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Thomas Bradshaws Directory of Newry 1820




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NEWRY is situated in latitude 54° 10' north, and longitude 6° 16' west. It stands on a small river, called the Newry Water, which has its source in Drumlough, near the town of Rathfriland, in the barony of Upper Iveagh. This river meets the tide at Newry, and forms the boundary between the counties of Down and Armagh.

Newry is 50 miles distant from Dublin, 30 from Belfast, and 141/2 from Armagh. Formerly the principal part of the town stood immediately along the side of a steep hill, which stretches nearly north and south; but since its commerce became more considerable, in consequence of the improvements made in its navigation, the streets have extended in the direction of the river and canal. Since the river and tide have been confined by embankments, many good houses have been built on ground formerly flooded by the tide.
Charles Havern, a man of one hundred and eleven years of age, remembered when the Low Ground was altogether a marsh; and afterwards when there were two bleach-greens where the coffee- room now stands.

So late as the year 1700, Mill street contained only six or seven slated houses. Market-street had a few of the same description ; but the rest were merely thatched cabins. At this time the town was surrounded by woods. A large piece of timber was placed over the ford of Sugarisland, for the accommodation of foot passengers, by a person named Murphy. In consequence of this, the stone bridge afterwards built over the river, at this place, bore the name of Mudda Murphy bridge, or the bridge of Murphy's stick. It is a good bridge of five arches. Formerly there were ten arches; hut five of them being of no use for venting the water, it was thought unnecessary to retain them.

The road through the town northwards formerly lay through Ballybot, Mill-street, Market street and High street, and united with the Banbridge road at Stream street. But latterly the line of road, has been much improved by a new cut, in the direction of the river, along the level between the turnpike and the Low Ground. The line to Rathfriland has also been improved by a cut more northward, which meets the Banbridge road at the end of the town. The old line runs through High street, Church street, and Pound street.
Above the town, the former Dublin road was very steep and difficult for horses drawing, loaded cars and carriages. A considerable time ago, the line was much improved by a cut mere west-ward, which has made the ascent more gradual and easy. The Dublin bridge, by which this road unites with the body of the town, was lately rebuilt, and rendered much handsomer than the old one.
A little below this bridge, there are some remains of a ford observable, by which there had formerly been a passage over the river, at low water.

The most considerable ancient establishment at Newry was the monastery, which deserves to be particularly mentioned on account of the subsequent appropriation of its privileges and possessions.

In the year 1157, an abbey of Cistercian monks, dedicated to St. Mary and St. Patrick, was founded at Newry, by Maurice Mac Loughlin, king of Ireland. But it is recorded, that in 1162, the abbey and a library connected with it, were consumed by fire. The endowments were confirmed by Hugh de Lacy, earl of Ulster, in 1237.


This abbey flourished until the reign of Henry VIII. who changed its constitution into that of a collegiate church for secular priests, in the year 1543, at the suit of Sir Arthur Magenis, who was at the time knighted, and received £50 of the king's bounty. The college consisted of a warden and vicars choral. Henry granted to them a confirmation of all their possessions, in his thirtieth year, reserving to the crown a yearly rent of four marks.

The Latin name of the abbey was Nevoracense Monasterium. In the foundation charter, it is called Ibar Cyntracta, that is, the flourishing head of a yew tree. The reason why it obtained this designation appears from an old tradition, that two large yew trees grew within the precincts of the abbey. From this circumstance, it was called, in the barbarous Latin of the age, Monasterium de viridi ligno, and in Irish, Na Jur, or the yew trees. This gave occasion to the plural appellation, by which it was afterwards most commonly known, the Newries. The authors of the old county Down survey, who wrote about the year 1740, state, that it " was still fresh in the memories of some ancient inhabitants of the town, that in the year 1688, certain English soldiers, in burying their dead, discovered, in the south-east quarter of the abbey, the stumps of some trees of fine wood; and without regard to the place, rooted up and converted them to several domestic utensils, the wood being red and bearing a fine polish."

