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County Antrim


In the year 1608 King James I of England granted a distillation license to Sir Thomas Phillips. This makes the aptly named Old Bushmills Distillery the oldest licensed distillery in the world. The word whiskey is derived from the Irish uisce beatha which means 'the water of life'.

The distillery which stands on the banks of the river Bush, once use local peat to fuel the distillation process this is not now the case. The water used comes from a tributary of the Bush, St Columba's Rill which flows through the distillery.

The first electric railway in the British Isles was is opened in 1883 and ran from Bushmills to Portrush.

2 Distillery Road
Co Antrim
Tel +44 (0) 2073 1521
E Mail
Web Site

Guided tours are available at the distillery.