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Tis Ireland Calling Me.

by John Dawson.

'Tis shortly I'm going across the wide ocean to visit
a country I treasure as mine,
where people thier care for thier friends and relations,
and strangers are welcome at all time.

Chorus 'Tis ireland calling me far across the sea,
come back to the land which you cherish and love,
where neighbours are waiting and friends congregating,
to welcome me home again.

To walk the bog road and go down by the river,
to pass through the field of new mown hay.
Where the larks and the linnets they warble together
and welcome the spring and the long summer days.


The music resounds as we all get together,
we pause and reflect to our heartfelt delight.
The singing and dancing are mingled together,
while evening gives way to the darkness of night.


The dawn breaks over the stillness of morning,
the sadness of parting lingers awhile.
but this will give way to a purpose of gladness
when I ponder returning to the Emerald Isle,


Read a poem about Donegal by John Dawson.