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The Battle of the Boyne.


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Read about The Battle of The Boyne From 'A Concise History of Ireland' by P W Joyce

The Williamite army wore sprigs of green leaves to distinguish themselves from the Jacobite soldiers who were adorned with pieces of paper, which resembled the White Cockade of France. These badges were essential since there was no recognizable uniform on either side.

On July 12, William sent 10.000 men to cross the Boyne at Rossnaree, near Slane. James countered with massive forces. Thinking that the main attack was being made on his left William then sent other forces across the Boyne at Oldhridge, when the tide was low They marched ten abreast across the river waist deep In the water, to drums and fifes playing Lillebuiiero.

The day became one of sally and counter-sally with James' men gradually retreating towards Duleek. The action vanished over the hill during the course of the afternoon. James's troops fought a rearguard action to defend the Duleek bridge, covering his escape. James flied back to France a few days later, his cause lost. William lost 500 men, James 1500.

Further battles took place at Athlone, Aughrim and at Limerick where the Jacobite cause was finally lost, an honorable surrender was negotiated. The Treaty of Limerick promised civil rights to Catholics, Britain choose not to implement the terms of the treaty, and introduced measures to consolodate English control of the land.

See also The Williamite Wars.and Williams Landing in Ireland. The Penal laws.