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Wednesday 19 March 2025


For Weddings in Ireland.

A Venue for the Service.

The venue chosen for your wedding will depend on many factors, your religious beliefs and those of your partner being the main one's, also sometimes parental considerations have to be taken into account,. The younger generation today sometimes do no adhere as strictly to their religious up bring as their parents would perhaps wish. A couple who would be happy with a civil ceremony may for reasons of family unity choose to have a religious service.

A Civil Ceremony.

Text about a civil ceremony here.

Getting Married Abroad.

There are many option open to couples today who wish to marry abroad, and a myriad of company's offering wedding packages in far flung places across the world. For couples who just want a quiet wedding with only a few people present, this is an ideal option. Several of these are advertised on this page of our site.
Be careful what you book with regard to foreign weddings we have had a few comments that some of the weddings had a production line conveyor belt feel to them.
In the table below we have listed a few countries together with the necessary requirements to marry in that country.
We hope to enlarge this list as soon as the necessary information becomes available to us.

All country's listed below require you both to hold a ten year passport.
You Must bring both your passport and birth certificate.
Marriage certificate's issued by the country's below are recognize in both the UK and Ireland.
Minimum Age
Tour Operators
Required Documents
One Working Day Visa, certificate of intent to marry from Australian consulate.
24 Hrs Affidavit confirming single status. If name changed by deed poll legal proof. If adopted adoption certificate. Birth certificate. Decree absolute if divorced. Death certificate for former spouse if widowed.
One Working Day. Adoption certificate if applicable. If name changed by deed poll legal proof. Affidavit stating both parties are free to marry. Birth certificate. Decree absolute if divorced. Death certificate for former spouse if widowed.
40 Days. Requirements vary with different localities. Contact the mayor's office in your chosen locality.
18 but 16 with parental consent.
Two Working Days. Adoption certificate if applicable. If name changed by deed poll legal proof. Affidavit stating both parties are free to marry. Birth certificate. Decree absolute if divorced. Death certificate for former spouse if widowed.

16 bride 18 groom with parental consent

Four Working Days Affidavit stating both parties are free to marry. Birth certificate. Decree absolute if divorced. Death certificate for former spouse if widowed
Les Vegas
18 16 with parental consent.
None Proof of ID with passport or birth certificate. Both parties must get the license from the Marriage License Bureau 200 South 3rd Street
Two working days Couples must sign an affidavit Religious services require 15 days. First six pages of both passports. Birth certificates. Decree absolute if divorced. Proof of deed poll if name changed. Death certificate of spouse if widowed. Affidavit of single status stamped by a notary. Photocopies of documents must be sent four weeks prior to the wedding.
18 16 with parental consent
One working day. Birth certificates. Details of names addresses and occupations of the couple, as well as both set of parents. Decree absolute if divorced. Death certificate of spouse if widowed. Affidavit confirming no hindrance to marriage. Documents must be lodged eleven days prior to the ceremony and must be in English and French.

What you will need to marry abroad.

Your birth certificate.
A current ten year passport.
If widowed former spouse's death certificate.
Written parental consent if you are under 18 21 in some country's see table above.
Legal proof if your name has been changed by Deed Poll..
A Decree Absolute if you are divorced.

Please Note.
We have made every effort to ensure that the information in the table above is accurate, we strongly advise you to contact your consulate in the area which you choose to double check exactly what the current local requirements are.

A Church Service.

What could be more romantic than to be married in the church in which your parents and perhaps even your grandparents were married, and you were christened. In today's changing society this is not often the case, although here in Ireland we are fortunate that our family and social structures are still very much intact.

A Stately Home.

As 1st January 2004 the law relating to weddings in NI was changed radically, enabling owners of properties to apply to be licensed as a wedding venue, the National Trust is one of the organizing which have taken advantage of this and make some of their property's available for weddings. .

Ireland is changing the rules.

The laws governing marriage in Ireland will probably change in the near future, a government appointed committee has recommended that changes take place to bring Ireland more in step with the rest of Europe. It should be possible in the not too distant future to marry in venues other than a chapel or registry office. At present a marriage can only be solemnized by a member of the clergy or an appointed civil registrar, and the venue must be a place of public worship, a public meeting house or a registry office.

Useful Contacts Numbers.

Religious Weddings.
Church of England. 020 7898 1000
Catholic Marriage Care. 020 7243 1898
Catholic Inquiry Office. 020 8458 3316
Jewish Marriage Council. 020 8203 6311
United Reform Church. 020 7916 2020
Muslim Council Of Great Britain. 020 8903 9024
Methodist Church. 020 7222 8010
Greek Orthodox. 020 7723 4787
Church Of Scotland. 0131 225 5722
Baptist Union. 01235 517700
Methodist Central Hall. 020 7222 8010
Alternative Ceremonies.
Office of National Statistics. 0151 471 4200
The British Humanist Association. 020 7079 3580
Civil Weddings.
General Register Office of England & Wales. 0151 471 4448
General Register Office Of Scotland. 0131 334 0380
General Register Office for Jersey. 01534 502335
General Register Office for Guernsey. 01481 725227
Registrar General Dublin. 00353 1671 1000
General Register Office for Northern Ireland 028 9025 2000