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Reprinted from

Lewis Topographical Directory.
of County Longford 1837.

Lewis Home Page.

ABBEYSHRULE, or ABBEYSHRUEL, a parish, in the barony of ABBEYSHRULE, county of LONGFORD, and province of LEINSTER, 1 1/2 mile (S. W.) from Colehill, on the road from Longford to Moyvore; containing 1233 inhabitants. It is situated on the river Inney, which divides it into two parts, connected by a stone bridge of ten arches; and derives its name from the monastery of Shrowl, or Shruel, founded here prior to the tenth century, and refounded for monks of the Cistertian order and dedicated to the Blessed Virgin, by O'Ferrall, according to Sir James Ware's conjecture, about the year 1150 or 1152.

The monastery subsisted till the dissolution, when it was granted to James, Earl of Roscommon; and, in 1569, it was granted by Queen Elizabeth to Sir Robert Dillon, Chief Justice of the Common Pleas. In the village is a large flour-mill, also a station of the constabulary police, and a fair is held on the first Wednesday after Trinity.

The Royal Canal passes through it, and at a short distance is carried over the river Inney by a handsome aqueduct. The parish comprises 1390 statute acres, a small portion of which is bog, but scarcely sufficient to supply the inhabitants with fuel: on the confines of the county there is a quarry of black stone.

It is in the diocese of Ardagh, and is a rectory and vicarage, forming part of the union of Tashinny: the tithes amount to £87. 13. 10 1/2. In the R. C. divisions it is part of the union or district of Carrickedmond, or Teighshinod; the chapel is situated in the village.

There are two schools aided by grants from the Countess of Rosse, the rector, and the Ardagh Association, which afford instruction to 45 boys and 45 girls; and a pay school of 20 boys and 20 girls. Some remains of the ancient abbey yet exist; and there is a large square tower, to which is attached an extensive cemetery