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The Best Man's Duties.

Duties of the Best Man
eing asked to be a best man is of course a great honour, the attributes that are requires to carry out this position, to the utmost effect are to be a good organiser, completely and utterly dependable, trustworthy and an accomplished public relations person Essentially his main duty is to look after the groom, but in reality he is expected to assist all members of the wedding party and of course the guests.He is responsible for instructing the ushers and the groomsmen as to their duties


Stag Party

The best man usually organises the stag party, enjoys it to his best ability while at the same time taking care that the groom doesn't get under the weather from whatever activity they are engaged in. See our page on the stag party.


Hired Clothes.
If the grooms, best man's and usher's clothes are hired then it is usually the groom who looks after this, both the initial hiring and also organising their return after the ceremony is over.

The Wedding Day.
On the wedding day it is his responsibility to assist the groom dressing, and getting him to the wedding venue in good time. He stands on the grooms right with the wedding rings ready to hand at the appropriate time during the ceremony. He and the chief bridesmaid are generally witnesses. He, with the help of the ushers, organise transport from the wedding venue to the reception.
Arrange for the grooms going away clothes to be sent to the reception venue or first night hotel.

At the Church.
Check that the buttonholes and the service sheets have been sent to the church.
Make sure he has the ring's.

At the Reception.
At the reception the groom is in a way the master of ceremony, it is his duty after the meal to announce the cutting of the cake.
By this time drinks will have been distributed, and he calls on the bride's father to offer a toast to the bride and groom.
The best man usually asks the groom to speak on behalf of himself and the bride. The groom then toasts the bridesmaids.
The best man reads out any cards or telegrams and perhaps e mails.

After the Reception.
When the couple are leaving for their honeymoon, or to attend the after dinner dance or function. The best man looks after the grooms clothing. He is expected to arrange payement for and to return hired clothes as soon after the wedding as possible. He and the ushers are expected to organise transport for departing guests, and if need be escort the bridesmaid's either home or to the dance venue.
He must organise the transportation of any gifts which have been taken to the reception to wherever the gifts are stored.
If there was entertainment at the reception he must organise payment for the entertainers. He should also check that non of the guest's have left anything behind.