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Wednesday 19 March 2025

Wedding Transport.

Choosing Your Wedding Transport.

Whatever the plans for your arrival at your wedding, there are several considerations which will effect your choice, your budget probably is the number one factor, how close you live to the wedding venue's, how far from the wedding venue to the reception venue. Your Wedding transport should be in keeping with the overall theme of the wedding. Don't forget the car will be the backdrop for many of your wedding photographs, so make sure its colour will not clash with the colour scheme of your wedding. You may own or have a friend who owns a car which you would like to use for your wedding transport, this option is quite acceptable, don't forget to organize a driver and have it valet for the big day..

There is a wide choice of wedding transport available today horse drawn glass carriages, vintage cars, helicopters, motorbikes and sidecars even boats, In certain lake-land areas with wedding venues and hotels close to lake shores, using boats is a practical if unusual means of wedding transport. The weather could have serious repercussions on this arrangement, it may be wise to have alternate transport available just in case.

Decorate The Car.

Most hirers will supply ribbons, check that the colours they stock match your colour scheme.

Order of Arrival

The bridesmaids should be the first to leave, it is usual for the brides mother to travel with them. The bride and her father or who ever is giving her away leave last and of course it is traditionally expected that she be a little late, but only a little.

The best man and the groom travel to the church together usually the best man drives either his own or the grooms car. If sufficient funds are available the the groom and best man can have their own executive or classic transport. The groom and best man are expected to be early

After the Ceremony

Your chosen transport will be waiting to take the party to the reception, the bridesmaids can be accompanied by the bride's mother, another possibility is that the bride's fathers can use his car providing of course his car has been left at the church earlier. Guests are normally expected to arrange their own transport, don't forget to arrange lifts for guests who are elderly or infirm or don't have their own transport. Instruct the best man and the ushers to ensure that no one gets left behind at the church, this could be very distressing for a elderly person.

It is usual for the have a bottle of Champagne chilling on ice in the back of your car for a post-ceremony celebratory drink. While you travel between the ceremony and reception. Some company's supply this as part of the deal, inquire about this when you are booking.

Going Away

It has long been a tradition to decorate the going away transport of the bride and groom, shoes, tin cans, balloons etc.

If you're leaving for your honeymoon straight after the wedding, remember to take your luggage with you to the reception. Organizing this normally is the duty of the best man. So liaise with him to ensure all runs smoothly on the day.


Wedding Cars

There are wedding cars of every description available in Ireland you can have American stretch limousines, Rolls Royce's, Daimlers and Mercedes. Visit our transport page and click on your county to find one near to you, on this page you will find specialist hirers who have some really unique vintage cars. You can hire an open top Rolls Royce, there are Rolls Royce's available in many colours, visit some of the web site's most will give you a on line quotation. Most of these company's will have the chauffeur attired to match the period of the car. It is sometimes possible to hire a vintage car from an enthusiasts, the thing to watch here is insurance, most insurance do not cover hire and reward.
It is best to hire from a company who have a fairly large fleet in the unlikely event of a breakdown a replacement will be available
Make sure you see the cars before booking or paying a deposit, photos, leaflets and web sites can disguise dents or a scruffy interior.

The Cost

Transport company's usually charge per day, Saturday usually commands a premium especially in the peak summer periods (June to September)
Prices can vary enormously expect to pay between £200 and £400 for the day, possibly with an additional mileage charge

Most firms will ask for a deposit at the time booking and settlement in full some time prior to the day of you wedding.

When making your booking make arrangements as to how you would like the car (car's) decorated, and how the chauffeur's will be dressed.

Horse and Carriage

What could be more romantic than to be transported from venue to venue in a reproduction 18 Th. century carriage, this form of transport is only feasible when the distance between venues is short, the weather can have an adverse effect although all carriages that operate in our area have protective hoods, some enclosed carriages also have heating (wouldn't the ancestors be jealous) if you are considering this form of transport, it would be wise to book very far in advance.I was speaking recently to someone who operate this service and she said that they have taken bookings for summer 2006.
If you have this form of transport in mind book it early To save you the tedium of searching the wedding transport page, where these company's are listed. You can visit the equestrian transport page, they are also listed on that page along with other equestrian links. You will find company's who provide this service some covering the whole of Ireland.
Most people would agree that this form of transport is impressive, it certainly is eye catching although it can be quite expensive, but probably worth every penny.

Questions To Ask.

  • Do you give discounts for mid week bookings.
  • Can you supply coach transport for guests.
  • Will the car be decorated and how.
  • Does the quotation include Vat.
  • Will the driver be in uniform.
  • Do you have backup cars in the event of an accident etc.
  • Do you require a deposit and how much.
  • When do you expect the remainder.

Click here if you would like to print the above question list.