wedding is the most important day
of your life. After all the time and money which you have put into arranging
your special day, it’s important you have the right insurance just in case
anything should go wrong.
Things don't often go wrong but they can, most
of the people who supply your wedding services are professionals some with
many years of experience, some even generations, and they will have contingencies
plans to put into operation in the event of a mishap.
Suppose your photographer
breaks down or has an accident on the way to your wedding, or the best
man is transporting your cake to the reception venue and it overturns
in the boot of his car, this is the sort of thing that the insurance will
would strongly advise you to
take out a policy, if only for your peace of mind. Although you make every
effort to ensure the numerous details you have set into motion all come
together at the right time to realize the wedding day of your dreams,
there are many factors that can conspire to adversely affect or perhaps
even postpone your special day, these are matters which are totally outside
of your control. It may be the illness of the bride or groom (or a close
family member) or your deposit is lost to a vendor who has gone bankrupt,
wedding insurance can safeguard the investment you are making in your
wedding and give you the confidence and of course the peace of mind in
knowing that you big day is covered. These remarkably affordable policies
are specially tailored to meet the needs of couples planning a wedding
and are appropriate for both small and large events.

What Is Wedding Insurance?
Wedding insurance is an insurance policy that is
designed to protect you from financial loss in the event your wedding
must be canceled or postponed due to circumstances beyond your control,
or one of the major elements of your wedding (e.g., photographs, wedding
attire and gifts) is lost or damaged. Most policies will respond in the
event of a cancellation or postponement resulting from causes ranging
from such common concerns as adverse weather and illness to lesser thought
of events such as unemployment and, in many cases, terrorist acts. In
addition to providing coverage for cancellation and postponement, many
wedding insurance policies include coverage to protect your wedding photography,
wedding gown and attendant clothing, jewelry and gifts from damage or
loss. Finally, most wedding insurance programs also provide the ability
to purchase liability and property damage coverage to protect the wedding
couple against claims for damage to the premises and or property rented
for the wedding reception.

What Is Covered?
Not all wedding insurance policies are alike
and the cost for a policy naturally depends on the coverage limits you
Key People.
If people crucial to the wedding are unable
to attend due to illness or injury, the cost of postponing the event is
covered. This also holds true if the officiate fails to appear on your
wedding day.
Service Providers.
If your caterer doesn't arrive with the
food, or the ceremony or reception site burns down or goes out of business,
you're covered for the cost of your nonrefundable deposits paid and expenses
incurred so that you can reschedule your special day. Some policies will
also include coverage for the increased cost of replacement items or services,
if they are available, to avoid a postponement of your event.

Additional Coverage's
There are a number of additional areas that can be covered by a wedding
insurance policy, either as part of a package coverage or which may be
added at an additional charge, including the following:
Photographs & Video. If your photographer fails to show, if the film
used for your photos is defective, or if the negatives are lost, destroyed,
or improperly developed, this coverage allows you to reunite the wedding
party for a re-shoot to capture your wedding memories.
Gifts. This coverage is designed to protect you against the theft, damage
or loss of your wedding gifts.
Wedding Attire.
If your wedding gown or the attire of one of your attendants is
lost or damaged, this coverage will provide for repair or replacement.
Loss of Deposits.
If one of your vendors goes bankrupt or ceases doing business,
this coverage will respond to reimburse you for any deposits you may lose
as a result.
Personal Liability.
More and more, wedding couples are expected to carry their own
liability insurance to protect their ceremony and reception sites against
damage to property and injury to guests. Without such coverage, you may
be left vulnerable to expensive bills and or lawsuits.