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Arts and Crafts in Ireland.

Craft Shops
Boat Building
Musical Instruments
Stained Glass
Soft Toys
Oil Painting
Wood Carving

Since the earliest times the people of Ireland have produced works of art and articles of jewelry of exception quality and beauty. During the eight century Europe produced little of compatible quality. In the dark ages the rest of Europe languished in what has been described as artistic desolation, the arts in Ireland flourished, so when condition outside the county improved, the skills and knowledge accumulated were exported, mainly by the monastic orders.

Many scholar's claim he origins of Irish art can be traced to the stone age with its abstract and often geometrical designs, these works were a powerful Celtic counterbalance to the classical heritage of Rome. Examples of this can be seen in the illuminated manuscripts produced by monks across Ireland.

Ireland still has a myriad of craft workers and artists working away in the tradition of their predecessors, many in remote parts of the country, Their patrons now not the church, the lord of the manor or the tribal chief, but the public. Below you will find details of people who will be able to supply you with bespoke works of art in various mediums.

See our page on Irish Gold.


Stained Glass etc.


Harry Savage
10 Ballyhay Road
BT21 0NG
Tel 028 9188 3904
Fax 028 9188 4752
E Mail
Web Site


Striking range of glass lighting.



Musical Instruments.

Kevin Sykes
Kevin Sykes
County Mayo
Tel: + 353 94 31019
E Mail
Web Site

Violin Maker




Lowdon Guitars.
Lowdon Guitars
Unit 34
Down Business Park
BT30 9UP
Tel 028 44 284461 9161
Fax 028 (0)28 4461 7043
E Mail
Web Site




37 Cargagh Rd,
Co Down
BT30 9AG
Tel: +44 (0)28 44 830958
E Mail
Web Site


Knitted pure wool hats, scarves, sweaters, pullovers.
Cardigans, jackets, yarns available



Ballytrim Angoras
10 Ballytrim Rd,
Co Down,
BT30 9TH
Tel: +44 (0)28 44 828057
E Mail
Web Site


Angora goat farming & mohair production.
Processed yarns, finished knitted garments


Wood Carving.

Bogwood Ireland
Bogwood Ireland
Tel: + 353 (0) 96 72980l
E Mail
Web Site



James Adair
30 Main Street
BT22 1HY
Tel/Fax 028 4277 2154
E Mail


Hand crafted leather goods using traditional methods.





