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Castles in County Cork.
Irish Castles.

Blarney Castle.

(Small field.)

Read about Blarney Castle from Irish Pictures Drawn with Pen and Pencil by Richard Lovett

Blarney Castle is situated on a steep rock rising above the River Martin, an adjacent Rock close by is said to have Druidic connections. The castle, the third to be erected on the site, was built by Cormac Laidhr Macarthy, lord of Muskerry, a descendant of the ancient kings of Desmond and Cork The walls are some 85 ft high and 12 feet thick at the base. It came under siege several times during the 16th and 17th century but finally fell to the William's III army in 1690 being largely destroyed. An inscription on the castle reads 'Cormac Macarthy fortis me fieri facit AD 1446' (Cormac MacCarthy built me strongly in 1446)

Eloquence and The Blarney Stone.
This appears to originate from the time of Elizabeth I. The Lord of Blarney at the time was Cormac MacDermot MacCarthy was asked by George Carew the Queen's Deputy in Ireland to give up the Irish tradition of electing the clan chiefs, and transfer his allegiance to the English crown, MacCarthy continually side stepped with promises and elequent statements, until finally in exasperation the Queen exploded 'Blarney! Blarney! What he says he never means. It's the usual Blarney!'

The Blarney Stone is situated high under the battlement, the tradition of kissing the blarney stone appears to date from the 18th century when the estate was held by the Jeffrey's family. Tradition says that those who kiss the stone will receive the blessing of elequence. Some say that the stone is part of the Stone of Scone the crowning stone of the Kings of Scotland now in Westminster Abbey.

Tourist Information
Blarney Park Hotel
Co Cork
Tel :00353 21438 5281
Fax: 00353 21438 1506
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Elizabeth's Fort.

Around 1600 with the threat of Spanish invasion Queen Elizabeth II ordered its building. It is situated just off Barrack Street. Fine views of the city are to be had from the parts of it that are open to the public.

Tourist Information
Aras Failte
Grand Parade
Co Cork
Tel +353 (0)21 425 5100
E Mail
Web Site



Charles Fort

This fort was built between the years of 1678 - 81 it was designed by William Robinson, it is modeled on those built for King Louis IV of France. The grounds are enclosed by a star shaped wall with five major bastions. Outside the main ramparts is a dry moat protected by a exterior wall.

Inside are the original magazine, guard house, and governors residence as well as a ruined nineteenth century barracks. During the Williamite War the fort fell after a thirteen day siege to John Churchill earl of Marlborough in 1690

Co Cork
Tel +353
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Web Site




Leap Castle.

This ivy clad ruin stands guard between the provinces of Munster and Leinster. It was once the main fortress of the O'Carrolls, strategically situated watching over the route between Munster and Leinster. It was renowned for a 'smelly ghost'. It was said by locals to be one of the most haunted castles in Europe. The castle was destroyed in 1922 during the Civil War. There is a ring fort nearby.

Tourist Information
Aras Failte
Grand Parade
Co Cork
Tel +353 (0)21 425 5100
E Mail
Web Site



Complete List of County Cork Castles.

Castle Name Condition Description Founded by   Location Map Ref
Ruins of a medieval castle.

Ardagh Castle Ruin


Ardintenant Castle (Ardinterran Castle)


Ballea Castle Complete
de Cogan, MacCarthy -- 16th century  

Ballinacarriga Castle (Ballynacarriga Castle, Ballincarrig castle) Partial* A four-storeyed 16th century towerhouse. Hurley 1585)
Ballinaloe Castle (Ballinlough Castle?)


Ballincollig castle Ruin A 14th century castle with walled enclosure.
W 5971
Ballyannan Ruin
Broderick (c1641) -- strong-house  
Ballycatteen Ring Fort
A prehistoric fort.

Ballyclogh Castle (Ballyclough Castle) Partial

Ballycrenan castle Ruin


Ballyhooley Castle Ruin


Ballyinn Castle


Ballylough Castle Ruin


Ballymagooly Castle Ruin


Ballymaloo Castle


Bally-Roberts Castle (banks of river Bride)


Baltimore Castle Partial A 16th century castle, now used as a sailing school. O'Driscoll -- 17th century

Bantry House Complete


Barnahely Castle None


Barrymore Castle


Barryscourt Castle (Castle Cloydubh) Complete A medieval castle rebuilt in the 16th century.
Belvelly Castle Partial*

Black Castle Ruin


Blackrock Castle Complete
Mountjoy (c1604) Cork City
Blarney Castle Partial
MacCarthy (1446)
Bregogue Castle Ruin


Broghill Castle (Cregane, Creggan, Creggane House/Castle) Ruin


Bryan's Fort
A 17th century fort and a prehistoric fort.

