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Irish History

Armagh City

County Armagh.

Other towns in County Armagh From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

From the Belfast and Ulster Towns Directory for 1910

Thirty-six miles from Belfast. A city and municipal borough and urban district. It is the seat of the Archiepiscopal See of the Protestant and the Catholic Primates of Ireland. It has a large inland trade in linen, yarn, and corn. Market days--Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday. Area of municipal boundary 344 acres. Population (1901 census), urban, 7588

--Andrew Briggs, Postmaster


Armagh Cathedral--

Primate of All Ireland--Most Rev. William Alexander, D.D., The Palace

Dean--Rev. F. G. L. M'Clintock, M.A.

Chancellor--Rev. T. G. Stokes, A.M., Aughnacloy

Precentor--Rev. F. G. L. M'Clintock, M.A.

Treasurer--Rev. Thomas Jordan, D.D.

Archdeacon--Ven. The Rev. Charles King Irwin, D.D., The Rectory

Prebendaries--Mullabrack, Rev. W. Moore-Morgan, LL.D. (1883); Ballymore, Rev. Lewis Richards, D.D.; Loughgall, Rev. E. W. Hobson, A.M.

Vicars-Choral--Rev. C. Faris, M.A.; Rev. N. St. G. Sides, Rev. W. Moore-Morgan, LL.D., honorary

Cathedral Choir--Clavering Archer, T. R. Tarleton, W. R. Owen, J. Bentley, J. Dean, W. Merriman

Verger--W. Jameson

Organist--Thomas O. Marks, Mus. Doc.

Sexton--John Hamilton

Master Cathedral School--J. Fanning

St. Mark's Church, The Mall--

Rector--Ven. C. K. Irwin, D.D., Archdeacon

Curates--Rev. R. S. Maltby, Rev. Montemorency

Churchwardens--Dr. R. Gray and R. Leeman

Sexton--William King

Primate's Registrar--Rev. C. K. Irwin, jun.

First Presbyterian Church, Mall--Rev. David Miller, B.A.

Second Presbyterian Church, Abbey street Rev. Joseph Corkey, B.A., minister

Third Presbyterian Church, The Mall--Rev. R. J. Patterson, LL.B., minister

Methodist Church, Abbey street--Rev. W. W. Hutchinson, Rev. Francis J. Johnston

Protestant Board of Education--His Grace the Lord Primate, Archdeacon of Armagh, Dean of Armagh, Rev. R. J. Patterson, LL.B.; J. H. Stronge, Bart. R. G. M'Crum, Joshua E. Peel

Roman Catholic Primate of All Ireland--His Eminence Cardinal Michael Logue, D.D.

Roman Catholic Clergy--Rev. Michael Quinn, Adm., Rev. P. Johnson, Rev. J. W. Brady, S.T.L., C.C.; Rev. P. B. Loughran, Rev. J. Ward, C.C., B.D.

Ecclesiastical Inspector, Rev. P. Finnegan

Sexton--Neal Nugent

Organist--Mr. Thomas W. Holden

Salvation Army Hall, College street--11-15 a.m., 3 and 7 p.m.--Captain Louisa Sullivan


Courthouse, College street--Assizes twice a year; Quarter Sessions. Petty Sessions every Thursday. Borough Court every Wednesday. Court-keeper, James M'Kenna

Clerk of the Crown and Peace--Thomas J. Marron, solicitor, Newry

Clerks--James Morrow and James M'Kenna

County Council Office--Courthouse

County Secretary--Joseph Atkinson, D.L.

Assistant County Secretary and County Accountant--T. E. Reid

County Surveyor--R. H. Dorman, M.Inst. C.E.

County Treasurer--Provincial Bank

County Solicitor--H. J. Harris

Fire Brigade--Station and Fire Engine, Linenhall street--Men--Thomas M'Ardle, Primrose hill; Robert Nelson, 1 Banbrook hill; Francis Campbell, 25 Navan street; J. M'Gerrigan, Walker street; George Brawley, 59 Banbrook hill; Edward M'Crory, Abbey lane; John Stenson, Linenhall street; Bernard Corr, Little Patrick street

Magistrates--(See County Armagh)

His Majesty's Prison--(Situate on The Mall, Armagh)--Governor, H. Chippendale; Chief Warder, Raynor; Surgeon, J. M. Palmer, F.R.C.S.I.

