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Wednesday 19 March 2025

For Weddings in Ireland.

Your Invitation Cards.

When your wedding invitation arrive at your guests home, it speaks volumes of who you are and what is to come, it is the first step in establishing a theme and setting the tone of your wedding

Until recently the universal choice for invitation cards was black ink. There is a design revolution in wedding stationary with many materials, used to spectacular effect. Handmade paper, decorated with feathers, beads, silks, ribbons or flower petals, choice is limited only by your imagination. Do you want a simple elegant traditional style with copperplate script, or handmade especially to your taste. Contemporary, Celtic, Gothic or cartoon. The design for the invitations can carry on to the Order of Service, place settings, evening invitations, menu cards, thank you cards. There are many novelties that you might find fun, balloons, confetti, ring cushions. The choice is endless, engraved cards, this practice is now changing couples are now striving to imprint their personal touch and using customized logos, woodblock prints and handmade papers.

Unique Invitations.
Of course you would like your invitation to be unique, but where do you begin. Think about the style and formality of your wedding. If your wedding is to be a formal one then perhaps a simple card with a cornucopia or a grapevine printed in gold or silver would be most striking. A pink or cream card with black ink, perhaps using gothic calligraphy.

If you wedding is to be totally informal then your invitations can reflect this informality, you could use handmade paper incorporating pressed flowers and tied with a ribbon, to impart a rustic country image, which would particularly suit if you wedding is to be out doors. If you plan a beach wedding then it is worth considering having a marine theme to your cards with shells, fish etc.

Commission An Artist.
It is possible to commission a graphic artist to sketch or paint something that is absolutely unique to you, many such artists work from photographs, the possibilities are almost limitless if you go down this line. This option could perhaps be a little expensive, but would be very impressive. Most good wedding stationers offer artists drawings, motif and borders as standard. There are several such companies listed here you can visit their web sites and view samples of their products. You could also choose a motif from the vast amount of Internet clip art available, or better still design one yourself.

A Touch Of Class.
Invitations made from cotton waste is of exceptional quality, this type of paper as well as hand made have an undeniably luxurious textured feel to them, Vellum a parchment like paper can also be used, it can be printed and used as an overlay on the card.

Another way to enhance your invitation cards and perhaps add a period feel is to have them folded and sealed with sealing wax, these waxes are available in gold as well as the traditional red.

The colour's incorporated in you card should complement those which you have decided upon as the overall colour scheme of your wedding.

Write Them Yourself.
It is of course quite acceptable to hand write your invitations, most good high street stationers stock a range of ready made invitation cards. This is the most cost effective option, these cards are printed by the thousand, as opposed to custom printed cards which have a small production run.
After all it says a lot that you took the time to sit down and write all the invitations yourself.
You may have a friend who possesses exceptional handwriting skills, you may be able to prevail upon them to write your cards.

Retain A Calligrapher.
ou could choose to employ a professional calligrapher to write your cards. This is naturally an expensive option, but you will be guarantied to impress with beautifully written cards, place settings and envelopes.


The invitations are traditionally sent out by the bride's parents, although where the invitations are sent from will be dictated by family situations, as will the actual wording of the card, your stationer will advise on this but broadly speaking the wording for different family situations would be as below.

Some couples choose to include a poem or verse on their invitations, some even have a thank you for attending verse. A section of the site is dedicated to love poetry although most of them would be too long to include on your invitations you might like to read some of them. We have included some verse's below which you might think suitable to include on your invitations.


Bride's parents as hosts.

and Mrs. John McSherry

request the pleasure of

(Guest or guest's)

at the marriage of their daughter

Mr. Ivan Sloan.

at St Antony's Church Any town.

at 4 o'clock

and afterwards at
The Strand Hotel.


Divorced parents if Brides mother has remarried.

Mr John McSherry
and Mrs Mrs Irene Hamill

request the pleasure of

(Guest or guest's)

at the marriage of their daughter

Mr Ivan Sloan.

at St Antony's Church Any town.

at 4 o'clock

and afterwards at
The Strand Hotel.


