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Undertakers in Ireland.


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Anderson, John, burgess of Edinburgh; surety, Thomas Anderson, burgess there.

Borthwick, David, chamberlain of Newbattle; surety, George Thorbrand, burgess of Edinburgh; 2000 acres.
Brown, John, in Gorgie Mill; surety, Harry Aikman, in Brumehouse; 2000 acres.
Carmichael, David, son of James Carmichael of Pottishaw; surety, Mr. John Ross, burgess of Glasgow; 1000 acres.
Colquhoun, Mr. Malcolm, burgess of Glasgow; surety, Alexander Colquhoun of Luss; 2000 acres.
Coutts, Robert, of Corswoods; surety, John Coutts, skinner, burgess of Edinburgh; 1000 acres.
Cranstoun, Nathaniel, son of Mr. Michael Cranstoun, minister of Cramond; surety, Robert Wardlaw in Edinburgh; 1500 acres.
Crawford, Daniel, goldsmith in Edinburgh; surety, George Crawford, goldsmith there; 1000 acres.
Crawford, David, son of Andrew Crawford of Bedlair; surety, Robert Montgomery of Kirktown; 2000 acres.
Crawford, James, goldsmith, burgess of Edinburgh; surety, Archibald Hamilton of Bairfute; 2000 acres.
Crawford, Robert, of Possill; surety, John Montgomery of Cokilbie; 2000 acres.
Crichton, Abraham, brother of Thomas Crichton of Brunstone; surety, said Crichton of Brunstone; 2000 acres.
Crichton, Thomas of Brunstone; surety, Mr. James Cunningham of Mountgrennan; 2000 acres.
Cunningham, Alexander, of Powton; surety, George Murray of Broughton; 2000 acres.
Cunningham, John, of Raws; surety, James Guidlet in Strabrock; 2000 acres.
Dalyrymple, James, brother of Dalyrymple of Stair; surety, George Crawford, younger of Auchincorse; 2000 acres.
Douglas, George, of Shiell; surety, Douglas of Pumpherston; 2000 acres.
Douglas, James, of Clappertoun; surety, George Douglas of Shiell; 1000 acres.
Douglas, William, son of Joseph of Pumpherston; surety, his said father; 2000 acres.
Dunbar, Alexander, of Egirness; surety, George Murray of Broughton; 2000 acres.
Dunbar, John, of Avach; surety, David Lindsay, keeper of the tolbooth of Edinburgh; 2000 acres.
Finlayson, Mr. John, heir apparent of Killeith; surety, John Dunbar of Avach; 2000 acres.
Forres, John, of Dirleton; surety, Walter Ker of Cocklemill; 2000 acres.
Forster, William, in Leith; surety, John Forster in Edinburgh; 1000 acres.
Fowler, William, merchant-burgess in Edinburgh; surety, James Inglis, skinner, burgess of Edinburgh; 2000 acres.
Guidlet, James, of Strabrock; surety, John Cunningham of Raws; 2000 acres.
Hamilton, Claud, of Creichness; surety, Archibald Hamilton of Bairfute; 2000 acres.
Hamilton, George, of East Binnie; surety, Mr. Edward Marshall, clerk of commissary of Edinburgh; 2000 acres.
Hamilton, Robert, of Stanhouse; 2000 acres.
Hamilton, Robert, son of the late Gilbert Hamilton; surety, Gavin Hamilton of Raploch; 2000 acres.
Hepburn, Alexander, of Bangla; surety, Sir Robert Hepburn of Alderstoun; 2000 acres.
Home, Robert, of Blackhills; surety, Mr. John Home of Swansheill; 2000 acres.
Inglis, Thomas, younger of Auldliston; surety, James, Lord Torphichen; 2000 acres.
Irving, Robert, at the mill of Cowie; surety, Edward Johnston, younger, merchant in Edinburgh; 2000 acres.
Johnstone, John, bailie Water of Leith; surety, Daniel Coutts in Dalry Mill; 2000 acres.
Ker, Walter, of Cocklemill; surety, John Forres in Dirleton; 1500 acres.
Lauder, Alexander, son of William Lauder of Bellhaven; surety, his said father; 2000 acres.

