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Wednesday 19 March 2025


Weddings in Ireland.

Get A Free Wedding Web Site.


If you are in the process of getting married you could have a web site totally dedicated to your wedding. We at will give you all you need. All we ask is that you keep it clean, decent, non political etc.

All you have to do is choose one of our templates, a username and password and you in business, after we upload your template you can begin editing your site, the editing software works exactly like Microsoft Word, it's simplicity itself to use, you don't need to know anything about html coding at all. We have an extensive help section on the site, also lots of images and backgrounds etc you can use on your site.

Today personal wedding web sites are becoming extremely popular, as couples realize the potential to use their site not only to display information and directions to their wedding venue's, which is especially useful to guests unfamiliar with the area. But also to assist with planning, couples who's bridal party are dispersed across the country or even the world, can use the site to post images or lists pertaining to planning etc.

We have only one wedding site on line at the moment, in the meantime why not have a look at some of our business templates, any of which could be modified to suit a wedding site.