This abbey was situated in Castle-street, at the head of the street which is opposite to the new church. Part of the building still remains, and is at present occupied as two dwelling-houses. The walls are extremely thick and strong; and the alterations in the building which have been made in modern times, were attended with unusual difficulty and labour. Within the last sixty years, there was a very massive stone staircase outside the building. It was no easy task to take this down, owing to the extreme hardness and solidity of the work. It is said that the men employed found it necessary to blow it up with gunpowder.

Large quantities of human bones, some of them of very uncommon size, have been dug up at different times, both in front and rear of this edifice, a circumstance which proves that the ground contiguous to the abbey had been appropriated to the burying of the dead. About eighty or ninety years ago, a merchant of the town, on digging foundations within the precincts of the ancient abbey, found a human skeleton, seven feet in length.— Some remains of shoes, which bore the impression of buckles, and some remnants, probably of the shroud, were discovered. Several fragments of stones, with heads and other figures rudely sculptured upon them, are to be seen in some of the adjacent buildings. These formerly belonged to the buildings of the abbey.

After Henry VIII. had disclaimed subjection to the papal see, the college was dissolved; and in the succeeding reign of Edward VI. the lordship was granted to Marshal Bagnal, who made the abbey his place of residence.

A mitred abbot formerly possessed the lordships of Newry and Mourne, in which he exercised epis It is said that formerly abbots and bishops were buried in their shoes.

On the dissolution of the abbey, the powers and privileges enjoyed by the lord abbot devolved on the temporal proprietor, Sir Nicholas Bagnal, to whom a patent was granted by Edward VI. on account of his excellent services, as marshal of Ireland. He rebuilt the town, and strengthened it with castles and other defences. He also built the church, the steeple of which bears the Bagnal arms, cut in stone, dated 1578. Within its walls his remains were afterwards interred.

The patent granted to Sir Nicholas Bagnal expresses the nature and extent of the grant briefly, and principally in general terms. But the letters patent granted by James I. anno 1613, to Arthur Bagnal, Esq. are full and explicit, and recite par- ticularly the townlands included in the grant, the privileges to be enjoyed, and the jurisdiction to be exercised within the manors. The proprietor being entitled to the several immunities and privileges enjoyed under the former ecclesiastical establishment, is permitted to use in his court the seal of the ancient charter, on which is represented a mitred abbot in his albe, sitting in his chair, supported by two yew trees, with this inscription. Sigillum exemptae jurisdictionis de viridi ligno, alias, Newry et Mourne.

The patent grants to Arthur Bagnal, Esq. his heirs and assigns, the town of Newry, with all the demesne lands of the dissolved monastery the manor, lordship and castle of Greencastle the lordship, country or territory of Mourne, with two islands in the main sea the manor of Carlingford, with the monastery and its appurtenances, and the lands of Cooley the ferry between Carlingford and Killowen the customs of anchorage, and certain customs of goods and merchandize imported into or exported from Carlingford the territory of Omeath, and all wrecks of sea, happening upon these properties.

It grants a market at Newry, to be held every Thursday, with tolls, customs and commodities: also a custom or toll of six gallons from every butt of wine called sack, and three and a half gallons from every hogshead of wine sold in Newry; three gallons from every barrel of ale, and 4d. out of every barrel of salt and the assize of bread and wine in the town of Newry.

It grants to the patentee, to hold, by his seneschal, a court at Newry, to determine causes of debt, trespass, &c. when the sum shall not exceed £66 13s. 4d. and also all the profits and fines appertaining to the said court. It grants all fines and amercements which shall be imposed, assessed, adjudged and decreed at any assizes or sessions to be held in the county, upon any of the inhabitants of the manor.

It permits a court to be held at Greencastle, to hold pleas of actions, not exceeding forty pounds sterling; and a court at Carlingford for actions not exceeding £10.

It grants also a court baron to be held from three weeks to three weeks, to hold pleas of debt, tress- pass, &c. not exceeding £40. Likewise a court- leet twice a year, in Newry and Mourne— together with all the profits, fines, &c, arising out of the same.
The patent further grants two fairs to be held at Newry yearly, each for three days; and at Greencastle a weekly market on Friday, and one fair in the year, with courts of pipowder together with all the tolls and customs belonging to the same; requiring from the patentee 6s. 8d. yearly for the privilege of holding these markets and fairs, and of appointing the clerks of the markets.
The lord of the manors, it is said, can command the sheriff not to carry his rod of office through his domains even before the judges. He has power to discharge, by his receipt, all recognisances forfeited within his jurisdiction, if the offenders shall have resided therein six weeks prior to the forfeiture: and the sum forfeited he can order to be paid into his own treasury in lieu of the king's exchequer.
He appoints bailiffs, who serve writs, &c. so that no bailiff, sheriff, or minister of the crown shall enter on the manors, to execute and serve writs, &c. which ought to be executed or served therein, except for the default of those bailiffs.

