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Thomas Bradshaws Directory of Warrenpoint 1819


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Warrenpoint and Rosstrevor


ADDERLEY,Alexander, surgeon.
Alcorn, John, publican. Arnold, Rev. Samuel.

BAILIE, Mrs. lodging-house.
Ballentine, Robert, tidewaiter.
Barry, Samuel, ship-carpenter.
Brewer, R. tidewaiter.
Bryden, Miss, grocer and lodging-house.
Burns, Patrick, pilot.
Burns, Hugh, lodging-house.

CAMPBELL, J. schoolmaster.
Carlile, H. tidewaiter.
Carter, Samuel, tidewaiter.
Catilly, Martin, coal-porter,
Cautry, D. attorney.
Clinton, William, butcher.
Cooly, James, publican.
Connolly, James, publican.
Connolly, Stephen, blacksmith.
Cord, William, captain.
Creek, Edward, gent. Narrow-water.
Creighton, Robert, schoolmaster.
Cummins, Samuel, lodging-house.
Cunningham, Hugh, publican.
Cunningham, Andrew, shoemaker.
Curran, Hugh, publican.

DAVIS, Rev. John, rector.
Davis, George, grocer.
Davis, William, lodging-house and delf shop.
Dixon, Mrs. lodging-house.
Dogherty, Daniel, publican and chandler.
Douglass, Mrs.
Donaven, Miss, grocer and lodging-house.
Dunbar, Mrs. lodging-house.

EARL, James, publican.

FERRAN, James, marriner.
Ferran, Patrick, ship-carpenter.
Finnigan, William, publican.
Fivey, Mr.
Fitzgerald, Richard, boatman.
Flanagan, Miss, lodging-house.
Forest, Mrs. post-mistress.
Forest, William, lodging-house.
Forest, William, captain.
Fullerton, Mr. lodging-house.

GATES, Sarah, grocer and lodging-house.
Gossan, John, publican.
Glenny, George, brewer.
Goodwin, Richard, captain and lodging-house.
Gray, John, farmer and lodging-house.
HATAN, James, captain.
Hagan, Matthew, tailor and lodging-house.
Hall, Roger, Esq. Narrow-water.
Of the Town of Warrenpoint. 37
Hamilton, John, ship-carpenter.
Hamilton, James, boatman.
Harrison, James, coal-factor.
Henry, William, excise officer.
Hennan, Absalom, grocer and lodging-house.
Hollywood, Hall, lodging-house.

IRWIN, Thomas, surgeon. Irwin, John, gent.

JIGGS, James, lodging-house.

KINKADE, James, publican. Kinny, Patrick, publican.

LAVERY, Richard, lodging-house.
Lawson, James, gent. Narrow-water.
Lawson, Thomas, tidewaiter.
Lundy, Thomas, boatman.
Levens, J. mariner.

MAGAN, Miss, school-mistress.
Magenny, Charles, nailer.
Magennis, Con. tidewaiter.
Magennety, Alexander, tidewaiter.
Magowan, M. grocer and lodging-house,
Maguire, M. tidewaiter.
Major, Mrs. lodging-house.
Manier, Andrew, merchant, Narrow-water.
Maxwell, Mrs.
Morgan, William, mariner.
Montgomery, Hans, ship-carpenter.
Moody, Miss.
Mooney, Owen, blacksmith.
Moore, William, Esq.
38 Merchants, Traders, &c.
Moore, Robert, carpenter.
Moore, Charles, Esq.
Morgan, John, carpenter.
Morrison, John, publican.
Mullen, Timothy, lodging-house.
Mullen, Bernard, publican.
Mullen, Peter, grocer and lodging-house.
Murney, Thomas, publican.
Murney, Mary.
Murphy, Ann, lodging-house.
Murray, Thomas, publican.

M'AREAVY, George, publican.
M'Bride, Robert, gent.
M'Cormick, Owen, blacksmith.
M'Cormick, R. carpenter.
M'Crumb, James, shoemaker.
M'Donnell, J. tailor and lodging-house.
M'Dermott, David, Narrow-mater.
M'Dermott, Charles, miller, Narrow-water.
M'Neill, Archibald, shoemaker.
M'Veigh, Edward, publican.
M'Williams, George, lodging-house.

NEILIS, John, boatman.
Nevin, Hugh, boatman.
Nevin, Mrs. Mary.

OVERN, John, accountant.
Overn, William, porter-house.
Owen, John, lodging-house.

PATTERSON, Thomas, shoemaker.
Perry, Swift, gent.
Plunket. Edward, painter and glazier,
Polan, Rev. Mr. P. P.

ROCHE, Robert, broker, dock-master and inter- preter.

SEEDS, Samuel, grocer.
Sheriff, Peter, architect.
Shields Mrs.
Shields, Isaac, ship-builder, Green Island.
Shields, Patrick, publican, Green Island.
Sims, Andrew, innkeeper.
Slater, William, revenue officer.
Smith, Joseph, musician.
Smyth & Craig, salt manufacturers, Narrow-water.
TAGGART, Thomas, boatman.
Templeton, Patrick, lodging-house.
Thomboe, Michael, broker and linguist, Narrow-
Thompson, James lodging-house. Tombes, Richard, acting admiral of Carlingford
Turner, Robert, Esq. Turner, Samuel, brewer.

