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Thomas Bradshaws Directory of Markethill 1820


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Markethill 1819


BARKER, Captain of the Armagh staff.
Barker, Arthur, tailor.
Bradford, Benjamin, Esq.
Brooks, Charles, shoemaker.
Burrows, John, saddle

CARROLL, Matthew, mason.
Clark, Rev. James.
Connor, Thomas, shoemaker.
Connor, Thomas, butcher.
Corrigan, Henry, huxter.
Coulter, Alexander, hosier.
Craig, Alexander, tailor.
Cumings, Thomas, shoemaker.

DAVIS, Thomas, dealer in flax.

FERAN, Sylvester, confectioner.

GILLIS, Joseph, woollendraper.
Glassy, Brent, butcher.
Gordon, Samuel, woollendraper.
Gosford, the Right Hon. Earl of, Gosford Castle.
Graham, Thomas, shoemaker.
Gray, John, innkeeper, King's Arms.
Gray, Francis, farmer.
Gray, Alexander, carpenter.
Greer, James, bluedier.

HANLON, William, flaxdresser

IRWIN, John, publican.

JEPHSON, Rev. Mr. Mullabrack.

KAY, Arthur, Esq.

LENNON, Daniel, butcher.

MARTIN, William, Esq. Mullabrack,
Martin, William, huxter.
Mason, Daniel, leather seller.
Mitcher, John, agent to the Earl of Gosford, Gosford castle.

Monypeny, David, gent.
Monypeny, Charles, woollen draper.
Monypeny, J. post mistress, grocer and spirit- dealer.

M'CALL, John, grocer and tallow chandler.
M'Creary, John, publican.
M'Creary. Thomas, grocer.
M'Kee, Bernard, linendraper.
M'Kenna, J. blacksmith.

M'Mahon, Thomas, reedmaker.
M'Nally, Mrs.
M'Parlin, Michael, publican, Sun.
M'Roberts, James, weaver.

NEAL, Henry, wheelwright.

O'HEAR, John, shoemaker.
O'Neill, Paul, wheelwright.
Ougheltree, Robert, hardwareman.
Ougheltree, David, publican.

PIDGEON, Edward, cooper.
Pollard, Matthew, grocer

RANKIN, Joseph, shoemaker.
Robinson, George, huxter

SCOTT, William, publican.
Sheals, Bernard, flaxdresser.
Sinclair, Archibald, linendraper.
Sinclair, George, surgeon.
Stretton, Mrs. innkeeper,
Grapes. Stuart, Daniel, reedmaker.

THOMPSON, James, huxter.
Thompson, James, gunsmith.

WALKER, Arthur, painter and glazier.
Wann, John, steward to Lord Gosford.
Wilson, Joseph, surgeon and apothecary.
Woodhouse, Ralph, grocer.

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