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Wednesday 19 March 2025

For Weddings in Ireland.

Groom's Duties.

Support Your Bride.

It is probably fair to say that that most weddings are planned mainly by the bride, after all it is a day she has dreamed of since she was a toddler, strutting around the house unsteadily in her mums high heel shoes, lipstick smudged on her face and a lace curtain draped on her head.
Of course it's your day too so naturally you should be equally involved in all aspects of the planning, except choosing the wedding gown which traditionally you are not supposed to see until the wedding day.

You will find that during the planning of your wedding you will spend a considerable amount of your weekend time, visiting florists, transport company's and other service providers.


It is traditional to exchange gifts between the bride and groom on the wedding day. Jewellery is probably the best option. So take the time to buy your bride something really special.

It usually falls to the groom to buy thank you presents for the bridesmaids, enlist the help of your fiancée, she will probably be best qualified to choose something appropriate. While on the subject why not give the best man and ushers a little token of your appreciation.

Grooms Speech.

One aspect of your wedding that you are probably not looking forward to is delivering your speech, well don't worry when it comes to the time provided you have spent some time preparing the speech beforehand you won't have a problem. Always remember you are among friends.
If you visit this page you may get some ideas on speech etiquette.

The Wedding Day.

Well here it is at last, start the day with a good breakfast, dress carefully, by now your best man will probably have arrived, check that he has the rings, and you have the thank you presents also your speech notes, and that your luggage has been sent to the first night hotel, along with all tickets passports etc relating to your honeymoon.

The groom and best man usually get themselves to the service venue, arrive there about thirty minutes early. You can hand out the order of service cards to the guests as they arrive for the service although it is probably better if you leave this to your ushers.

You should wait at the right hand side of the church in the front pew. You will be given a signal to stand and wait for your bride at the altar.