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The Wedding Service.



A Typical Christian Wedding is Outlined Below.

Guests will usually begin arriving for the service 20 to 30 minutes before the ceremony, the ushers will need to be in place well before this in case there are some guests who are exceptionally early. The ushers will give the guests a hymn book and order of service sheet and show them to their seats. While the organist or your engaged musician plays background music.

Usually some formal photos are taken outside the church prior to the ceremony, when the photographs are complete the bridal party can form up for the processional.


The mother of the bride should be the last to be seated, just before the ceremony is scheduled to start (some religions may include her in the processional)


The officiate, the groom and the best man take their place at the front of the church, and the musicians start to play the processional music (In some religions these three are in the processional. Your officiate will advise you what applies in your case.)


The traditional order of the processional is ushers in pairs, followed by the bridesmaid's again in pairs, followed by the maid of honour, the ring bearer, and the flower girl or girl's. The bride is last to enter escorted by her father (unless your religion dictates that she is escorted by both parents). It is normal to have the same processional music for the entire wedding party.


The officiate greets the guests and leads them in a short opening prayer, he or she usually asks who gives the bride in marriage. If you have decided to have readings these take place now, and are followed by the officiate giving his or her message. Some religions do not have any readings, while others include songs in their service. Some wedding ceremonies are much akin to a Sunday service with a wedding service slotted in.


After the vows have been taken the rings are exchanged. In most ceremonies the officiate pronounce you husband and wife, this he or she will do now and you and your new spouse can exchange your first kiss as husband and wife.


The officiate then introduces you both as husband and wife. The musicians will strike up the recessional music, the bridal party forms up again with the bride an groom in the lead followed by the adult attendants in pairs, followed by the child attendants..

During the ceremony the photographer and perhaps the videographer will have been recording within the church. More photographs will be taken as you leave the church.


Buddhist's don't consider the marriage ceremony a religious ritual. The bride and groom recite traditional undertakings which are taken from the Sigilovdda Sutta. The groom undertakes to be faithful, respect and love his bride and she agrees to become an inertial part of the grooms family. The whole emphasis of the ceremony is on the love of the couple for each other and their commitment to build a strong and cohesive family unit.


Marriage in Other Cultures.

In most countries, one man marries one woman and they stay married unless one of them dies or they are divorced. This system of marriage is called monogamy. Some societies permit polygamy, in which a man has more than one wife, or a woman has more than one husband. The marriage of a man to more than one woman is called polygamy and is practiced in some African and Middle Eastern cultures. Islamic law permits a man to have as many as four wives if he can afford to support them all adequately. Some societies practice polyandry, the marriage of a woman to more than one man.

Mormon Weddings.

Mormon weddings are held privately in Mormon temples. Only church members in good standing can attend these ceremonies. Mormons believe that marriage and family life continue after death.

Quaker Weddings.

A Quaker man and woman marry at a public gathering where they declare their commitment to each other. Quakers believe that God maes a couple husband and wife, and so a minister or other official is not required.

Jewish Weddings.

Two applications are required Your must apply to the religious authority and be accompanied by a witness and have the relevant documents (birth certificates, parents marriage contract Esc). Most ceremonies take place in a synagogue, but can be held anywhere , provided they take place under a chuppah (wedding canopy this represents the couples home) and with the approval of the Rabbi. Both partners sign the Ketubah, which list the religious and legal obligations of the marriage.

At the end of the ceremony, an empty glass or other breakable object is placed on the floor and the groom breaks it with his foot. This act symbolizes the destruction of the ancient Jewish Temple in Jerusalem and reminds the couple that a marriage can also break if it is not protected. Marriages can take place at any time except during the Jewish Sabbath and on certain Jewish religious festivals. Both partners must be of the Jewish faith, and the ceremony must have a civil element to comply with the law.

Greek Orthodox.

