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The River Erne.


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The river Erne rises in Lough Gowna in County Cavan, and flows north through Lough Oughter and into south western Northern Ireland, where it broadens into Upper Lough Erne. The latter is 21 km (13 MI) long and 6.4 km (4 MI) wide and contains about 90 islands of varying size. From Upper Lough Erne the river continues north, past the town of Enniskillen, and broadens again into Lower Lough Erne, which is 29 km (18 MI) long and 8 km (5 MI) wide. Lower Lough Erne has more than 100 islands the largest, Devenish is a former monastic site with round tower and many ruins.

Beyond Lower Lough Erne, the river runs west, flowing past the town of Ballyshannon, in County Donegal, before emptying into Donegal Bay. The total area drained by the Erne is approximately 4,144 sq km (1,600 sq MI).The river and its associated lough's are renowned for their natural beauty, as well as the the size and quantity of the fish contained in their waters.

The Erne region of Fermanagh is a well developed tourist destination, there is something for the whole family in the many heritage sites museums, pubs, clubs and restaurants.