The tradition of
giving wedding presents has been in place since time immemorial, it was
and is still a very effective way of setting the newly wed couple up for
their life together, the gift's are usually of a very practical nature.
Back in the annuls of time when a large proportion of the population was
engaged in an agricultural life style, a pig, a horse or some hens would
have been appreciated just as much as a state of the art entertainment system
would be today. |
Your Gift
Enjoy what surely is the pleasantest
of activities associated with your wedding, How many times in your life
will you be presented with an opportunity to acquire a Royal Doulton tea
service or some Waterford Crystal, items that
possibly in the normal course of your life you may not quite be able to
afford. It was once considered to be in bad taste to produce a gift list
however this is not now the case, the main advantage of a gift list is
that you don't end up with five toaster's three electric kettle's and
no tea towels. Don't forget it is traditional for the bride and groom
to give presents to the attendants at their wedding, a small token is
all that is expected, a memento of that special day. We have compiled
a fairly comprehensive gift list
which you can download, it is in the form of a word document, All
you have to do is click on the link above, edit it or just tick the items
that you prefer and give it to the shop. On our gift
and miscellaneous page, you will find a large selection of gift
ideas and shops specializing in bespoke articles guaranteed to enchant.
You will also find shops who operate
a gift list system. Which allows you to lodge a list with them, they show the list
to your guests when they visit the store, and if they purchase a gift
it is removed from the list, some stores operate an on line gift list
service, purchases made on line and are automatically removed from the
You don't have to limit yourself to one shop, a separate list can be lodged
with several different shops. Most shops operating gift lists offer incentives
to you if you lodge your list with them, shop around for the best deal.
If you decide
to commission a web site for your wedding, the address and contact details
of your gift list shop's can be published on your site, your guests can
visit the shop's personally or on line to choose their gift.
Presents For
The Bridesmaid's.
As we have already said it is
traditional for the bride and groom to give presents to each member of
the wedding party, these don't have to be expensive something that is
personalized is much to be preferred, and will be kept and treasured for
ever. For the bride's maids and matron of honour it is possible to have
a ceramic jewelry case or plaque painted with one of your wedding photographs,
it could be the bride and groom or the bride's maids themselves. You can't
get more personalized than that.
Present For
The Best Man.
The best man has put a lot of work
and effort into your wedding, so you want to show your appreciation in
a special way, again something that is personalized is vastly superior,
or perhaps you could give him a ticket or a voucher enabling him to take
part in some activity, that he has talked about but not yet got round
to doing, it could be paint balling, bungy jumping, a day on a golf course.
On our gifts and miscellaneous page you will find lots of these activities
listed under "Adventure
Activities"You who know him intimately are best qualified to
judge what he would like.
Parents And
Who throughout your wedding planning
process have been more supportive to you than your parents and grandparents
if you are luck enough to have them. So traditionally you should your appreciation
in some small way. One present that we are sure almost all parent's and
grand parent's would appreciate is a hand painted oil on canvas painting
of you and your groom, again it is almost the ultimate in
personalized presents, and would not as expensive as you might imagine.
The disadvantage here is that obviously the present could not be presented
at the wedding, as there would be approximately two month's between placing
the order and receiving the paintings plus the time it would take for
your photographer to process your wedding photographs. However this could
be overcome by presenting your parents and grand parent's with a scroll
produced by your stationer, explaining what to expect from their present.
Gifts For
Each Other.
You mustn't forget the person who
is most dear to you your future partner. Here the choice is usually a
piece of jewelry a necklace or locket in the case of the bride or a wrist
watch for the groom, with an engraved inscription.