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Contribute to This Site.


Thank you for visiting our site, we hope you are finding it enjoyable and informative. As you have probably already noticed this site encompasses the whole of Ireland, and contains a considerable amount of information relating to various aspects of Ireland past and present. At the time of writing (August 2007) we have over 4,500 pages with in excess of 330,000 internal links and somewhere around 3,000 links to external sites. We see, what we have achieved to date as the foundation on which to build a site, which by showcasing all facets of Ireland will bring lasting economic and social benefit to all of its people.



Our Mission.

Our mission is to promote the island of Ireland as a tourist destination, to present potential tourists from both home and abroad with a data base of places to stay, tourist attractions etc is fine and works well. However we feel it is better to fire their imagination and arouse their curiosity, by linking historical events, to the places in which they took place and tell the stories of the famous and infamous people behind these events, we have to date about seventy such people listed, this is but a small percentage of those deserving their story to be told. We have briefly told the stories of Irish canals, Railways, water mills, Irish music etc, but there is much to be done.



Image's of Ireland.

ou may have noticed each county has county image pages, some of these are regrettably empty, often the images are linked to an article if we have one available and vies versa. It has become painfully obvious that occasional forays into the countryside with a camera, pleasant as it is will never accumulate sufficient images to do the country justice. Therefore we invite visitors to send us their images of Ireland for inclusion in the site. Needless to say all images or material submitted will be credited to you and linked to you if you wish.

If you visit our image pages for County Down you will see what we are trying to achieve, the quality of some leave a little to be desired, however they do serve to give visitors a glimpse of the scenery of the county.




Video's of Ireland.

We have also laid the basic structure to present video's of Ireland, we consider this an excellent way to promote the magnificent grandeur of of Ireland's scenery, and an opportunity to showcase the myriad heritage sites. We envisage an interactive map of the country where visitors could click a hot spot and view a panoramic view from there, before moving on to the next.



About Your Town etc.

It is our intension eventually to have information on at least one thousand Irish towns and villages, if you visit our town search page you will see we have listed 776 towns on which there is information on a mere 171 of these. If you have knowledge of the history of your area, its famous or infamous characters, perhaps you have been involved in an industry which has passed into history, we would love to hear about it. The population of Ireland particularly the older generation, have a wealth of stories and tales to tell, the progression of time will regrettably take this valuable resource beyond our reach, unless it is recorded for posterity.



Ireland's Best Qualified Author's.

What better way is there to tell the complex story of Ireland, than to involve the people of the island, they have lived in the land, endured the hardships, enjoyed the rewards and have intimate knowledge and experience of their locality, with the vast array of historical, cultural and amenity facilities it has to offer.

If you feel you would like to contribute an article to this site, you can do so in the form below You must be the copyright holder of the article, which basically means that you must have written it.

Naturally we reserve the right not to publish the article if we feel it will offend a section of the community, or incite someone to enter into litigation against us or you. Your article will be credited to you and linked to your web site if you have one