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Lewis Topographical Directory.
of Ireland published in 1837.

About Samuel Lewis' Directories.

Samuel Lewis was the editor and publisher of topographical directories and maps of the United Kingdom and Ireland. The firm of Samuel Lewis and Co. was based in London, the aim of the texts was to give in 'a condensed form', a faithful and impartial description of each place.

Lewis's directory is a valuable source of historical information, the directory is compiled from earlier works such as, Coote's Statistical Survey (1801), Taylor and Skinner's Maps of the Road of Ireland (1777), Pigot's Trade Directory (1824) he also drew on parliamentary sources such as the 1831 census as well as educational returns of the 1820's - 30's

The names of places are those in use prior to the publication of the Ordnance Survey Atlas in 1838. Distances are in Irish miles (the statute mile is 0.62 of an Irish mile).

If you are searching for information about Ireland, be it historical, geographical or social you may find it Lewis's directory, we have not edited the text other than by inserting paragraphs and adding links to enable you to more easily find what you may be looking for.

Choose a county from the jump menu at the top of this page, most of the county pages have internal links which we hope will help you find what you are looking for. We have lots more information from Lewis' Directory which unfortunately we have not yet found time to put on line, if you are looking for something in particular contact us and we will make an effort to get it on line for you.