By virtue of his patent, the proprietor is entitled to the tithes of the lordship of Newry, and has the right of presentation to the rectory of Mourne. He is ex officio rector of Newry; and, by his vicar general and surrogate, grants probates of wills, letters of administration, letters of tutelage, and marriage licenses, and transacts the usual business of an ecclesiastical court, with as plenary and indisputable powers as any other ecclesiastical court in Ireland. He appoints a vicar to discharge the ministerial duties, to whom he pays a salary. And as by virtue of his patent, he enjoys all episcopal powers, which can possibly vest in a layman, the vicar is responsible for his conduct to him alone, and is not subject to the jurisdiction either of bishop or primate.

After reciting the several particulars of the grant, the patent states, " And we do give, grant, bargain and confirm unto the said Arthur Bagnal, his heirs and assigns, all and singular and so many and the like court leets, frank pledge, law days, rights, jurisdictions, liberties, privileges, &c. in as large, ample, and beneficial a manner as any abbot, prior, or convent, or other chief head or governor of the late dissolved monastery heretofore seized, held or enjoyed," &c. So that all the privileges and immunities, of whatsoever kind, that formerly were enjoyed by the abbots of Newry, were transferred to the patentee, his heirs and assigns.

In King James's patent, there is an exception made of certain lands and tenements which had been granted by Sir Nicholas and Sir Henry Bagnal, (reserving, however, the tithes and royalties,) to Patrick Creely, of Newry, in fee farm, by indenture of feoffment, dated the 20th of June, 1588, and two water mills in the town of Newry, with the water courses, &c. and also two wears in the river Clanrye, near the town, in which salmon and eels had been, commonly taken. It appears that this Creely, in the reign of Queen Elizabeth, built the castle, afterwards called Lord Hillsborough's castle. He was bound to pay to Bagnal, his heirs and assigns, a chiefrie of £3 6s. 8d. per annum. This property, included in the townland of Cornehaugh, was purchased f'rom the heirs of Creely by Mr. Hill, the ancestor of the present Marquis of Downshire.

The manors of Newry, Mourne and Carlingford, having been enjoyed by the Bagnal family, for upwards of a century, were latterly shared by two proprietors, Robert Nedham and Edward Bayly, in whom they vested by the will of their fatherin law, Nicholas Bagnal. In 1715, they were divided. The Down and Armagh estates fell to Nedham, and the Louth to Bayly. Edward Bayly was great grandfather to the present proprietor, the Earl of Uxbridge. The next, Robert Nedham, on his decease, left two sons. George, the elder, sold part of the estate to enable him to discharge certain debts with which it was encumbered; having, for this purpose, procured an act of Parliament. William not having married, nor having any near male relations, left the estate by will to the prede- cessor of the present proprietor, Francis Needham, Viscount Kilmorey. His lordship's income, arising from the Newry and Mourne estates, amounts at present to about £15,000

The town of Newry was reduced to a very ruinous condition in the rebellion of 1641. It was surprised by Sir Con Magenis, at the breaking out of the rebellion, and continued in his possession ten weeks, after which it was retaken by Lord Conway. At this time, the inhabitants suffered many grievous hardships.

After the restoration, the town was rebuilt, and improved considerably; till in 1689, it was burned by the Duke of Berwick, the better to enable him to secure his retreat before the English forces under the command of the Duke of Schomberg. The castle and five or six houses only escaped the con flagration.

The church was demolished in 1641; the walls and steeple, however, were suffered to remain. It continued in this ruinous state till after the restoration, when one half of the church, together with the vestry was covered. About the year 1720, the other half of it was repaired ; and in 1729, the roof was taken off, and the walls raised six feet higher, to make room for a gallery. Around the church is the ground in which the Protestants of the town and its vicinity bury their dead.