Buttevant Castle (Barry's Castle, King John’s Castle) Ruin


Cahervagliar Fort Ruin Stone Fort
Careysville castle (Ballymacpatrick castle) None


Carn Tighernagh
An Iron Age fort.

Carrickabrick Castle Ruin


Carrig castle Ruin


Carrigadrohid Castle (Carrickadroichid Castle) Partial
MacCarthy 16th century
Carrigaline Castle Ruin


Carriganass Castle
A l6th century castle.

Carrigaphooca Castle
A 16th century rectangular towerhouse. MacCarthy of Drishane -- 15th century
W 2974 A
Carrignacurra Castle (Carrigacunna Castle) Partial tower-house
Carrignamuck Castle (Dripsey Castle) Partial

Carrigonnon Castle


Carrigrohane castle (Kilgrohanemore Castle) Ruin 14th/16th century ruins.

Castle at the park


Castle Dod None


Castle Donovan (Donovan's, O'Donovan's, Castledonovan) Partial

Castle Freke (Castlefreke) Ruin*  
Castle Harrison Complete


Castle Hyde Complete


Castle Ishen (Castlelishon) Ruin

Castle Lehane, Castle O'Lehan None


Castle Lyons Partial
Lord Barrymore  

Castle Mahon *** (Monkstown Castle, Castle Mahowne, Castle Bernard, Castle O'Mahony, Castle Mahony) Ruin Ruins of a 16th century castle burned down in 1921.
Castle Mahon *** (Monkstown Castle, Castle Mahowne, Castle Bernard, Castle O'Mahony, Castle Mahony) Ruin A five-storeyed 17th century rectangular stronghouse. Archdekin (1630s) Monkstown W 7666
Castle Martyr (Castlemartyr, Castle Imokilly, castle Ballymartyr) Partial A 15th century enclosure castle with a five-storeyed towerhouse, built on the probable site of a 12th century earthwork castle.   (1440)
W 9674
Castle Mary (Castlemary,Carraigacotta) None


Castle More (Barrett's Castle) Ruin Ruins of a 13th century hall-tower on the site of an earlier enclosure castle. de Cogan Barrett -- 13th century
W 5792
castle of Ballintowlas (Ballintotas) Ruin


Castle of Dunashad Ruin

castle of Kilnaturra Partial


Castle Richard (Ballygarran Castle)


Castle Salem Partial


Castle Townsend Castle Complete


Castle Warren Ruin


Castle Widenham Complete


Castlehaven Castle Ruin

Castle-Kevin None


Castle-Long (Dun-na-Long castle) Ruin


Castle-Magner Castle Ruin


Castlemore Castle (Dun Draighneain, Drinan's fort) Ruin


Castletown Roche Castle None


Site of an enclosure castle.
W 2942
Charles Fort Partial
  (c1685)   W654494
Clodagh Castle Ruin


Clonmeen or Cloonmeen Castle Ruin


Cloyne Castle None


Cloyne Round Tower
Round Tower
Conna Castle (Connagh Castle) Partial*
Fitzgerald (c1500),

Coole Castle Ruin


Coppinger's Court Ruin
Coppinger (c1625)
Cork Castle (Skiddy's Castle)
A stone towerhouse, built, according to Fry, on a timber raft in a peat bog.
15th century
W 6771
Corrin Hill
An Iron Age fort.

Creg Castle Ruin


Dhermod's castle Ruin


Donemark Castle None


Doneraile Castle None


Donneen Castle (Downeen Castle, Downyne Castle) Ruin


Drishane Castle Complete
MacCarthy (c1450), Wallis -- tower-house  
Dromagh Castle Ruin


Dromaneen Castle Ruin A 16th/17th century "L-plan" stronghouse. O'Callaghan (c1600)
W 5097
Dromore Castle


Duaregill Castle


Dun Ui Mheachair
A 1798 fort.

Dunacowig Castle


Dunamark Castle
An early Anglo-Norman earthwork enclosure castle.
V 9950
Dunanore castle ('Golden Fort') Ruin


Dunbeacon Castle Ruin


Dunboy Castle Ruin Remains of a 15th century towerhouse, replaced by a star-plan fort in the 17th century. O'Sullivan Beare 15th century Castletownbere V 6644
Dundaniel Castle
The ruins of a 15th century castle.