WADE, Benjamin, druggist.
Wade, Mrs. lodging-house.
Wardlow, James, joiner.
Watson, John, deputy port-surveyor.
Wescot, Mrs. publican.
Wright, Watson, lodging-house.

BAGWELL, Mrs. Moygannon.
Bagwell, Captain.
Balfour, Miss, River side.
Balfour, Mrs. River side.
Bell, Miss.
Bingham, John, M. D.
Black, Thomas, paper manufacturer.
Boyle, Mrs. publican and lodging-house, Quay,
Bradley, Daniel, slater and plasterer.
Branagan, Alexander, boatman, Quay.
Broom, Alexander, lodging-house.
Brownlow, Mrs. Richmond.
Byrne, Miss.
CARROLL, Anthony, musician and lodging-house. Carroll, Miss, dressmaker. Carey, Michael, musician. Caulfield, Roger, mason. Cooley, Robert, papermaker. Corry, Carlile, Esq. Courtney, Captain, Drumpark cottage. Courtney, Charles and Co. Creighton, Mary, lodging-house. Cunnan, James, whitesmith.
42 Merchants, Traders, &c.
Cunningham, Thomas, publican. Cunningham, James, nailer.
DAWSON, Mrs. Vesy, River side. Dean of Down, Hon. and Very Rev. Wood-house. Devay, Miss, governess of Miss Balfour's school. Dobson, William, linen-draper, Linton lodge.
EVANS, Rev. J. T. vicar of Kilbroney.
FEGAN, William, boatman, Quay.
Feran, Hugh, lodging-house.
Feran, John, huxter.
Feran, George, musician.
Feran, Matthew, butcher.
Flanagan, James, publican.
Fortescue, Sir Chichester, admiral, Cregfield.
Fortescue, Colonel, Greghill.
Fortescue, Mrs. senr. Cregfield.

GIVESOM, gent. Broom hedge.
Gilmore, Rev. James, P. P.
Grandy, John, lodging-house.
Gray, Ephraim, tailor.
Gribbon, Patrick, blacksmith.

HANITY, Ellen, lodging-house.
Hart, John, joiner.
Hart, John, jun. joiner.
Hart, James, musician.
Hewitt, Hon. James.
Hill, Henry, mariner.
Hopkins, Richard, hair-dresser

IRWIN, Mrs. dressmaker and lodging-house.

JACKSON, John, assistant deputy barrackmaster.
Jones, William, surgeon, royal navy

KEAN, Daniel, revenue boatman.
Kelly, Peter, butcher.
Kerr, John, merchant.
Kerr, Mrs. Ann, grocer, spirit-dealer and lodging house.
Kerr, Patrick, baker.
Kerr, Elinor, lodging house.
Kerr, Charles, blacksmith.
Knox, Right Hon. George.

LANE, William, shoemaker.
Law, Thomas, schoolmaster.
Lennon, John.
Lifford, Lord Viscount, Arno's va!e,
Loughlan, John, lodging-house.

MARTIN, Margaret, grocer.
Martin, Robert, linen-draper, Kilbroney.
Moffet, John and Sons, sawyers.
Moore, Mrs. E.
Morgan, Hugh, grocer.
Morgan, Patrick, tailor.
Murphy, Patrick, shoemaker,

M’ALISTER, Daniel, haberdasher.
M’Cormick, John, blacksmith.
M'Cover, James, slater and plasterer
M’Given, William, sen. Esq.
44 Merchants, Traders, &c.
M'Given, William, jun. Esq.
M'Kain, Alexander, lodging-house,
M'Keown, Michael, cooper.
M'Levy, T. hawker.

NEILL, Rev. John, R. C. curate.
Newell, Francis, farmer, Killowan.
Newell, Robert, farmer, Killowan.
Nooney, Robert, jauntingcar-keeper.

QUIN, Terence, farmer.

REED, Captain, Belview.
Reilly, James, merchant and salt-refiner.
Reilly, John Lushington, Esq.
Ross, Mrs. Bladensburg.
Ross, D. R. Esq. Lodge.
Ross, Edward, Esq. Lodge.
Ross, Mrs.
Ross, Thomas, shoemaker.
Ross, James, revenue boatman, Quay.
Ruxton, Richard, Esq. Ballyedmond.

SARSFIELD, Mrs. subscription shop.
Saunderson, Mrs.
Savage, Jane, grocer.
Sharkey, Philip, blacksmith.
Sharkey, Henry, tidewaiter.
Sloan, John, mariner.
Small, James, linen merchant, Killowan.
Small, Joseph, farmer, Killowan.
Smith, Captain.
Spence, George, revenue boatman.
Spencer, Mrs. Catherine.
Stevenson, Richard, joiner.
Stewart, Alexander, Ballyedmond.
Of the Town of Rosstrevor 45
Stuart, Charles, postmaster.
Stuart, Robert, lodging-house.

TEMPEST, William, musician and lodging-house.
Thunder, Henry, gent.
Trainor, John, joiner.
Tumalty, William, shoemaker.

WARD, Edward, innkeeper.
Warring, Rev. Holt, Rosetta.
Willis, Robert, joiner and builder.
Wilson, Samuel, miller, Millbank,
Wilson, John, baker.
Wrey, Mrs.
Wright, Matthew, gent.

Young Mrs.

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