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Irish History

Ardglass, County Down

Other towns in County Down From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

Twenty-four miles from Belfast A parish and seaport town and centre of fishing stations on the north-east coast, formerly the chief part of Ulster. It is much frequented in the summer season for sea bathing. Area of parish, 2022 acres. Population (census 1901), 784. Town population, 501

--Miss Kearns, Postmistress

Church of Ireland--Rev. William Hanna, rector, The Glebe
Presbyterian Church--Rev. Thomas M'Afee
Methodist Chapel--Rev. Thomas Orr, Downpatrick
Roman Catholic Chapel--Rev. J. J. Donnelly, P.P.

Petty Sessions (Kildare Street) held on first Wednesday in each month, at a quarter-past twelve o'clock
Northern Bank Branch--Wednesday--W. B. Martin, manager
Constabulary Station--Bath street
Coastguard Station--Quay road
Hotels--St. Alban's Arms--Carl Myllis--Kildare street; Castle Hotel--A. Moore--Castle place
Golf Club--C. L. Townshend, president; William Gaffikin, captain, Downpatrick; Nathaniel Flynn, hon. sec.

Bettridge, Miss, schoolmistress, Kildare st.
Bibby, Rev. J. H., Unitarian minister, Ballee
Braney, Patrick, farmer, Ballydock
Brown, James, farmer, Ringfad
Carroll, R. H., The Cottage, Green road
Carroll, W. D., Burford lodge
Cavan, James, farmer, Ballyhossett
Cavan, Robert, farmer, Ballybranagh
Chism, Angus, outfitter, Bath street
Clarke, James, farmer, Ardtole
Cleland, Hugh, stationmaster
Clinton, William, farmer, Ardtole
Conn, William, grocer, Hill street
Connolly, Henry, spirit dealer, Bath street
Connor, William, farmer, Ross
Donnan, William, farmer, The Strand
Donnelly, Rev. J. J., P.P.
Edgar, Mrs., Kildare street
Elliott, W. P., C.E.
Figgins, James, officer coastguards, Kildare street
Fleming, Mrs. A., The Crescent
Gaffikin, William, King's Castle
Gilchrist, Hugh, J.P., farmer, Ardtole
Gilchrist, William, farmer, Ardtole
Gill, Mrs., The Crescent
Gracey, Alex., Lieut-Colonel, J.P., Ballyhossett house
Hanna, Rev. William, The Glebe
Hanna, George, boatowner, Bath street
Hassan, sergeant, R.I.C. Barracks
Hill, Alexander, farmer, Hillhead
Hill, Mrs. Thomas, farmer, Ballydock
Hosking, William, The Crescent
Hughes, Captain John, Kildare street
Hughes, John, farmer and spirit dealer, Bath street
Hunter, Nathaniel, grocer, draper, ironmonger, ship chandler, coal and potato merchant
Hughes, Mrs. R., schoolmistress, Kildare st.
Hughes, Richard, baker, Kildare street
Hughes, Richard, provision merchant, Kildare street
Johnston, Francis, farmer, Ringfad
Johnston, The Misses, The Crescent
Kearney, Patrick, farmer, Ross
King, Thomas, The Crescent
Kinney, Hugh, farmer, Ardtole
Kinney, S., publican, Bath street
Lilley, Mrs. James, cafe, Kildare street
Linchey, Patrick, boatowner
Macafee, Rev. Thomas, The Manse
Maguire, D., schoolmaster
Martin, Mrs. James, draper, Bath street
Martin, The Misses C. & E., grocers and spirit dealers, Bath street
Megraw, William, boatowner, Strangford rd.
Morgan, Miss Mary, spirit dealer, Bath street
Mulhearn, Mrs. Agnes, grocer and spirit dealer, Kildare street
Mylins, Carl, St. Alban's Arms
M'Convey, Valentine, farmer
M'Convey, W., farmer, Ballydock
M'Mahon, Francis, ship carpenter, Hill st.
M'Mahon, James, grocer, High street
M'Mahon, J., spirit dealer and farmer, Bath street
M'Master, Robert, farmer, Ringfad
M'Mechan, Hugh, farmer, Ballybranagh
M'Mechan, James, farmer, Ballybranagh
M'Mechan, Samuel, farmer, Ballybranagh
M'Pherson, Mrs., Kildare street
Napier, Alex., farmer, Ballybranagh
Porter, Moses, farmer, Ballyhossett
Quinn, James, blacksmith, Bath street
Quinn, Mrs. H., grocer and fancy shop
Rice, Richard, publican, Bath street
Rooney, Henry, grocer, Kildare street
Smyth, George, boat owner, High street
Stitt, J. D., farmer, Ballee
Stitt, Mrs. Robert, farmer, Ballyhossett
Traynor, Thomas, blacksmith, High street
Watters, John, foreman Board of Works, Hill street

Registrar for births, deaths, and marriages--Arthur M'Comiskey, M.B., surgeon Killough