Divorced parents
if Brides mother has not remarried.

Mr John McSherry and
Mrs Julie McSherry

request the pleasure of

(Guest or guest's)

at the marriage of their daughter Jane

to Mr Ivan Sloan.

at St Antony's Church Any town.

and afterwards at
The Strand Hotel.

emarried father and mother as hosts.

Mr and Mrs John McSherry
and Mr and Mrs James Smith
request the pleasure of

(Guest or guest's)

at the marriage of their daughter Jane

to Mr Ivan Sloan.At

at St Antony's Church Any town.

and afterwards at
The Strand Hotel.

Brides mother as host if she is widowed.

Mrs John McSherry

request the pleasure of

(Guest or guest's)

at the marriage of her daughter

Mr Ivan Sloan.

at St Antony's Church Any town.

on Saturday 19th February 2005
at 2 pm

and afterwards at
The Strand Hotel.


Brides mother widowed or divorced hosting the wedding with brides stepfather.

Mr and Mrs Patrick Hamill

request the pleasure of

(Guest or guest's)

at the marriage of her daughter

to Mr Ivan Sloan.

at St Antony's Church Any town.

on Saturday 19th February 2005 at 2 pm

and afterwards at
The Strand Hotel.




Mr and Mrs John McSherry and Mr and Mrs James Smith request the pleasure of

(Guest or guest's)

at the marriage of their daughter Jane

to Mr Ivan Sloan.At (Venue)



If the location of your wedding venue's are difficult to find, or they are located in an area which would make commuting to them difficult, you should include with the invitations location maps and contact details of local taxi firms.

Include your RSVP cards and envelopes preferably stamped. If you have a gift list you can write the details of this on a card. If you have a wedding web site don't forget to include the URL of this on you invitations. On you web site you can have all the details relating to your wedding, directions to the venue's including maps, taxi firms, order of service sheets etc.


Your Own Personalised Wedding Stamps.

Regarding stamps in Northern Ireland the post office has recently launched a scheme, which enables individuals or company's to make their own postage stamps. For a fee of £50 per year you get the soft ware to make the stamps, you can use whatever images you wish, and you pay the postage fee on line.

This would seem an ideal way to Personalised your invitations, with your very own wedding stamp designed by you. We will publish details here when we find out more.


Post Early.
Don't leave it too late to post out your invitations, three months before is the usually accepted time, and make a list of those who accept and refuse with the proper post codes. Overseas guests might need more advance notice.

If you visit our wedding stationary page you will find many company's supplying wedding stationary, visit their web site's and get an idea of the myriad possibilities.

Below are some verses you might like to add to your wedding stationary.

The path that leads to happiness
is so narrow that two
cannot walk on it
unless they become one

Let this be our destiny,
to begin each new day together
to share our lives


And now abideth
Faith, Hope, Love, all three
and the greatest of these
is Love

As delicate as the petals of a flower
so blooms the love and friendship
that will carry us down
the path we chose together


Each hour, each day, each year
we grow as two, yet as one,
we grow apart, yet together
forming an eternal love

A west wind stirs the air
the moon in your eyes is glistening
the wind whispers the love we share
and the evening stars are listening


In the sweetness of love,
let there be laughter,
and in all our tomorrow's,
the freshness of today.

The trail winds onward through the hills
from here to prairie's end
Will our journey ever last?
As long as you're my love my friend


Love fills the moment
and the moment begins eternity
Love fills a lifetime
and a lifetime begins this hour

As a flower reaches to the sky
for the suns loving warmth
so a man and a woman
reach to one another for love


I took his hand
to have and to hold
Our hearts embraced
and never let g

On our wedding day
a new life has its start
We'll share with each other
one love, one dream, one heart


This day
I will marry my friend
the one I laugh with, live for,
dream with, love

Today two lives
will become one
united by vows
spoken with love


As long as forever
my Love will be true
for as long as I live
I'll love only you
Two lives,
Two hearts
Joined in friendship
Joined in love

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