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The Town of Hilltown.

County Down.

Named for plantation family Hill, formely called Carquillan.

Hilltown takes it name not from its location in the foothills of the Mourne Mountains, but from the Hill family who came to Ireland with the army of Elizabeth I, the family were later ennobled becoming Lord Downshire, in earlier times it was known as Eight Mile Bridge, from the bridge which crossed the River Bann.

Prior to the plantation the area was the domain of the Magennis clan of Iveagh, who controlled much of Mourne and beyond, near the town stands a gaunt gable wall, all that remains of Clonduff church which was destroyed in the 1641 rebellion. The graveyard of this church is the burial place of the Magennis's, it is also said to hold the remains of John O'Neill, the last of the Tyrone O'Neill's.

Evidence of early human habitation is to be found in the townland of Goward 'Pat Kearney's Big Stone' formerly known as Finn Mc Cool's Fingerstone.Finn is reputed to have thrown the stone from Spelga, about two miles away and that his finger marks are still to be seen on it.

During the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries smuggling was very prevalent on the County Down coast, one of the many routes taken by the smugglers was through the mountains from the coast to Hilltown, from where the contraband was distributed to the heart of the country. The mountain trail became known as 'The Brandy Pad' and today is a popular route for hikers. In 1835 Hilltown had twenty one houses, twelve of which were public houses, today there are not so many, however you will be assured of a warm welcome, particularly at the Downshire Arms.

The town of Hilltown holds the annual Boley Fair, this years (2010) is the 25th. The word boley comes from the Irish for a dairy place, it was the tradition that the younger members of the family took the cattle and sheep to the mountains and stayed with them during the summer. A Boley hut was usually constructed to supply cover in bad weather, I wonder how many children today would want to camp out on the mountains herding animals and how many parents would be happy to let them, how times change.

Tourist Information

Read about the Village of Hilltown from Samuel Lewis' Topographical Directory of Ireland published in 1837.

Tourist Information
Town Hall
Bank Parade
BT35 6HR
Co Down
Tel +44 (0)28 3026 8877
E Mail
Web Site

From the South replace 028 with 048