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Ecclesiastical Site's.
in Fermanagh.

Killadeas Churchyard.

Killadeas is situated on the eastern shores of Lough Erne, eight miles from Enniskillen on the east shore road to Belleek. In the old graveyard there are unusual stone carvings dating from seventh and eight century. A fine example of such carving is the Bishop's Stone, which bears a strolling church man with crozier and bell on one side and on the other a grotesque moon face.

Co Fermanagh
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Devenish Island.

(Ox island.)

The monastery on Devenish Island was founded in the 6th by St. Molaisc (d AD 570), much still remains including a round tower which probably dates from the 12th century, church, graveyard, Celtic cross and a stone coffin, the monastery grew in importance and by the 8th century it was one of the most important in Ireland.

The Vikings raided it in 836. The churches were burnt in 1157. A local chieftains son was killed in the round tower in 1176 apparently by a kinsman. Devenish retained its importance until the early 1600's and was used until 1824 when 19 people were drowned when a boat carrying a coffin overturned in a winter squall.

Devenish Island
Co Fermanagh
Tel +44 (0)28
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See also The River Erne