24th August 1803)
Tandy the son of a Dublin ironmonger
was born in Dublin, he together with Henry
Joy McCracken, Wolf Tone
and several others founded the United
Irishmen. He supported Henry Grattan in his campaign to win
autonomy for Ireland, and he acquired popularity with his proposal
to boycott British goods in response to restrictions
imposed by the British on Irish commerce.
The French Revolution struck
a cord with with both the Presbyterians and Catholics in Ireland.
At a meeting in Belfast in July 1791 attended by some 6,000 people
it was voted that a congratulatory message should be sent to the
French people. The following year Napper tandy took a pivitol role
in organizing a new military association modelled on the French
National Guard.
Tandy attempted to bring together
the Defenders a Roman Catholic organization who had been engaged
in political violence for some years, and the United Irishmen. He
took the oath of the defenders which led him into conflict with
the authorities, as a result of which he was forced to flee to America,
wher he stayed until February 1798 when he went to Paris where he
met with Wolfe Tone and others attempting to persuade the French
to invade Ireland
In France Tandy met Napoleon
and was given command of a naval corvette, the Anacreon, he sailed
from Dunkirk accompanied by a few United Irishmen, a small number
of men and a considerable quantity of arms and ammunition intended
for the rebellion in Ireland. He arrived off the Donegal coast and
landed on the island of Rutland on September 16, 1798. |
Going ashore Tandy found the locals
were not overly entheustic about joining with him, he and his party took
posession of the village of Rutland, where he hoisted the Irish flag and
issued a procolamation. On hearing of the defeat of General Humbert, and
that the rebellion in Connaught was crushed, Tandy realised he was in
a futile situation he decided to make his way around the north of Scotland
to avoid the English fleet
Somewhere along this journey he met
and captured an English ship which he took with him to Bergen. From there
he and a few other made their way to Hamburg
He reached Bergen in safety having
brought with him an English ship captured along the way. Tandy then made
his way with three or four companions to the free port of Hamburg but
a peremptory demand from the English government to detain the fugitives
was acceded to despite a counter-threat from the French Directory.
He was tried and condemned to death
in Ireland, but was eventually reprieved through representations made
by Napoleon at the Treaty of Amiens (1802). He then settled in Bordeaux,
France. Tandy is also remembered as the hero of the popular Irish ballad
“The Wearing of the Green”.