Clerk of Petty Sessions--James Belford

Probate Division of H. C. of Justice--Arthur Nelson, J.P., registrar

Clerks--T. Walter Cowan, T. R. Tartleton, J. Sloane, John Fanning

Office Caretaker--Thomas Gray

Urban Council--Chairman, Michael Short; clerk, James Lennon

Finance and Pipe Water Committee--Messrs Michael Short, P. J. M'Garvey, James Irwin, W. J. Sinclair, Michael Donnelly, James Mullan, and L. M. Anderson

General Purposes Committee--Messrs. Thos. M'Creesh, Thomas M'Laughlin, Francis J. Anderson, P. Hughes, C. O'Neill, and Wm. Calvert

Urban Sanitary--Messrs. Philip Lavery, James Corr, H. C. Parkinson, James Maxwell, Thomas Dolan, and M. Kearney

Town Clerk and Executive Sanitary Officer--James Lennon

Markets and Fairs Committee--Messrs. Michael Donnelly, Philip Lavery, Thos. M'Laughlin, Thomas M'Creesh, James Irwin, and James Maxwell

Marriage Registry Office--Registrar, W. Calvert; Deputy Registrar, W. N. Dawson Surveyor--J. C. Boyle Medical Officer of Health--Dr. R. Gray Assistant Medical Officer--Dr. H. Gray Town Sergeant--James Nelson Armagh Dispensary (The Mall)--Open on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday from 9 till 11 o'clock a.m. Medical Officer, Robert Gray; Relieving Officer, D. Sheeran

Charles Shiels' Institution--Robert G. M'Crum, Esq., D.L.; Robert Gillespie, Esq., J.P.; Sir James H. Stronge, Bart., D.L.; Henry B. Armstrong, Esq., D.L.; The Ven. Archdeacon, The Very Rev. Canon M'Oscar, P.P.; William Gallagher, Esq., Solicitor; John Compton, Esq., J.P.; Rev. David Miller, B.A.; Rev. Joseph Corkey, Samuel H. Monroe, Esq., Sessional Crown Solicitor; P. Lavery, Esq., Solicitor; Rev. Robert J. Patterson, LL.B.; Arthur Nelson, Esq., J.P.; Rev. Michael Quinn, Adm.; Alexander Robinson, Esq., J.P. Superintendent, Stephen Mates; Visiting Physician, J. M. Palmer, surgeon

Armagh Church Lads' Brigade--Venerable Archdeacon King Irwin, D.D., chaplain; Rev. R. S. Maltby, assistant chaplain; W. J. Mercer, captain; G. Newton, lieutenant. Drill Night, Thursday, 8 o'clock. Band Practices, Monday and Wednesday. Company Headquarters, Church Walk Schools. Correspondent, Samuel H. Monroe, solicitor, Russell street

Gas Works, Callan street--Robt. B. Hatch, collector; James Whimster, manager

Coroner for Mid-Armagh--John A. Peel

Armagh District Lunatic Asylum--Resident medical superintendent, George R. Lawless, F.R.C.S.I., L.R.C.P.I.; assistant medical superintendent, Dora E. Allman, M.B., B.Ch., B.A.O., R.U.I.; visiting physician, J. M. Palmer, F.R.C.S.I.; David Couser, clerk; Mrs. Dickson, matron; E. Donnelly, storekeeper. Chaplains--Church of Ireland, Rev. C. Faris; Roman Catholic, Rev. J. W. Brady; Presbyterian, Rev. J. Corkey; Methodist, Rev. W. W. Hutchinson


Public Library--Board--Primate, Dean and chapter, Sir J. H. Stronge, Bart., Tynan Abbey; J. R. Garstin; librarian, Rev. W. M. Morgan, LL.D.; deputy-librarian, Rev. Charles Faris

The Observatory--Erected A.D. 1793, and founded and endowed by Primate Robinson; enlarged by Lord J. G. Beresford in 1827; possesses a refracting telescope of ten inches aperture and other instruments. Board -- Primate, dean, and chapter, Right Hon. J. T. Ball, J. R. Garstin. Astronomer, J. L. E. Deyer, Ph.D., F.R.A.S.; assistant astronomer, Rev. C. Faris, M.A., L.C.E.

