If you know you have to make a speech
at the wedding, it's never too soon to start preparing. Aim to compile
a speech that you can deliver in less than ten minutes definitely no
more. The key to a successful speech is confidence, learn you speech
by heart Practise it when you get an opportunity.
The speeches are usually delivered in the order shown
Father of the bride.
- Thank everyone for attending.
- Tell the guests some interesting stories about
the bride as a child, and how she has blossomed and of course how proud
you are of her.
- Welcome the bridegroom into your family, you
could describe how you first met him, what your first impressions were
and perhaps tell a funny story if one comes to mind.
- Toasts the bride and groom.
Don't forget when you are delivering
the speech you do so on behalf of yourself, and your partner.

by the groom.
In His Speech The Grooms Should.
Toast the bride.
Thank the parents for their daughter and
the wedding
Thank the guests for their presents and attendance
at the wedding.
Thank the bridesmaids, best man, ushers and all
the attendants at the wedding.

Response by the best man.
Who reply's on behalf of the bridesmaids and continues
into his own speech.
At the end of his speech the best man reads out
the cards from guests who were unable to attend the wedding.

Brides Speech.
Although not traditional it is now
quite common for the bride to deliver her own speech. At what stage in
the proceedings this takes place is a matter to be decided between those
participating. It is just a matter of one of the other speakers inviting
the bride to say a few words.

Further Reading
Wedding Speeches & Toast by Barbara
Jeffrey. (Foulsham £3.99).
Wedding Toasts by Jo Packham (Sterling
Publishing £4.99)
Making Father of The Bride Speech
by John Bowden (Escentials £5.99)