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A History of Ireland.

by Eleanor Hull




"To his dear Lord Henry,[1] by the grace of God King of England, Lord of Ireland, Duke of Normandy and Aquitaine, Count of Anjou, from his faithful K,[2] King of Connacht, greeting, and bond of sincere affection with faithful obedience.

[1] From Royal Letters of Henry III, ed. Shirley, Rolls Series (1862), vol. i, p. 223, No. 198. Chapter House Miscellanea. Date, May or June, 1224. Reply (dated June 14) in Rot. Claus., I, p. 604 b.
[2] I.e., Cathal
"We feel sure that you have heard, through the trusty men and counsellors of your father and your own, how that we did not fail to give faithful and devoted service to the Lord John, your father of happy memory ; and since his death, as your trusty servants stationed in Ireland know and have learned, we are not failing to give devoted obedience to you, nor do we wish ever as long as we live to fail you. Wherefore, although we possess a charter for the land of Connacht from the Lord your father given to ourselves and our heirs, and by name to Od [3] our son and heir, nevertheless none the less we desire, and earnestly entreat from your royal Majesty, that in view of our faithful service aforesaid you will be pleased to grant to Od our son and heir, for himself by name and for his heirs, a charter for the land of Connacht : you will in this matter of ours, if it please you, secure that we and our son and our whole nation will be made for the future, and with good reason, all the more devoted and eager in obedience and service to you against all your enemies. Moreover we earnestly entreat your dignity that in return for the faithful homage which he desires to pay to you, you will grant to our son aforesaid that part of Connacht, viz., Ubriun and Conmacin and Caled, which is occupied by your enemy and the brother of your enemy, William de Lascy. And we ask you to give as for our part credence to the bearers of these presents, S. and F. our faithful messengers, and to signify your reply to us by the same. Farewell."

[3] I.e., his son Aedh.

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