss, organist St. John's Church, Lifeboat villas
Wallace, Col. R. H., C.B., Waterfoot house
Ward, Kate M., drapery, millinery, and dressmaking
Ward, John, butcher
Warne, Mrs. J., Anchor lodge
Warne, Walter, house agent and valuer
Watson, Mrs., Weatherail cottage
Waterson, J., farmer, Maghera
Watt, John, gardener, Neill's corner
Westerman, Miss, Chapel lodge
Wilkinson, Robert, postman, Glenview (No. 1)
Wilson, Mrs., Edenville
Wilson, J., retired sergeant-major, King st.
Woodward, Rev. G. O., The Rectory
Young, George W., J.P., agent for Capt. Percy Meade, D.L., and Miss Marion C. Wakefield, The Downs


Eating out in Newcastle, try The Country Fried Chicken, highly recommended.

Population 2001 7,444