It appears from King James's patent, that besides the church in the town there were two chapels connected with it, belonging to the parish, one called Templegiveron, and the other Castlelenegan.

The old church not being conveniently situated nor suffuciently large enough, a new one has lately been erected in a more convenient situation, and on a larger plan. The first stone of this church, which is named St. Mary's, was laid by the Rev. Charles Campbell, vicar of Newry, on the 17th of October, 1810. It was opened for Divine service on the 21st of November, 1819.
The church is built in the Gothic style, of ex- cellent hammered granite, procured in the neigh- bourhood of the town. The size of the building within is 75 feet by 51, exclusive of the chancel. The height of the steeple and spire is about 190 feet.
xvi Historical Account
The ancient Presbyterian meeting-house was situated at a place still called Meeting-house Rocks, near the turnpike, on the Belfast road, about three quarters of a mile from town. It was built proba- bly about the year 1650.
The present commodious structure in High- street, was erected in the year 1722; excepting the south aisle, which was added about forty years afterwards. In the meeting-house yard, there is an excellent dial, made by Adams, of London, and presented to the congregation by Mr. Robert Wal- lace, of Croban, in the year 1757.—It appears, that, for a considerable time prior to the revolution, and after it, the congregation had for minister, the Rev. George Lang, of Carnmeen. The next minis- ter was the Rev. Robert Rainey, who continued in the charge till 1739. The Rev. James Moody, who bad been previously minister of Maherally, suc- ceeded, and died in 1772, having been minister forty years. The Rev. Boyle Moody, his son, hav- ing succeeded to the charge, died in February, 1799. His successor, the Rev. John Thom, who had been invited from Scotland, became minister in 1800, and died in July, 1808. The Rev. A. G. Malcom, D. D. great grandson of the Rev. George Lang, and also kinsman of the Messrs. Moody, was installed in March, 1809. He had previously been minister of the congregation of Dunmurry.
The number of families belonging to the Presby- terian congregation, amount to nearly 400.
The present Catholic chapel is situated at that extremity of Boat-street, which is now denomi- nated Chapel-street, on a rising ground, at the bottom of which the former chapel had stood. It was built in 1789, and the inhabitants of Newry, of all, religious denominations, contributed very liberally to it. It is a large, well built house, with three galleries, and has a spacious burying ground connected with it, part of which was given by the
Of the Town of Newry. xvii
late Lord Kilmorey. The former cemetery, and the most ancient Catholic chapel of the town were situ- ated in Boat-street, at the place now occupied as a potato-market. This chapel was that which apper- tained to the monastery; and some remains of it were standing about eighty years ago. On opening the street and levelling the ground at this place (a thing which occasioned murmuring) great heaps of human remains were displaced, of which large quantities were carried away and deposited in the present Catholic burying ground. Much of the earth raised on this occasion was taken to fill up a large hollow between Boat-street and the Dublin bridge.
The ground for the new chapel was given by Mr. Nedham ; and the present Lord Kilmorey presented the parish with a handsome organ, which is now used by them in public worship.,
Doctor Lennan left £30 a year to a clergyman to perform divine service in the chapel of Newry every day, for ever. Mr. Fitzsimons, of Newry, also bequeathed an equal sum for the same purpose ; so that every day there are two services in the cha- pel, and on Sundays and holidays three.
Opposite to the chapel is a Catholic school-house, built about fourteen years ago. Dr. Lennan had left £600 in the 5 per cents, to endow the school, with permission to his executors to subtract £100 from it toward building a school-house. The exe- cutors, however, not wishing to break the original sum, succeeded in building a good school-house by other means.
There is a meeting-house of Seceders of the associate synod, situated off Church-street, with a burying ground adjoining. Mr. Nedham gave the ground for 6d. a year rent. The first congregation of Seceders was formed hereabout the year 1750.
In William-street there is a Methodist chapel,
xviii Historical Account
which has lately been made a very comfortable place of worship. The present preachers are, the Rev. George Stephenson and the Rev. Edward Cobain.
The old custom-house, a very good building, is situated on the river, opposite to what was formerly the lowest lock of the canal. It has latterly been occupied as a fever hospital. The present custom- house stands on the Merchants'-quay, and is a plain building. Lately, extensive and well-built stores have been erected in the adjoining yard.