Natural History and Philosophical Society--President, Dr. R. Gray; secretary, J. Fanning; treasurer, James Moore; librarian, James Morrow; curator, Monsieur S. Deschamps. Reading-room open from 10 a.m. to 10 p.m. daily. Library open for issue and return of books each Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, 12 to 2, 3 to 5, 7 to 9 p.m. Museum open daily in the afternoon--Admission, 3d.; members free

Armagh Art Class, New Art Rooms, The Mall. In connection with the Science and Art Department, South Kensington. Classes meet on Monday, forenoon and evening--Teacher, Miss H. R. Reid, R.C.A. (London); hon. sec., T. E. Reid

Armagh and Tynan Hunt Club--Kennel, Tynan--Meets Monday and Friday in each week at 12 o'clock--Master Isa M'Clintock; secretary, W. W. Boyd, Esq.; huntsman, Alex. Patton

Armagh Young Women's Christian Association, Cathedral Hill--Secretary, Miss Bell

Armagh Philarmonic Society--President, H. B. Armstrong, D.L.; conductor, T. Osborne Marks, organist Armagh Cathedral; secretaries. Rev. R. S. Maltby and James Dean; treasurer, Herbert C. Fullerton

Roman Catholic Reading Room, Ogle street--P. J. M'Garvey, U.D.C., hon. sec.; C. Heron, assistant hon. sec.; J. Slevin, hon. treasurer; committee of management--Rev. M. Quinn, Adm.; Rev. T. J. M'Parland, C.C.; Rev. John Ward, C.C.; Rev. F. Brady, S.T.L., C.C.; J. Cassidy; Messrs. Bernard O'Neill, James Mallon, T. Dolan, U.D.C., and J. Lennon, town clerk

Astronomical Observatory--Mr. J. E. Deyer, LL.D., principal astronomer; Rev. Charles Faris, assistant

Armagh Royal School--Head master, H. Hirsch, B.A.; assistant masters, G. E. Drake, J. Walker, C. W. C. Myles, and J. Tobias

Armagh Branch of the Association for Discountenancing Vice and Promoting the Knowledge of the Christian Religion--Depository at Robert P. M'Watter's, English street

Market House--Public hall for meetings

Girls' Friendly Society Lodge, 7 College st.--Miss Prentice, hon. secretary; Miss M'Cutcheon, hon. treasurer; Miss Hutton, matron

St. Patrick's Seminary--Very Rev. M. Carrigy, C.M., president. Professors--Rev. Father Murphy; Rev. J. Downey, C.M.; Rev. F. Boyle, C.M.; Rev. J. O'Connell, C.M.; Mr. Thos. Savage, B.A.; and T. W. Holden

Presbyterian National School, College street--A. B. Gillespie, principal

Mall Male National School--J. Whisker, principal

Mall Female National Schools--Miss Espey, principal. Infant School, Church walk--Miss Warren and Miss Shegog, principals; Infant School, Callan street--Miss Drummond

Gosford Place N.S.--Mr. Shiels, principal; Mrs. Shiels, assistant

Abbey Street N.S.--Mr. J. G. Patton, principal. Female--Miss Holland, principal

Convent--Madam Fortescue (Rev. Mother)

Chapel Lane N.S.--Mrs. Mulholland

Income Tax Offices, The Seven Houses--Collector, D. P. W. Martin; and 50 Upper English street, Henry Atkinson

Town Rate Offices, Tontine buildings--Collector, Arthur Webb

Banbrook N.S.--Mr. C. Heron; female, Mrs. Heron

Endowed School by Dean Drelincourt, Charter School lane--Mr. G. S. Downey, male teacher; Miss Bowers, female teacher

Protestant Hall, Abbey street

Armagh Fire Brigade--R. Winder, captain

Commissioner for Taking Acknowledgements by Married Women--J. Morrow, Mill st

Inland Revenue Office, Scotch street--Supervisor, J. Ellis; officer, T. Rogers; sub-officer, Wm. M'Cormick. Hours, from 10 to 2 daily

Medical Profession in Armagh--George R. Lawless, Lunatic Asylum; Robt. Gray, The Mall; Hampton Gray, The Mall; Robert T. Herron, Victoria street; B. B. Ferrar, The Mall; J. M. Palmer, County Infirmary; Wm. Kerr, English street

Dentists--N. B. Symons, L.D.S., Russell street; H. M. Chapman, L.D.S., Russell street

Veterinary Surgeons--H. M'Connell, The Mall; R. T. Huston, The Mall; J. Moir, Scotch street

Newspapers--"Armagh Guardian," English street, published every Friday, S. D. Trimble, proprietor; "Ulster Gazette and Armagh Standard," published every Friday, W. J. Greer, proprietor

Armagh County Club--Trustees, H. B. Armstrong, Esq.; Sir James Stronge, Bart.; J. Atkinson, Esq.; treasurers, Bank of Ireland; hon. sec., J. C. Murphy

Golf Club--Links, The Palace Demesne--Captain, John B. Lonsdale, Esq., M.P.; treasurer, G. W. Bowen; secretary, C. A. Walsh, D.I.

