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Jigsaws of Ireland.

Irish Jigsaws.


In the jump menu above you will find links to several pages of jigsaws made from images from Ireland. When you choose a jigsaw you can either open it and play it there and then, or you can save it to your computer for later use.

When you choose to open or download the jigsaw a java alert window will open warning you that the program is not digitally signed. We are currently addressing this issue, and can assure you we take all precautions to see that our site does not contain viruses. We intend in the near future to make all our jigsaw's and crossword puzzles available in a zip file which you can download.

Some of these jigsaw's are available in three versions which are described below.

  • Easy. The easy option is designed for young children, and will only have a few pieces.
  • Hard. This version has more pieces in the puzzle.
  • Difficult. The difficult version has the largest number of pieces and some of them are rotated.
    To rotate a piece, left click to select it, then each right click will rotate it 90° clockwise.

If you want to send you downloaded jigsaws to a friend, this will be impossible with most e mail servers as the puzzles are in exe format and will be blocked by most e mail software. To overcome this we hope, in he near future to put all our jigsaws and crosswords in a zip file, this should enable you to download our entire stock in one go, and if you wish share them with a friend you can give them the address of our download page. If you wish you can burn the contents of the zip file on to a CD this should auto run you will then be able to play the jigsaw's from the CD or give a copy to your friends.

Can we take this opportunity to thank you for using our site.

Enjoy the jigsaw's.