Dundanion Castle (Galwey’s Castle) Ruin


Duneedy Castle Ruin


Duneen Castle Ruin


Dungorley Castele


Dunmanus Castle Partial

Dunny Cove Castle Ruin


Dunore Castle


Dunowen Castle Ruin


Dunworley Castle


Elizabeth Fort
Parts surviving of a fort built in 1603 and used as a prison in the 19th century.

Fort Camden
A late 18th century fort.

Fota Island Castle Ruin


Garinish Island
A Martello tower.

Glanworth Castle (or Glanore) Partial A 13th century castle with great tower and curtain walls and a gatehouse converted to a towerhouse in the 15th century. Condon, Roche -- 13th & 15th century
Horse island near Castle-Townsend (a Martello Tower)


Ightermurragh Ruin An early 17th century cruciform plan stronghouse.   15th century
W 9973
Inchiquin Castle (Inchiquin Tower) Ruin Remains of a cylindrical great tower.    
X 0176
James's Fort
An early 17th century fort.

Kanturk Castle (The Old Court) Partial A 17th century rectangular stronghouse with corner towers. The castle was probably never completed. MacDonagh (c1601)
Kilbolane Castle Ruin Remains of a 13th century castle. Cogan, Fitzgerald 15th/16th century
R 4221
Kilbree Castle (Ballinvard Castle?) Ruin


Kilbrittain Castle Complete


Kilcoe Castle Ruin


Kilcolman Castle (Kilcoman, Coleman , Colman Castle) Ruin The ruins of a building which was once the home of the poet Edmund Spenser.

Kilcor Castle


Kilcrea Castle Ruin

Kilfinnan Castle


Kilgoban Castle (situated at the side of the river Bandon)


Kilgobbin Castle (Kilgobban Castle) Ruin


Kincolisky castle (Kincoe Castle) Ruin


Kinneigh Round Tower
Round Tower
Kinsale Castle 1 (Desmond Castle) Complete A 15/16th century towerhouse often used to house prisoners of war. Fitzgerald (c1500) Kinsale W 6451
Kinsale Castle 2 Ruin The ruins of a five-storeyed 15th century towerhouse with curtain walls.
W 6451
Knockdrum Cashel
Ancient Fort
Knockdrum Hill
A ring-fort nearby.

Leacanabuile Fort
A fort of unknown date.

Leap Castle (Leim ui Bhanain) Complete The remains of the 16th century stronghold of the Ely O'Carrolls, reputedly the most haunted castle in Ireland with twenty-four ghosts. O'Bannon, O'Carroll  

Lemcon Castle Ruin


Liclash Castle Ruin


Liscaha (the Battle Fort) Ruin


Liscarroll Castle Partial* A 13th century stone enclosure castle with gatehouse. de Barry Percival 13th century
Lisgriffin Castle Ruin


Lisnagle Castle


Lohort Castle (Loghort castle) Partial* Ruin of a six-storeyed 15th century towerhouse. MacCarthy 15th century
R 4602
Lombard's Castle Ruin


Macroom Castle Ruin
Carew, McCarthy   Macroom
Mallow Castle Partial A 16th century stronghouse with a number of flanking towers. Roche FitzGerald 13th century Mallow W563983
Mashanaglass Castle (Mashaglass Castle) Ruin


Milltown castle (Miltown Castle) Partial


Mitchelstown Castle None


Moneygaff East Ringfort


Mount Long Castle *** Partial

  Monkstown W676511
Mount Long Castle *** Partial A 17th century towerhouse.   17th century Monkstown W 6573
Prince Rupert's tower Ruin


Reendesert (Reenadisert Court) Ruin
O'Sullivan Beare  

Ring-Mahon Castle Ruin


Roche Castle Ruin
Roche   Glanworth
Roche's Tower None


Rock Castle (Castleshort, Caisleángearr) None


Rooves More Ring Fort

Rossbrin Castle Ruin The 14th century ruins of an O'Mahony castle.

Rostellan Castle Ruin


Sherkin Island
The ruins of an O'Driscoll castle.

Shippool Castle
Ruins of a 15th century rectangular towerhouse.
W 5755
Shorte Castell (Castle Garr) Ruin


Threecastles Ruin
  15th century

Togher Castle


Town Walls of Youghal

  13th century

Tynte's Castle Complete An early 17th century castle.
17th century

White Castle
The 14th century ruins of an O'Mahony castle.
14th century