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Irish History


County Down

Other towns in County Down From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910


Sixteen miles from Belfast.
Parish and Fishing Village.
Has Railway Station and Post Office with Money Order and Telegraph Departments.
Area of Parish, 3013 acres.
Population of Parish, 1114.
Village population, 604


--Mrs. Glover, Postmistress; Miss M. Glover, Miss I. Irwin, Assistants
Church of Ireland--Rev. W. S. Kerr, B.A.
Presbyterian Church--Rev. Henry MacBride, B.A., First Congregation; Rev. G. Heron, Second Congregation
Teachers--National Board--Principal, Hugh Magill; assistant, Miss Glover; infant school, Miss Long; assistant, Miss G. Glover


Adair, Robert
Alexander, Isaac, farmer
Anderson, W. L., schoolteacher, Dunover
Askin, W. J., farmer
Askin, W., smith and implement maker
Baird, G., farmer, Whitechurch
Baird, Robert, carpenter, Dunover
Baird, Mrs., temperance hotel
Beggs, J., fisherman
Bell, H., painter
Blackburn, J., Dunleath Arms
Blain, William, farmer
Boyd, James, farmer
Boyd, Joseph
Boyd, S., sexton First Presbyterian Church
Boyle, John, farmer, Whitechurch
Brown, James, farmer
Brown, Samuel, grocer
Clarke, Samuel, farmer
Colville, R. A., farmer
Corry, R., sexton Church of Ireland
Davidson, W., farmer
Donaldson, J., gateman
Donaldson, J., gamekeeper
Dunleath, Right Honourable Lord, Ballywalter Park
Eccles, S., carpenter
Filson, Wm., smith and implement maker
Fowler, R., chief officer Coastguard Station
Gaw, J., fruiterer
Gibson, Ewart, Whitechurch
Gibson, James A., Ballyobigan house
Gibson, William, & Sons, general merchants
Gilmore, Jane, dressmaker
Glover, Andrew, estate bailiff
Glover, J. B., general merchant and ship owner
Glover, Mrs., postmistress
Gunning, Hugh, shoemaker
Gunning, Walter, grocer
Hamilton, Andrew, farmer
Heron, Rev. George
Hughes, H., gardener
Johnston, Mrs., dressmaker
Keenan, C., grocer
Kerr, Rev. W. S., B.A., vicar of the parish
King, W., gardener
Little, George, farmer, Killyvolgan
M'Cracken, David, farmer
M'Cutcheon, Miss, bookseller
M'Dermott, T., sexton Second Presbyterian Church
M'Dowell, Joseph, sewed muslin agent
M'Kee, Miss, Purseville
M'Kee, William, Ganaway house
M'Whinney, butcher
Peak, J., carpenter to Lord Dunleath
Peckham, J., butler to Lord Dunleath
Purse, Miss
Ridgers, S., electrical engineer to Lord Dunleath
Robb, J., farmer, Whitechurch
Skillen, J., butcher
Smyth, J., shoemaker
Smyth, Mrs., confectioner
Thrift, Rev. Charles, Ballyhemlin manse
Wallace, John, farmer, Ballyferris
Wallace, J., hotel keeper
Warnock, Hugh, farmer, Whitechurch
Warnock, William, farmer, Ballyferris
Watson, Miss, grocer

See also our page about Ballywalter today.