Cricket Club--Ground, The Mall, Armagh--Secretary, J. Carleton, Bank of Ireland; treasurer, Bank of Ireland

Rugby Football Club--Ground, The Mall--President, J. B. Lonsdale, M.P.; captain, W. Whitsitt; vice-captain, J. Wilton; secretary and treasurer, B. Walsh, Bank of Ireland, Armagh

Market House--Containing Corn Market and large Assembly Rooms--F. Short, clerk of markets

Linen Hall--Containing the Butter Market, Poultry and Egg Market--off Dobbin st.

Architect--H. C. Parkinson, College street

County of Armagh Agriculture and Technical Instruction Committee--Chairman, Thos. M'Clure, J.P., Killylea; secretary, R. T. Huston, The Mall, Armagh


Bank of Ireland--S. Lanphier, agent; E. D. Stephenson, cashier

Belfast Banking Company--J. C. Murphy, manager; A. Robinson, cashier

Northern Bank--G. W. Bowen, manager; D. M'Neill, cashier

Provincial Bank--Robert Reid, manager; J. F. Huston, cashier

Ulster Bank--James Moore, manager; W. H. Tighe, cashier

Hibernian Bank--J. W. Broderick, manager; L. P. Torrens, cashier

Savings Bank--Mary E. Coote, manageress; T. W. Cowan, auditor


Beresford Arms, Limited, English street

Charlemont Arms--C. Hagan, proprietor

Northern Hotel, Railway st.--J. M'Mahon, proprietor

Temperance Hotel, Scotch street--W. J. Black, proprietor

Plough Hotel, Lower English street--Ellen O'Hagan, proprietress

Railway Hotel, Railway street--J. M'Crory, proprietor

Westbrook Hotel (Temperance), Railway street--W. J. Willis, proprietor

Imperial Hotel, English st.--Loudan, proprietor


County Infirmary, Abbey street--Surgeon, J. Mansergh Palmer, F.R.C.S.I.; apothecary, A. C. M'Bride, secretary, A. C. M'Bride; matron, Miss Taylor

Dispensary, Mall--Robert Gray, M.D., surgeon and registrar of births, marriages, and deaths

Shiel's Alms House, Workhouse Hill--Stephen Mates, superintendent; J. M. Palmer, M.D., visiting surgeon

Macan Asylum for the Blind--H. E. Fullerton, secretary; Mrs. Jones, matron


County Inspector--C. C. Oulton
District Inspector--C. A. Walsh


Armagh is directly connected by the Great Northern Railway (Ireland) with Belfast, Portadown, Dublin, Newry, Monaghan, Castleblayney, and Clones. Stationmaster, J. M'Allister


Miss Wilkin, Vicar's hill
Miss Bell, Russell street
Miss Allen, Railway street
Miss Ross, English street
Ladies' Boarding and Day Schools--Convent (Sacred Heart)--Rev. Mother Superior, Madam Fortescue; Miss Bell, Russell street


D. P. W. Martin, 3 Seven Houses
John Mulholland, Lower English street
Hugh Porter, Abbey street
J. Morrow, Crown Office


Best & Best, James Duff, W. Gallagher, W. C. Gillespie, Henry J. Harris, T. W. Kilpatrick, Patrick Lavery, Monroe & Andersen, Joshua E. Peel & Son, John Simpson, Frederick Maxwell, and Patrick H. O'Brien and George Crozier


Counties Armagh, Cavan, Louth, and Monaghan


89th and 87th Regiments of the Line; the Armagh, Cavan, Louth, and Monaghan Militia--Major Wood, commanding depot

Mills Adjacent to the City--Milford (weaving), proprietors, M'Crum, Watson, & Mercer, Ltd.; Gillis (weaving), M'Crum, Watson, & Mercer, Limited; Drumcairne spinning), Abraham Wilson; Umgola (weaving), J. Compton; Umgola (corn and flour), Richard Best; City Mills (flour), Inglis & Co.; Dean's Bridge (corn), J. Warnock; Lislea (weaving), Thomas Wynne; Allistragh (weaving), Messrs. Addey & Co.


R. H. Dorman, county surveyor; Hugh C. M'Bride, College street; J. C. M'Bride, English street; J. C. Boyle, Charlemont place; H. C. Parkinson, Russell street; George D. Taylor, English street; and W. S. Jervois, Abbey street