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For Weddings in Ireland.

Choosing A Photographer.

How To Find A Photographer..

Really the most fool proof way is by recommendations, question friends and relations who have recently been married. They will have first hand, current, practical experience and will be able to advise you as to whether or not they were happy with the quality of service they received from the photographer they employed.

If possible ask to see the photographs and note any that you are particularly impressed by, this will be of help to you when deciding on the stile of your photographs. If you visit our photographers page you will find many photographers in your area, Many of these have web sites where you can view samples of their work.

Search our database for Photographer listings

Pick A Style.
If you haven't decided on the style of your photographs, you must get to see as many example as possible. Your friend's who have already taken the plunge, bridal magazines, or look on line, on our Photographer's and Video page you will find many examples on the web site's of photographer's from all over Ireland, these may help you with your choice.

Consider Video.

A growing number of couples today are using video as well as stills to capture the magic of their wedding day. Video has a lot to offer, it captured us exactly as we are complete with mannerism's. So really isn't it a perfect opportunity when you have so many of your loved ones and friends together in one place, to have a live pictorial record which can be shown to the generations as yet unborn.

These video's can be put on a CD, which can be easily and cheaply copied by most home PC's, Ask your videographer about this. You could even consider sending a copy to your guest's along with the thank you note. I'm quite sure your stationer could come up with a beautiful presentation case for your CD if you decide on this option.

If you have a wedding web site some of your wedding video could be shown on it, with more people adopting broad band the quality of video which is possible on this medium is quite amazing.

Visit our page on choosing a videographer.

Consult Your Budget.
This is one aspect of your wedding expenditure which it would be unwise to economise. The images that you get from your photographer will hopefully be around for your life time and beyond. They may be looked upon by your grand children or great grand children, so what you want is a beautiful visual record that will last for many generations, the sentimental value of which will be appreciated as time goes by.

Check With Venue's.

Some houses of worship forbid video or flash photography.

If your photo session is to be held at the reception venue, check with them that the backdrop or special feature that you wish to use are available, and not in use by another party.
Don't forget that when you are engaged in your photo shoot, your guests will need to be entertained until you return.

Your Photograph Album.

Don't skimp on quality when choosing your photograph album, it will most likely be around when you are both gone. I know this is a sobering thought, with you both, most likely still in your prime, and with a large percentage of you life still in front of you. Life slips by at what seems to be an ever increasing pace, enjoy it and savour it, and each other.

I have digressed from the subject in hand, (I could with some justification blame a rather nice glass of wine) the fact is your wedding album will be looked upon by your children and grand children yet to be born, so get one of quality.

Questions To Ask The Photographer

  • How many pictures will be taken and how many you'll get to choose for your album?
  • Is there any hidden charges; travel costs, accommodation?
  • Is the album is included in the price? If not, can you supply your own album?
  • What is the position regarding the negatives, and who holds the copyright?
  • Will they be photographing at the wedding themselves or sending an assist?
  • Are they familiar with the venue and area? If not would they be prepared to visit it prior to the wedding?
  • How long after the wedding will it be until the album would be ready?
  • Do they have public liability insurance and indemnity?
  • Do you have a competent assistant or colleague who would be available to stand in, in the event of sickness or injury?

Click here if you would like to send the above questions to your printer. You might like to have them to hand when you visit your photographer.