The court-house is situated in Hill-street, and was formerly a market-house, built by private sub- scription. But no lease having been procured, it became the property of the Downshire family. It was altered into a sessions-house about the year 1805. Though in a central situation, it is, at pre- sent, rather injurious to the appearance of the street in which it stands, being an awkward old building. If it were removed, and bridges erected over the river and the canal, opposite Margaret-street, a considerable improvement would be thus effected in that part of the town.
The sessions-house in Ballybot has a good gaol connected with it. The only place of confinement in the County Down side, consists of two small cells under the Boat-street market-house.
The house containing the news-room and ball- room was built by some gentlemen of the town and neighbourhood, in 1794. A variety of newspapers and other publications are read at the news-room. The room is furnished with an excellent Atlas and barometer, a gazeteer, army and navy lists, &c. &c. Exchange is held in it every Thursday. It is open for all strangers. The rent and other charges are defrayed by the annual contributions of the sub- scribers.
The theatre was built by Mr. Betterton, about the year 1783, by subscription. Tickets of admis- sion were granted to the subscribers, according to
Of the Town of Newry. xix
the sums subscribed. But an ejectment for non- payment of rent having issued, the property of the subscribers was lost.
The present barrack was built by a company of gentlemen, originally for a white linen-hall. The design not having succeeded, the concern was sold to government for about one-third of what it had cost, which was about £14,000. The buildings are remarkably well adapted to the uses to which they are at present applied. It is thought, that they could not have been better planned, even if they had at first been designed for a military pur- pose. Their proximity to the canal is a great ad- vantage. They are equal to the accommodation of 1144 men. There is, however, a separate bar- rack for the officers in the street called Corry-place.
The old butter-crane was situated in Boat street. The place being too far distant from the canal, and otherwise incommodious, the late Lord Kilmorey erected a new one on the canal, at Ballybot bridge, which is large and convenient, and well adapted to the trade. A commodious corn market-house has also been erected in Ballybot.
On the 16th of August, 1813, a Lancasterian school was established in Newry, under the patro- nage of a number of ladies. On an average, 140 children give regular attendance. They are charged one penny a week for their tuition. The school is at present held in the room above the meal market- house; but the inhabitants of Newry look forward to a much more perfect establishment for the edu- cation of the poor.
A work school for the benefit of female children has also been established by the ladies of Newry. A room was taken in Hide-street, and a mistress engaged, who attends three hours daily, to instruct the children in the several kinds of needle work. About twenty girls, who attend the Lancasterian school in the morning, are taught in this place.
xx Historical Account
In the year 1809, a Reading Society was formed in Newry. Each member, besides the sum required on admission, pays one guinea pet annum. This money is applied to paying a librarian and pur- chasing books.
in 1812, a Bible Society was established, form- ing a branch of the Hibernian Bible Society. Lord Kilmorey is president. The repository is at Surgeon Miller's, in Market-street.
In 1814, a Humane Society, for the recovery of persons apparently dead, was established. This was imperiously called for by the many afflicting instances of death occasioned by drowning, which had of late years occurred in Newry.—The society have purchased an excellent resuscitative apparatus, and have appointed a number of receiving houses in convenient situations. They have also published cards of instruction for restoring suspended anima- tion.
A company, named " The Newry Amicable An- nuity Company," was established in 1770. Its ob- ject is to provide an annuity for the widows of the members. At present the capital is upwards of £25,000; the number of members one hundred, and the number of annuities twenty-eight. The company pay, from year to year, whatever sum the interest of the capital, appears to authorize. At present the widows receive £56. The admission money and subscriptions go to the augmentation of the stock. The monies of the company are lent on private security; maiden mortages of lands only being accepted.
