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A Smaller Social History of Ancient Ireland

By P W Joyce




Belach Chonglais.--Another of the Leinster palaces was at Baltinglass in the county Wicklow, whose old name was Belach-Chonglais (Cuglas's road). Here resided in the sixth century Branduff, the powerful king who defeated and slew Aed mac Ainmirech, king of Ireland, in the Battle of Dunbolg, A.D. 598. On the hill rising over the town are two great raths or forts, the remains of the old residences. One, now called Rathcoran, is on the very summit, 1256 feet over sea-level. It is an oval, about a quarter of a mile in its longer diameter, having two ramparts, and containing about twenty-five statute acres. The other and smaller fort, now called Rathnagree, is on the northern slope of the hill: it has also two ramparts and covers about seven acres.

Liamhain.--The name of Liamhain or dún-Liamhna [dún-lavna] is still preserved in that of Dunlavin, a small village in the county Wicklow. The mound of this residence is still to be seen a mile south of the village: but it has lost its old name and is now called "Tornant Moat." (Tornant, 'nettle-mound': ominous of ruin.)