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Horse Drawn Hay Rake.

Implements Used on Irish Farms.

Hay Rake.

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Hay Rake.

The illustration on the right shows a horse hay rake which has been converted to be pulled by a tractor.

The purpose of the hay rake was to gather the crop of hay after it had been dried by sun and wind so that it could be built into bart's (Rounded conical heaps)

The driver sat on the seat steering the horse, when the rake was gathering hay the curved tines were down, when the tines were full of hay he pulled a lever which engaged a pawl in the ratchet, which can be seen in the right wheel in the illustration, this raised the tines which allowed the depositing of the hay into a pile, after which the tines dropped again gathering the next pile.

These machines seen service on Irish farms, in some cases long after the era of the horse, many were converted, as our example illustrates, to be drawn by tractors and used to put crops in rows for the pickup bailer which probably came into use in the mid 1950's


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