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The Annals of the Four Masters.



The Annála Ríoghachta Éireann are better known as The Annals of the Four Masters, were written between 1632-36 by a team headed by Br. Michael O'Clery, a Franciscan lay brother, they cover a period from the earliest time to 1616. The majority of the annals were probably written in the Franciscan convent of Donegal, which was located on the boundary between Leitrim and Donegal on the banks of the Bundrowes river which forms the county boundary.

The O'Clery family had a long and venerable scholarly history, for about three hundred years they were historians and advisers to the O'Donnell's, chiefs of Tír Conaill. Michael O'Clery was born around 1590 in Kilbarron castle situated on the shore of Donegal bay near Ballyshannon. Michael was baptised Tadhg and later became known as 'Thady of the Mountain' In 1623 Michael went to Louvain where he joined the Franciscan Order, his talent as a historian was evident to his superiors and in 1626 they sent him back to Ireland to collect information on the Irish church and the history of the country

After arriving back in Ireland Michael choose three assistants to assist him, his cousin Peregrine O'Clery, Peregrine O'Duigenan from Castlefore County Leitrim and Fergus O'Mulconry a native of County Roscommon. Two other persons are also associated with the compilation of the annals, the brothers Conor and Maurice O'Mulconry.

The Annals were compiled during a tumultuous period in Ireland's history, the plantation of Ulster was in full swing and Catholic religious institutions were subjected to persuasion. Under the circumstances it might seem unlikely they would have survived, however they did although in obscurity until John O'Donovan translated them between 1847-56. O'Donovan's edition contained footnotes of historical and genealogical material, and was universally acclaimed by scholars of the time. Douglas Hyde wrote of his work "the greatest work that any modern Irish scholar ever accomplished"

To the best of my knowledge the Annals of the Four Masters are available in book form today.