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Wednesday 19 March 2025


For Weddings in Ireland.

Choosing Your Attendants.
& Their Duties.


The bridesmaids have no formal duties but to assist the bride wherever they can. They attend pre wedding parties with the bride and in most cases give one for her. They meet at the bride's home the morning of the wedding to dress and receive their bouquets. In the procession they follow the chief bridesmaid entering and leaving the church. During the ceremony they stand at the bride's side, behind the chief bridesmaid. After the wedding cake has been cut sometimes the bridesmaid's serve it to the guests.

Your choice of bridesmaid's will be governed by many factors, the major one being family considerations. If the bride has sisters then they will be the obvious choice, however if they are very young this will preclude them from the roll as brides maids, but they will be ideal candidates for flower girls.
Another factor is the scale of the wedding, if you plan a grand affair with more that two brides maids, it is unlikely that you will have sufficient sisters to fill all the vacancies so to speak, so she will have to enlist cousins or perhaps colleagues from work.
What has to be considered also is personalities, it is a regrettable fact of life that we don't all get on together, what you positively don't want is personality clashes within your wedding party.
You must choose carefully, during the run up to your wedding you will need the help and support of your brides maids, particularly the chief maid. If you choose a busy career girl she may not have the time to assist you in many tasks associated with planning your wedding.
You will be visiting bridal salons, florists, transport companies etc. Attending fitting sessions, it really does consume a considerable amount of time. Having said that with the advent of the Internet a lot of the leg work can be eliminated as most of you wedding vendors are now on line and only a click away. From this site you can access over one thousand wedding related suppliers.

Chief Bridesmaid.

Your chief bridesmaid has no formal duties, although it is usually her who organizes the hen night with the input of the other female members of the party. She is expected to assist you in your preparations for the wedding. Including helping with the fittings for the bridesmaid's dresses and accessories, as well as her own. She assists with the invitations and gifts. She attends all the pre-wedding parties with the bride and looks after the bridesmaids before and during the wedding day. Her and the best man are usually called upon to be witnesses.

On the day she helps the bride to dress and holds her bouquet during the ceremony. She usually stands beside the groom in the receiving line and sits at the top table. She may help the bride change if the bride wishes. She and the best man should liaise together to ensure the smooth running of the whole affair.

Best Man.

It is vitally  important to choose well when it comes to the best man. The grooms best friend or perhaps his brother are the obvious choices. Whoever is chosen they must be totally reliable, dependable and be capable of diplomatically organizing the ushers, to ensure the smooth running of the whole affair on your big day. The best man's duties are described on this page so we don't need to go into them here

Flower Girls.

There is absolutely no doubt that the presence of flower girls among your attendants adds immensely to the charm and ambiance of the occasion. You may have a little sister or perhaps a niece, and wouldn't they just love to dress up for the occasion, and bask in the limelight and glory of what will, in all possibility seem to the a fairy tale occasion, and hopefully you will feel exactly the same.

Page Boys.

As with flower girls page boy's add that something extra to the proceeding's, again if either of your families have candidates of an appropriate age , and your budget can stretch to it then why not give it a go. Page boy's can look especially well in a uniform be it that of a sailor, or perhaps a clan tartan, if there is some family connection with uniform, then this may be a possibility you would like to consider.


There are normally two ushers at a wedding, one from the family of the bride and the other from that of the groom. The reason being that each are familiar with their own family members. The seating arrangements should be decided prior to the service and the ushers briefed as to where the guests are to be seated.

Their main duty's are to hand out the order of service sheets to the guests as they arrive for the service and to implement as far as possible the seating plan. They will be expected also to assist with any task which will contribute to the smooth running of the whole affair.
They are usually directed by the best man on behalf of the groom.

Father Of The Bride.

The father of the bride is the official host at the wedding and gives the bride away during the ceremony. In the church he sits beside his wife in the front pew, after the ceremony he escorts the groom's mother when leaving the church. He greets the guests first in the receiving line at the reception. He is the first to make a speech, and toasts the bride and groom.

Mother Of The Bride.

The bride's mother is the official hostess at the wedding, and assists the bride in matters relating to organizing the wedding, including arranging the ceremony and reception, organizing the guest list and all the myriad things that need attended to when planning a wedding. She should involve the groom's mother in organizing the guest list, and they should liaise together regarding their outfits for the ceremony.

In the church she is seated in the left pew at the front of the church, she is the last person to be seated before the ceremony. And she is the first person to leave being escorted out (by the groom's father) when the ceremony is concluded.

When greeting the guests at the reception she should be the first person in the receiving line. It usually falls to her to send our wedding cake to relatives who were unable to attend the wedding.

The Grooms Parents.

The groom's parents are considered honoured guests at the wedding. The groom's father dresses in accordance with the rest of the wedding party. They may give a special wedding gift to the bride. They are seated in the front pew on the right of the church and are usually seated just before the bride's mother takes her seat. They are included in the receiving line at the reception. It is customary for them to send a thank you note to the bride's mother (who is the official hostess) after the wedding.

Matron Of Honour.

Matron of honour is simply a title used to describe a person who is married, and is carrying out the role of chief bridesmaid.