Lindsay, Mr. Jerome, in Leith; surety, David Lindsay, keeper of the tolbooth in Edinburgh; 2000 acres.
Lindsay, Mr. Robert, in Leith; surety, George Smailholm, in Leith; 2000 acres.
Livingston, Sir George, of Ogilface; surety, John Crawford of Bearcrofts; 2000 acres.
Lockhart, Stephen, of Wicketshaw; surety, Thomas Weir of Kirktoun; 2000 acres.
McClellan, Herbert, of Grogrie; surety, George Murray of Broughton; 2000 acres.
McCulloch, James, of Drummorell; surety, George Murray of Broughton; 2000 acres.
McGill, M. Samuel, burgess of Glasgow; surety, Robert Gray, brother of Patrick, Lord Gray; 2000 acres.
Mac Walter, Parlane, of Auchinvennell; surety, Alexander Colquhoun of Luss; 2000 acres.
Marjoribanks, Thomas, son of Thomas Marjoribanks of Ratho; surety, John Marjoribanks, apparent of Ratho; 2000 acres.
Meldrum, John, brother of the Laird of Seggie; surety, Ramsay of Balmonth; 2000 acres.
Melville, James, son of John Melville of Raith; surety, James Melville of Fodinche; 2000 acres.
Montgomery, Robert, of Kirktown; surety, Robert Crawford of Possill; 2000 acres.
Mowbray, William, son of John Mowbray of Groftangry; surety, his said father; 2000 acres.
Mure, James, portioner of Both-Kenner; surety, Cuthbert Cunningham, Provost of Dumbarton; 2000 acres.
Murray, George, of Broughton; surety, Alexander Dunbar of Egirness; 2000 acres.
Orrock, Captain David; surety, Lord Ochiltree; 2000 acres.
Pont, Mr. Timothy, minister; surety, Alexander Borthwick of Nether Laich; 2000 acres.
Purves, Thomas, in Bald; surety, John Purves cordiner in Edinburgh; 1000 acres.
Ramsay, Alexander, brother of Thomas Ramsay of Balmonth; surety, Meldrum of Seggie; 2000 acres.
Ross, Mr. John, burgess of Glasgow; surety, James Carmichael of Pottishaw; 1500 acres.
Smailholm, George, in Laith; surety, Mr. Robert Lindsay in Leith; 2000 acres.
Stewart, Harry, of Barskimming; surety, Lord Ochiltree; 2000 acres.
Stewart, James, of Rossyth; surety, William Stewart of Dunduff; 2000 acres.
Stewart, Robert, uncle of Lord Ochiltree; surety, sid Lord Ochiltree; 2000 acres.
Stewart, Robert, of Robertoun; surety, William Stewart of Dunduff; 2000 acres.
Stewart, Robert, in Edinburgh; surety, William Stewart of Dunduff, 2000 acres.
Stewart, William, of Dunduff; surety, Lord Ochiltree, 2000 acres.
Tarbet, James, servitor to the Earl of Dumfermline; surety, Thomas Inglis, younger of Ouldliston, 1000 acres
Thorbrand, Alexander, son of George Thorbrand, burgess of Edinburgh; surety, his said father; 1500 acres.
Watson, Mr. James, portioner of Sauchton; surety, John Watson, portioner of Sauchton; 2000 acres.
Watson, John, portioner of Sauchton; surety, James Crawford, goldsmith, burgess of Edinburgh; 2000 acres.
Weir, Thomas, of Kirktoun; surety, Stephen Lockhart, of Wicketshaw; 2000 acres.
Wilkie, John, burgess of Edinburgh; surety, James Murray, burgess there; 2000 acres
Wood, Andrew, brother of John Wood of Galstoun; surety, his said brother; 2000 acres.



Area Acres
Adamson, James,   2000 brother of Mr. William Adamson of Greycrook Andrew Hariot of Ravelston:
Aitchison, Harry, Edinburgh; 2000   Mr. James Cunningham of Mountgrennan
Alexander, Robert Stirling; 1000 son of Christopher Alexander, his said father;
Anderson, James,   1000 portioner of Little Goven; John Allison in Carsbrig
Anderson, John, Edinburgh     Thomas Anderson,
Bellenden, John   2000 son of the late Justice-Clerk Sir Lewis Bellenden Sir George Livingstone of Ogilfac
Bellenden, William   2000 Also son of the late Justice-Clerk Sir Lewis Bellenden Mr. John Hart