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For Weddings in Ireland.

ree Downloads
Courtesy of our advertisers.
And of course us.
Music Set List
Courtesy of Rosemary's Harp Music.
When planning the music for your wedding thinking of tunes that you would like can sometimes be a problem, here you can download as a word document a set list consisting of 270 tunes, the list is categorised by type of music and by country of origin.
Don't forget to visit our page on choosing your wedding music.
Wedding Budget Planner.
Courtesy of
Download our Budget spread sheet, you may find it helpful when juggling your wedding finances. Enter the total amount you wish to allocate to your wedding budget and it will suggest average amounts to allocate to each section of your expenditure. Fill in the quotations as you receive them it will give you a total and remaining balance.
Wedding Countdown Ticklist.
Download this countdown tick list, it is in the form of a word document and may help you with your wedding planning.