There are two classical schools at present in Newry, which are very well attended.
A public bakery has for some years been carried on in Newry, which has been of considerable utility in regulating the assize of bread.
There are at present two large distilleries in New- ly. The old one, though not working at present, is
Of the Town of Newry. xxi
one of the most complete concerns of the kind in Ireland. The distillery in Monaghan-street, is as perfect as possible, and produces excellent whiskey. In Ballybot, there are two extensive breweries, both of which are working at present.
Near Violet-hill there is an establishment for the manufacture of spades, shovels, and rod and hoop iron; and in Newry there is a foundry for casting brass and iron.
The consequence of the town of Newry, is best ascertained by its commerce. This is very consi- derable ; and is partly to be attributed to the ex- cellence of the navigation, and partly to the geo- graphical situation of that town, which is naturally connected with several flourishing counties, parti- cularly Armagh, Down, Monaghan, Louth, Cavan, Fermanagh and Tyrone.
The total tonnage invoiced yearly at the port of Newry, amounts to 40,000 tons.
The revenue of the port and district of Newry, yearly, in customs, excise and stamps, amounts to 270,000l. the customs being taken at 123,000l. the excise at 125,000l. and the stamps at 22,000l.
The quantity of flaxseed imported, when the trade is open, is very considerable. On an average, it may be taken at 9,000 hogsheads, yearly.
Newry has a very considerable export of butter, provisions, and linen cloth. The export of the former, may annually be rated at 80,000 casks, averaging. 3l. 10s. per cask. Besides this, there are from 1000 to 1200 crocks sold at the crane, for home consumption, averaging 1l. 5s. per crock.
From the first of October, 1813, till the first of July, 1814, there were exported from Newry, 1285 tierces of beef, 1960 barrels of pork, and 600 bales of bacon.
In 1814, there were exported 23,350 barrels of oats of 14 stone—4546 barrels of wheat of 20 stone —2760 packs and boxes of linen—2600 bales of
xxii Historical Account
flax, average weight, 4 cwt. 2 qrs.— 3942 pigs, and 698 cows, besides sheep and horses, large quantities of feathers, bran, tanners' waste, horns, &c. — The entire export may be valued at one million annually.
It appears from the patent, that in the reign of James I. the town of Newry contained about 300 edifices. At present, the number may be stated to be about 2500, and the number of inhabitants 13,000.
The town has a very considerable market for linens, butter, flax, oats, pigs, potatoes, &c. The linen market at present averages about £5,000.
Newry has two fairs, and Ballybot, also called Southwark, may hold four in the year. The latter were obtained many years ago, at the instance of two considerable merchants named O Hear, but are not now held.
Arrival and Departure of the different Mail and Stage Coaches.
The Belfast and Dublin Royal Day Mail starts from the office, No. 10, Castle-street, Belfast, every morning at 5 o'clock ; breakfasts at Newry, and arrives at the Waterford Hotel, Sackville street, at 7 o'clock in the evening ; from whence it starts for Belfast, at 7 every morning, dines at Newry, and arrives in Belfast at half past 9 in the evening.
The Belfast and Dublin Royal Night Mail starts from the above office in Belfast, every day, at 4 in the afternoon; arrives in Newry at half past 9, and in Dublin, at the same office as the above coach, at 7 o'clock next morning; from whence it starts for Belfast at 8 o'clock in the evening, breakfasts next morning in Newry, and arrives in Belfast at 11. The Lark Day Coach starts from Williams's Hotel, Newry, precisely at 7 o'clock every morn-
Of the Town of Newry. xxiii
ing, breakfasts at Dundalk, and arrives in Dublin at 5 in the evening, at No. 6, Bolton-street; starts every morning at 7 o'clock for Newry.
The Armagh Coach starts from Mrs. Hillan's Hotel, Water-street, Newry, every evening, and leaves M'Kean's inn, Armagh, for Newry, at 6 o'clock in the morning.

The Downpatrick Coach starts from Mrs. Hillan's on the mornings of Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays; returns every Tuesday, Thursday, and Sunday, from Mr. Ward's, Downpatrick.

Conveyances by Water.
Three packets, The St. Patrick, Captain Whyley, The Marquis, Captain Hall, and The Mary, Captain Gooden, sail with passengers, &c. from Warrenpoint to Liverpool, and return alternately.

A few years ago, a passage boat was built by several gentlemen, to ply between Newry and Knock-bridge, on the Newry canal. It leaves Newry every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday, and returns every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.

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