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Wednesday 19 March 2025


For Weddings in Ireland.

Planning Your Honeymoon.

Six To Eight Months

. Your honeymoon is probably the pinnacle of the whole wedding experience.A reward which you and your partner richly deserve after the trials and tribulations of planning and organizing it all. Probably the best advice to give regarding the honeymoon is to plan well in advance and to research your chosen destination thoroughly.
Decide on what type of honeymoon you both want, if you aren't constrained by available finance then the available choice's are staggering.
Usually it is the budget that decides the destination in the end, decide on a budget and don't forget the many hidden expanses like sightseeing trips, souvenirs,bar bills, car rental etc.

Visit our honeymoon and holiday destinations page there are many honeymoon packages and special deals available if you book early.

Four TSix Months.

Book your tickets with your chosen travel agent or travel company, be sure you are getting any special package deals or honeymoon discounts. When booking your hotel room specify your exact requirements, with all bookings get a confirmation slip or number.

Keep all the paper work relating to bookings Esc in a folder, and make a list of all the relevant telephone numbers, airlines, hotels Esc, you could enter these into your mobile phone.

Find out what vaccinations you will require for you chosen destination, contact your doctor and he or she will advise what you require and when it is best administered. Also ask you doctors advise as to medication to take with you.
If you destination isn't all inclusive you should book a rental car, if you think it will be necessary.
If you are going foreign perhaps you should get a phrase book, or take a short language course.


Three Months.

Check that your passport is valid, don't forget that the name on you ticket must match that of your passport, so make sure that the brides maiden name is on the ticket.
If your destination requires a visa apply for it now.
Confirm your reservations with the airlines, and make any special arrangements.

Two Months.

If you need new traveling luggage purchase it now, along with electric adapters, batteries etc.
Find out what voltage your chosen location use, for your razor or laptop Esc, most appliances are universal, better check this out anyway.

One Month.

Make certain all money matters are in order. Be sure your credit cards are valid and that you will have enough cash or traveler's checks on hand. Stop by the bank and purchase some currency of the country you'll be visiting. It's always useful to have the right money on hand when you arrive. Confirm all reservations. Contact the places you'll be staying to make any necessary reservations for dinners, tee times, tours, special events, etc. Prepare an itinerary for your trip (be sure to include phone numbers of where you'll be staying) and give a copy to a friend or relative in case of emergency. Start thinking about your packing list. Make sure all your bills are current. If you will be away longer than a month, you can arrange for prepayment of most bills. If you have a pet, make arrangements for its care during your time away. Ask a friend to stop by and water your plants and pick up your mail. Make arrangements for wedding gifts to be delivered to a place other than your home during the time you'll be away (a relative's place might be the best idea)


Two Weeks.

If you are using a travel agent, pick up your tickets and confirm that all plans are in order. If you plan to use traveler's checks and haven't purchased them yet, now is a good time to do so. Copy down the check numbers and keep them separate from the checks. Make a copy of your passport and keep it separate from your original document.

One Week.

Pack your carryon bag. Include reading materials, your toiletries, any medication you might need, and a change of clothes in case your luggage goes astray. If you want to have your mail and newspapers held, make arrangements now. Ask a friend or neighbor to check on your home in case stray wedding presents are delivered while you're gone. Pack thank-you notes and your address list so you can write notes on the plane.


Three Days.

Make a final confirmation of all reservations, especially if you are planning an overseas flight. Buy reading materials for the flight. Finalize plans on how you'll get to and from the airport.

Day Of Departure.

If you are leaving on the day of your wedding, have one of your attendants call the airline and confirm flight times before you leave for the airport. Be sure all of your tickets and travel documents are easily accessible in your carryon bag. Plan to arrive at the airport early. Most airlines ask that passengers check in one hour in advance for domestic flights and two hours for overseas flights. When checking in, mention to the ticket agent that you are leaving on your honeymoon. You may get an upgrade or even some special V.I.P treatment! Relax and have a wonderful, romantic vacation.