A Greek Orthodox wedding service is similar in many ways to mainstream Christian denominations. This stems from the fact that they broke away from Catholicism in 1054 when the eastern section of the Byzantine Empire refused to accept the authority of the Pope, they set up their own branch of the religion. In a Greek Orthodox wedding the structure of the service must be strictly adhered to, you cannot have readings or music that are not already incorporated in the service as laid down by the church.
The service normally lasts between 45 minutes and one hour.

The priest will normally want you to attend a few meetings prior to your service so it is best if you book as early as possible in order to secure the service of the priest and the use of the church on your preferred date.

For more details, call 020 7723 4787.

There is no restriction as to what time you get married, although there are a number of days when it is forbidden to get married, these including the fasting period 40 days prior to Easter and the 40 days prior to Christmas for the same reason. Also the first 15 days of August, which is a period dedicated to celebrating the Virgin Mary. Contact your local church to see if there are any additional days when the service cannot be held.

It should be noted that Greek Orthodox prefer that only those who are baptized into the faith attend the church service. Although they will be very welcome at the celebrations afterwards.

If you wish to personalise your wedding you will have to concentrate on the reception, you will not be allowed musicians in the church. You may wish to incorporate some readings into your reception.

As we have already said the form of the ceremony is broadly similar to other Christian weddings, in that the bride arrives with her father or other male member of her family and the groom with the best man.
It is actually the bridesmaids who pay for the service, which begins with a betrothal ceremony which includes a blessing, in this ceremony rings are placed on the right hands of both the bride and groom. During this ceremony crowns are placed on the couples heads and they are given a cup of wine.

During the service the bride and groom kiss the Bible and walk around the altar three times to recognise the Holy Trinity.

At the end of the service, the wedding party leaves the church for the reception where there is music dancing and a meal. Including in the dancing is the money dance when guests pin money to the couple’s clothes.

Muslim Weddings.

Muslim weddings are not religious ceremonies, though religious rites are sometimes included. Ceremonial preparations take place before the wedding, often on the preceding day. Both bride and groom have a ceremonial bath. The bride dresses her hair, stains the palms of her hands and the soles of her feet with henna, and darkens her eyes. The henna is usually painted on in an intricate lace-like pattern which may take several hours to complete. The bride's guardian gives the bride away to her husband. The marriage contract is signed before the imam (leader of the prayers) or some other official. He recites a prayer while holding together the hands of the bride and groom so that their thumbs touch. The guests then recite aloud the opening chapter of the Quran. After the marriage ceremony, the walima (wedding feast) is held. When the feasting is over, the bride is conducted to her husband's home.

Humanist Weddings.

Humanist could be said not to subscribe to any conventional religious doctrine, they regard marriage as an equal partnership and a lifelong commitment to mutual love and respect.


Hindu Weddings.

In a Hindu ceremony, the bride, groom, and guests assemble at the bride's house. They dress in richly decorated clothes, and the bride's sari (a traditional dress made from a long piece of cloth wrapped around the body) is usually red. She may also wear much gold jewellery, including heavy earrings and a nose ring. Astrologers choose a favourable day for the wedding. The bridegroom makes offerings before a sacred fire, and the sacramental part of the rites begin. Each item of ritual is accompanied by hymns. The bridegroom takes the bride's hands and asks her to be his wife. The bride offers a sacrifice of fried grain. The priest ties their garments together, and the bridegroom leads the bride around the sacred fire three times. The bridegroom then leads her in the most important rite, the seven steps. At each step the couple recite a prayer together. After the seventh step, the marriage is complete. Afterward, the couple stand at night to see certain stars and constellations. This ceremony impresses upon them the pattern of the universe in which they are marrying.

Hindu Marriage Poem.

You have become mine forever.
Yes, we have become partners.
I have become yours.
Hereafter, I cannot live without you.
Do not live without me.
Let us share the joys.
We are word and meaning, unite.
You are thought and I am sound.

May the nights be honey-sweet for us.
May the mornings be honey-sweet for us.
May the plants be honey-sweet for us.
May the earth be honey-sweet for us.

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